“What is this! Is it another new human? I have never heard that any of us have the talent to manipulate ice and snow!”

“I heard that Mad Ghost Rentu can control water flow, but ice and snow… I have never heard of it either!”

“If it is really a new human race, then we will be in misery. One giant spirit is enough for us!”

“Look at the ice covering nearly a kilometer, right? What level of energy is this!”

Canglong’s frozen battlefield.

It almost made everyone’s jaw drop.

This is too scary!

Pei Tianyuan’s eyelids trembled: “It’s really outrageous… There won’t be another one.”

An Xin and Ning Meimu were also shocked. She is a spatial talent holder and is very sensitive to changes in space.

“This is the aura of the realm…the same as the pig head realm, but seems to be inferior…”

When Pei Tianyuan heard this, his heart dropped, and his hand was already on the satellite phone.

Enable the second option at any time.

It’s just that the cost…is somewhat huge.

Bai Nier came over and stated coldly: “Canglong is here.”

Without a trace of emotion.


“Who are you talking about? Canglong! That sixth-level new human being?! Are you serious?”

Bai Nier nodded: “It’s Cang Long. The movement just now was his ice power.”

“His appearance means…”

She seemed a little unwilling, but everything was as expected.

In the end, before he could say what he wanted to say, he sighed: “Canglong won…”

all of a sudden.

Everyone has some palpitations.

The fifth-level new humans are already about to destroy Caiyun Ancient Town, let alone the sixth-level ones!

And the girls in Jiangbei.

There is sadness in the eyes…

Chen Xiao, this time.

Really dead?

Died at the hands of the sixth-level new humans?

Canglong has been identified by Bai Nier.

The facts are right in front of us.

There was no room for them to question.

“No…I don’t want brother Chen Xiao to die.”

Jiang Chuxue wiped her tears.

Lying in Tang Shirou’s arms, she cried bitterly.

Ayao also held back tears: “Brother Chen Xiao…how is it possible…”

Heard the news about Bai Nier.

Everyone is in a negative mood.

And leave behind the ancient town.

On the battlefield.

It’s still a thin line between life and death.

Baifa and others quickly retreated.

Escaped from the djinn’s domain gathering.

But he ran into the frozen realm head-on!

What kind of luck is this!

“Damn it, Canglong has come down the mountain?!”

The Hatchet God’s pupils were shaking, remembering Calvin’s tragic death.

Tang Huang, Chen Mo and others also stopped.

“It’s almost over…”

“I can’t help it anymore…”

“Two new domain-level humans!”

Chen Mo pulled up the walkie-talkie on his collar: “Sir Pei, it’s time to notify the headquarters. The problem is beyond our capabilities!”

Not only the awakened people in China looked sideways, but the two Kangaroo Kingdoms were also a little panicked.



A thin figure appeared.

He is an ordinary man.

The eyes of the whole audience gathered.

His whole body was wrapped in a black robe, and his breath was normal.

The only thing worth noting is.

With every step he took, the ground beneath his feet quietly froze, and a faint chill filled the air.

He is the sixth-level terror that comes before people arrive and the ice comes first!


He moved forward step by step.

“Master’s mission…”

“Let me kill you.”

The hoarse voice was filled with chill.

Although the sound is not loud.

But it seems like it can travel through countless spaces.

Let everyone hear this.

This is the power of the sixth level realm.

But his goal…

But it is not Caiyun Ancient Town.

Instead, face the giant spirit!

And densely packed new human beings!

Pei Tianyuan: “?”

An Ning: “?”

The people in Caiyun who were guarding the border city were also stunned.

New humanity…

Why would he say “kill you” to a group of new humans?

What is this and what!

This does not conform to the common sense of doomsday!

“Hey Hey.”

“Hey Hey.”

A large number of new humans chanted, and their bodies came one after another like a tidal wave!

There are also some high-level new humans who tilt their heads. They have evolved some independent thoughts.

He didn’t seem to understand the behavior of the person with the same breath in front of him. Why did he want to help the animals?

But Soryu doesn’t need others to understand.

Master’s words.

It is destiny.

All of a sudden!

Canglong takes a step forward!

The air suddenly condensed, and the biting cold surged out like an angry wave, covering everything!

Countless new humans at close range instantly solidified into ice sculptures!

Not waiting for the dust to settle.

Canglong raised his legs again,The ground seemed to respond to his will.

From the abyss, ice grew like vines!

Transformed into ice skates!

Pierced and crushed the newly formed ice sculptures mercilessly!

The crisp cracking sound was endless!

“Bang bang bang bang”

Like the drumbeat of death.

Echoed over the battlefield.

“Damn! This new human is crazy!”

Eddie’s face looked a little ugly.

He just barely avoided the ice attack, but his body movements were also significantly affected, and the blood seemed to flow slower.

“Does China also have lyrebirds? But how is this possible…”

“Lyrebirds only live in Australia! Why can they influence new humans!”

Barry’s eyes were filled with shock.

He didn’t understand.

Why would that new human turn against him?

And such a high-level new human!

Does China also have something similar to lyrebirds? And then manipulate new humans?!


“You look a bit like Cang… Canglong.”


Some weird sounds.

The giant still spoke incoherently.

He looked down at Canglong from a high place.

He opened his bloody mouth, as if he could eat a living person at any time without any effort.

“Fuck! This idiot is really unreliable! He was still laughing at the critical moment!”

“Such a big body is really useless!”

“Barry, can you try to communicate with the guy over there? I think we need to change partners!”

Eddie stood in front of the giant, turned his head and curled his lips at Barry.

He was so angry when he looked at the giant.

This guy worked hard for a long time but didn’t kill many people, while he killed a lot of people with one move!

Barry was about to speak.

Suddenly his pupils shrank sharply.

It was as if he had seen a ghost.

Eddie was puzzled, and his fingers pressed on his eyelids that were throbbing violently involuntarily.

A crisis suddenly erupted!

He saw the reflection under the blood moon!

It was a foot that was getting bigger and bigger!

It stepped on him hard!

It was like a mountain pressing down on his head!


Eddie wanted to escape at the first moment, but the giant’s huge foot just moved forward.


Eddie was not fast enough and was stepped on his left leg, and blood splattered instantly!

“Fuck! Fuck! This idiot!”

It was the most shameful to be stepped on to death by the idiot in his mouth like an ant!

Eddie pulled out the short knife in the interlayer of his arm and decisively cut off his leg.

Then he fled to the other side of the city.

There was the only way to escape!

He stumbled.

He looked back at the direction of the giant every three steps, fearing that the giant would continue to kill him!


Could he understand what he said?

This new human…

seemed to have awakened a certain intelligence!

Could he really be a level six?!

In Eddie’s eyes.

The giant did not continue to chase.

Instead, it looked at the direction where it fled.

Seems to be laughing?

Laughing again!

What’s so funny!

Fuck! Wait for me…


He hit a pillar.

A huge pillar of flesh.

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