Pei Tianyuan nodded: “I know the contribution that the Mad Ghost Sequence has made in Caiyun Ancient Town.”

“When I return to Beijing to hold a joint meeting, I will definitely give the Crazy Ghost Sequence a satisfactory answer.”

Although the plan to capture Calvin alive failed, Chen Xiao’s dedication is obvious to all.

This is a great achievement!

“Lao Pei, when will my merits be turned into materials?”

Chen Xiao spoke calmly, this is what he cares about most at this stage.

After all, after so many incidents, his achievements are probably very scary.

As long as you get the exchange permission, you might be able to get some valuable opportunities.

Pei Tianyuan smiled and said, “Chen Xiao, don’t worry. Your conferment ceremony is scheduled for a week later. After you become a mad ghost, you will permanently receive priority redemption rights.”

Chen Xiao was stunned: “A week later?”

Pei Tianyuan asked in a low voice: “What, are you going to have something to do in a week?”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “No, I just didn’t expect you to be so fast.”

Chen Xiao had learned before that, according to Pei Tianyuan, it took three days to prepare for a joint meeting.

Calculated this way, the title can be awarded in one week, which is ridiculously fast.

Pei Tianyuan smiled and said: “You can rest assured about the time issue. The conferment of serial titles is the top priority of the military region. When it comes to the degree of attention, the joint meeting must be put aside.”


Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “Just what?”

Pei Tianyuan coughed and cleared his throat: “It’s just… there may be some minor problems during the conferment ceremony. You can pretend you didn’t hear it then. After all, the most important thing is that you can use your merits after being conferred. Right?”

Chen Xiao said coldly: “What do you mean, someone is dissatisfied with me?”

An Ning on the side explained: “They are all old-timers, some of them have pedantic ideas, and most of them have never seen you take action. They have only heard of the rumored mad ghost massacre.”

Pei Tianyuan echoed in a low voice: “Chen Xiao, you have to know that according to the rumors, you are not a normal person…”

Chen Xiao: “…”

“It’s interesting. Then I’ll wait and see which senior it is. I think I’m not worthy of the sequence.”

“I will definitely be with them…”

“Communicate well.”

Chen Xiao sneered.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Oh, thank you Mad Ghost Sequence for taking action to save the border defense of Caiyun Ancient Town!”

“I wonder if the Crazy Ghost Sequence can be honored and come to our triumphal banquet tomorrow night?”

The people who came over to talk were two middle-aged men. They were the leaders of the two bases in Caiyun Ancient Town.

Gu Zhenying, Peng Liang.

They wanted to invite Chen Xiao and others to the triumphal banquet and get acquainted with them.

Chen Xiao looked cold: “There is no need for the triumphal banquet. If you want to repay me, just give me the opportunity. I won’t pick it.”

He doesn’t have time to listen to people’s compliments and flattery. Wouldn’t it be nice to have this time to increase his physique and strength?

Hear this.

Pei Tianyuan and An Ning both looked over with gloating. If you want to make friends with someone like Chen Xiao… the price you have to pay is not small.

The two leaders were speechless.

This crazy ghost sequence is too direct, just ask for a chance when you open your mouth!

And he said he didn’t want to pick…

It sounds like his requirements are not very high! If this doesn’t satisfy him, he won’t be unhappy, right?

Gu Zhenying gritted his teeth: “Crazy Ghost Sequence, the two of us will discuss it and we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!”

After saying that, Gu Zhenying dragged Peng Liang not far away and started whispering.

Peng Liang: “Lao Gu, what should we do now? This war has depleted us. The opportunities we have are reserved for a comeback! Every one of them is crucial!”

Gu Zhenying: “The top priority is to let Crazy Ghost Rentu see our sincerity! How about a comeback? Look at the base that offended him, which one has made a comeback? Dachang City has not recovered yet!”

Peng Liang: “Then you mean, if he wants a chance… let’s give it to him?”

Gu Zhenying: “Then what do you think we should do! Isn’t this the safest way? Lao Peng, we have to take a long-term view. Maybe we can still make friends with him by doing this.”

Peng Liang: “Oh, this crazy ghost Ren Tu… has obviously become a great hero of China, but now he asks for payment from us, and he goes down all of a sudden…”

Gu Zhenying: “Lao Peng! Stop saying a few words! Without him, Xueshan Base and Baiyao Base would have been gone long ago! We also learned that the favor should be repaid, right?”

Peng Liang: “Yes, yes, don’t I feel sorry for the opportunity… Then which opportunity do you think we should give you?”

Gu Zhenying: “We only have three opportunities at our disposal now, but the piranha and the jade pendant cost a price, and only the eyepatch does not cost…”

Peng Liang: “I always feel that the blindfold is of great use, otherwise we should keep it, and let the crazy ghost man choose one of the two opportunities?”

Gu Zhenying struggled for a long time.

“That’s it!”

As the whispers between the two ended, they returned to Chen Xiao’s side.

Chen Xiao had a faint smile on his lips, looking at the two of them much more cordially than before.

Gu Zhenying gritted his teeth: “Crazy Ghost Sequence, if you hadn’t taken action, everything in Caiyun Ancient Town would have been destroyed. Opportunities can be found again, but the friendship of Crazy Ghost Sequence is hard to return!”

I saw that Gu Zhenying had people bring over two opportunities. One was a bloody piranha. It was only about the size of a palm, but it exuded an unsettling and strange aura, revealing a sinister evil spirit.

Another opportunity is a crescent jade pendant, with vague patterns of clouds and mist on it, which appear and disappear like a blurry dream under the moonlight night.

all of a sudden.

These two opportunities attracted a lot of attention, and everyone was envious that Crazy Ghost Rentu could get so many treasures with just a little effort.

“Crazy Ghost Sequence, these two opportunities are our last reserves!”

“I hope Sir Sequence will be noble and choose one of them. After all, our Caiyun Ancient Town has just gone through a war and the warehouses are empty…”

Gu Zhenying rubbed his hands and looked at Chen Xiao sheepishly.

Pei Tianyuan nodded: “Yes, it is a good story that Caiyun Ancient Town repays its kindness.”

Chen Xiao smiled and said, “You’re welcome, Chief of the Valley. I don’t want either of these opportunities.”

Peng Liang’s eyes lit up: “Oh, thank you so much to the Crazy Ghost Sequence! The Crazy Ghost Sequence is so righteous!”

Gu Zhenying was a little confused, but since Chen Xiao said no and Peng Liang thanked him, he could only follow: “Thank you Mad Ghost Sequence for your righteousness! On behalf of Caiyun Ancient…”

Chen Xiao waved his hand and interrupted him.

“Did you misunderstand?”

“I just don’t want these two opportunities. After all, these two opportunities…”

“But it’s your last reserve…”

A somewhat strange sentence.

Gu Zhenying and Peng Liang looked at each other, somewhat guilty.

“Uh… I don’t know what the crazy ghost sequence means? Don’t these two opportunities suit your eyes?”

Gu Zhenying spoke tentatively.

Peng Liang also smiled: “Crazy Ghost Sequence, after all, we have just finished the war, and we have used up all the opportunities. These two opportunities are already our greatest energy.”

Chen Xiao shook his head.

“I want the blindfold you mentioned. I wonder what the two leaders think about it?”

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