Jiang Yunhan smiled and continued calmly:

“I hope Brother Dashan can stay in the warehouse and protect the peace of my warehouse.”

At this moment, Lu Xingji suddenly realized.

Boss Jiang loves his sister so much that he can’t bear to be with her, but also hates that her sister has no one to take care of her.

As for what he said about comprehensive warehousing, it’s nonsense!

How can an infrastructure that can be completed in three days be so precious that it needs to be guarded by a main force of the level of Dashan?

Chen Xiao replaced Dashan: “I can’t protect your warehouse, but I can protect this room.”

“make a deal.”

Jiang Yunhan didn’t hesitate at all. He ordered a glass of wine from Jiang Chuxue and drank it all in one gulp.

“Brother, is the place you are going to dangerous this time?”

The end of the world has been approaching for a week, and Jiang Chuxue has hardly experienced any cruelty and blood under the care of her brother.

But she is not stupid. Her brother is so well prepared this time, so something important must have happened.

“It’s not bad, it’s about the same as usual.”

Jiang Yunhan chuckled, urging the mutton to be put into the pot, and said: “The mutton summoned by my sister is one of a kind!”

Jiang Chuxue lost her usual cheerfulness and seemed to have something on her mind.

Everyone finished the hot pot meal amidst their worries and went back to their respective homes.

“Brother Xiao, you must be careful.”

Although others think that Chen Xiao and Dashan are together, they will definitely guard the warehouse.

But Tang Shirou was different. She met Chen Xiao on the first day of the apocalypse.

At that time, Chen Xiao was wearing a hospital gown and carrying a sack behind him, with his head exposed on the sack.

At Jiangbei University of the Arts, you can come and go as you please!

Tang Shirou knew that Chen Xiao would definitely leave, but she didn’t know where to go.

Chen Xiao nodded, not surprised that Tang Shirou could guess it.

Then, he bent down and picked up Tang Shirou.

Fell on the bed.

“Before you go, replenish your energy!”


Nine p.m.

Chen Xiao witnessed the departure of the vanguard.

The truck was full of people and left with the roar of the engine.

Covers almost all the power of warehousing.

Three founders and a dozen captains.

Only a single-digit captain was left to guard the home, and a big mountain was left as a trump card.

Chen Xiao quietly went upstairs and saw Dashan sitting in front of Jiang Chuxue’s room.

After a moment of sensing, he had an insight into Jiang Chuxue and Tang Shirou in the room.

The breath is steady and the energy activity is minimal. He must be asleep.

“Brother Xiao, don’t worry, I’ll guard you. Leave your two sisters-in-law to me.”

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, two sisters-in-law?

This mountain’s brain circuit is quite correct, he can make more assumptions than himself!

He didn’t bother to correct him and just told:

“Da Shan, remember what I say next, you must do it.”

“Brother Xiao, tell me.”

Chen Xiao cleared his throat and said word by word:

“Anyone who comes near this room after twelve o’clock tonight will be killed!”

“including me!”

“You repeat it!”

Dashan didn’t know why Chen Xiao repeated it to himself, so he repeated:

“Anyone who comes near this room after twelve o’clock tonight will be killed!”

“including you…”

“Ah! Why should I kill you!”

Dashan repeated, suddenly realizing something was wrong.

Is Brother Xiao confused?

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao stared at Dashan very seriously:

“Yes, including me. If I get close, don’t hold back, just slap me to death!”

Dashan’s eyes were confused and he looked troubled: “But…”

“Dashan, do you believe me?”

Chen Xiao suddenly asked.

Dashan said seriously: “I believe that you saved my life. You can take it away anytime you want it.”

Chen Xiao: “I don’t want your life. I just need you to remember what I just said. Can you execute it?”

Dashan hesitated for a moment, then faced Chen Xiao’s unusually serious expression and said seriously:

“Yes! I listen to Brother Xiao. I will kill anyone who comes after twelve o’clock!”

“Including…including Brother Xiao!”

Chen Xiao patted Da Shandong on the shoulder with satisfaction and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that if he couldn’t change his mind, it would delay the matter.

As for why Chen Xiao did this, it is naturally related to tonight’s blood moon!

After giving instructions to Dashan, Chen Xiao walked downstairs and left the warehouse.

In the past life, there was indeed news that new evolved humans appeared in Nancheng.

He activated [Dragon’s Breath] to observe the ruts of the warehouse trucks on his own.

Then he followed the ruts just now and caught up with the vanguard.

Chen Xiao can be sure that the flash that Lu Xingji mentioned is an “opportunity to evolve”!

But Chen Xiao didn’t expect that this opportunity would appear so early!

But I want to open up opportunities and get opportunities.

It’s as difficult as climbing to the sky!

“Hey Hey! ”

“Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey”

Not far from the warehouse, the frequency of new humans appearing increased significantly.

Chen Xiao will not hide his clumsiness with the new humans, there is no need.



Without any hindrance, Chen Xiao cut melons and vegetables all the way to the foot of a mountain.

This is where the Pioneer trucks were parked.

However, there is not just one big truck here, but three!

This shows that the ingredients on the mountain are complicated, and maybe there are people from Tianyi Warehouse.

“Mount Tuoluo?”

Chen Xiao touched his chin and glanced at the sky.

In the pitch-black sky, a blood-red moon that was still fading from its luster hung high in the sky, emitting a strange and terrifying light.

Its color was extremely bright, in stark contrast to the surrounding darkness, as if it had risen from the depths of hell.

The blood-red light reflected everything around it, making the originally peaceful night become weird and terrifying.

Even the air was filled with an ominous aura that made it difficult to breathe.

This blood moon scene is even more terrifying than the first time!

Chen Xiao glanced at his watch:


It’s not a good time, nine minutes to go.

The blood moon is coming!

Chen Xiao didn’t see anyone next to the truck.

He guessed that these people who came to look for the flash were most likely going up the mountain.

He no longer hesitated, tiptoeing towards the top of the mountain quickly!

Chen Xiao was extremely fast, and he ran almost straight towards the top of the mountain.

Take shortcuts if you can!

Soon, his [Dragon Breath] discovered a group not far ahead.

Getting a little closer, he could confirm that it was Jiang Yunhan and others.

“Boss Jiang, it’s too dark and he can’t find the way.”

“Oh, I shouldn’t go out tonight. I think the weather today looks a bit like that time.”

“I don’t want to experience that despair again. I almost…”

“Okay, shut up and wait for Boss Jiang’s instructions.”

Jiang Yunhan frowned, it was obvious that things exceeded his expectations.

But the more this happened, the more he felt that that flash must be a great opportunity!

“We’re all here, what’s the point of going back now?”

Jiang Yunshan shouted coldly, he couldn’t let a gap appear in the team at this time!

Lu Xingji was also a little impatient, and he continued:

“If you want to quit, you can leave now, but when I go back, you have to get out of the storage base obediently!”

When the two warehouse builders spoke, everyone did not dare to disobey and kept silent.

Just when everyone found a path and were about to continue walking,

A familiar feeling appears!


Roar, still roar!

【Under the Blood Moon】

【Infinite Evolution】


【Opportunities for evolution are everywhere】

【Tonight’s Rules】

【Don’t believe him】

【Don’t believe him】

【Don’t believe him】

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