“who are you!”

Eddie gritted his teeth and dragged his crippled leg.

He considers himself invincible to mankind.

I have never felt this kind of oppression before, and the aura is simply more terrifying than the sixth level.

Barry also ran over, helped Eddie up and whispered: “China’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, we can’t stay here anymore, retreat first!”

“Withdraw first? What are you going to withdraw with?”

Cold words.

As if coming from the mouth of a demon.

Barry couldn’t help but shudder. He didn’t expect that man’s hearing to be so powerful.

He could hear his whispered conspiracies from such a distance.

It’s scary to think about it!

It’s not a good place to stay for a long time!

“We have no grievances. Since you can summon such a powerful beast, you must be a giant in the world. I hope you don’t get to know little people like us…”

Chen Xiao shook his head.

A two-meter-long bone knife slowly condensed in his palm, gradually appearing in the night sky.

The blade of the sword glowed with a faint scarlet color under the reflection of the blood moon.

As if absorbing the undercurrent in the moonlight.

It exudes a heart-stopping aura, and the air around it seems to be condensed, and the silence is filled with chills.

He said calmly:

“Are you talking to this sequence?”

“Even under the blood moon!”

“No one can offend me, China!”

Same words.

Pei Tianyuan said this when he launched a counterattack.

But this time it came from Chen Xiao’s mouth, and he was obviously more confident.

It seems to be an established fact.

There was no room for any rebuttal.

“Fuck! Barry, take me and run!”

Emergency time.

The two remnants of the Kangaroo Kingdom no longer hesitated.

They realized that the one in the sky was not an easy person to talk to!

But a real Chinese sequence!

Barry burst out with powerful energy, dragging Eddie and running towards the outside of China!

He still retained some of the abilities of high-level new humans. The densely packed new humans avoided the two of them and pounced on Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao didn’t need to do anything by himself at all. The ground quickly froze with a “click” sound.

Another large number of new humans had their calves frozen, and they were caught off guard and firmly fixed in place, unable to move.

Chen Xiao smiled coldly.

Step out from the back of the pterosaur.



A black figure suddenly appeared in front of Eddie and Barry.

He held a long knife high in his hand.

Barry was shocked. He didn’t expect that this guy could teleport? He was faster than the white-haired man!

He suddenly glowed with a scarlet giant arc of light, covering the two of them!

Eddie gathered all his strength, and in an instant, layers of crocodile scales with a green luster gradually appeared on his body!

I was about to wave the crocodile tail that came with my talent in my hand, but…

Chen Xiao’s speed is too fast!

Nine-foot seal!


This knife, from top to bottom!


The red arc of light that blocked White Hair’s attack was no longer effective now!

But under the two major rule talents of Nine-foot Seal and Weakness, it gradually dimmed!

Until he was crushed by Chen Xiaodu’s bone knife!

Chop it into pieces! Segregation!


This knife!

Directly penetrate all defenses!

Cut Eddie in half!

The dead can no longer die!

[Evolution value +799]

“The man who stopped the white-haired general was split in half by the crazy ghost man Tu?”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen sword skills falling from the sky. It’s so outrageous, so outrageous…”

“How come Mad Ghost Rentu’s strength seems to be more courageous than when he destroyed the three families in the capital?”

Everyone in Caiyun witnessed Eddie’s abilities with their own eyes, especially the crocodile tail, which stopped Bai Hair for two minutes!

As a result, he encountered a crazy ghost and a human butcher, and he didn’t even have a chance to take action!

Baifa himself heard these comments with an indifferent attitude.

He narrowed his eyes: “The crazy ghost… is stronger than I thought…”

“Eddie!” Barry’s eyes were horrified, what happened to that stabbing just now!

For the first time, he felt the crisis, and the murderous intention was like the sea water drowning him!

Even the high-level new human defense arc imitated by talent cannot stop it?!

After killing Eddie.

Chen Xiao came to Barry’s side in one step, and fiercely pulled him up with his big hands of water.

“Can you control the new humans?”

The cold voice frightened Barry, and he kept kicking his legs and struggling.

“Chinese people…Chinese sequence…”

“Aren’t you… also able to manipulate?”

Chen Xiao controlled his big hand more forcefully, making Barry feel like he would be crushed to death at any time, as powerless as an ant.

“I’m asking you a question, and you don’t have the right to ask me a question back. Do you understand me?”

Barry grabbed the water-turned palm with both hands: “I….My awakened lyrebird, I can help you utilize the new humans…”

“As long as it is below level five, I can imitate high-level new humans…”

“My words will affect them…”

If Barry wants to survive, he must show his worth.

Otherwise, the fate waiting for him will be exactly the same as that of Eddie who was just hacked to death.

Both Chen Xiao and Chen Xiao had similar guesses.

This man has some weird skills, but unfortunately, he is not a beauty.

The only value is to sell it to the military region. With his ability, it will definitely be worth a good price.

Chen Xiao passed by Barry, and the big hand of water turned into puddles of water stains.

Then passed him directly, making Barry sigh in relief.

Could it be that this terrifying man has taken a fancy to his talent? Wants to take him under his wing?

Then you have to talk about the conditions!

After all, you know your abilities.

The strategic effect is very powerful!

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

The puddles of water stains on the ground are rushing towards me crazily!

“What are you going to do! Aren’t you going to take me in! I am willing! I don’t want to die yet!”

“My ability you…”

“Whoosh whoosh-”

The water stains turned into currents, tightly grabbing onto Barry’s body.

Drag him towards Canglong!

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “I won’t organize those low-level new humans to attack the city. What’s the use of your talent? People who are not from my race must have different minds. I can’t trust them.”

“Canglong, help me keep an eye on him.”

Instead of working tirelessly, we have to risk betrayal to organize low-level new humans.

It’s better to do it in one step…

Exchange military supplies.

Chen Xiao looked again at the behemoth at the center of the battlefield.

A new human being who is about to reach the sixth level!


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