“Hey, this isn’t good…”

Cangzhou Sequence frowned.

A feeling of déjà vu came to mind.

Within the blizzard.

Why is it so similar to Su Jian’s field?

Chen Xiao said bluntly: “You can’t get out. The blizzard is a special area. You can’t get in or get out.”

Of course, Chen Xiao lied.

In fact, the level of this blizzard is far inferior to that of the Pig Head Realm. Chen Xiao does not need the Three Treasures Cage or random teleportation.

As long as he wanted to, he could open a cave and get out of the snow-capped mountains safely.

But he won’t tell anyone.

Bai Nier frowned in a rare way: “Does this concept still exist?”

Chen Xiao smiled: “The Cangzhou incident was caused by being covered by Su Jian’s domain.”


An Dingping stepped on the snow shell and was a little confused: “What should we do now?”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “Don’t panic, I have the opportunity to teleport collectively. The Cangzhou sequence can prove this, but the price is relatively high.”

He pointed to the top of the mountain again: “The main task now is to receive the white-haired general, and he himself is on top. I can feel it.”

Bai Ni’er was stunned: “You sense it? Do you know how high Canglong Snow Mountain is?”

Chen Xiao was helpless and did not answer.

Instead, he stepped out of Caifeng and stood up: “The white-haired god general’s breath is disordered now, and his movements are fast and slow. This is an opportunity to make great achievements.”

An Dingping and Cao Linxuan rushed out at the same time and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

The corners of Chen Xiao’s mouth raised slightly, and the divine wind followed behind the two of them.

The Hatchet God General and others also followed suit to speed up, but in the environment of heavy snow blocking the mountains, it was difficult to achieve the fastest speed.

Chen Xiao suddenly thought of something, stopped and looked back at Bai Ni’er.

Bai Nier’s face turned red from the cold: “What do you think I’m doing?”

Chen Xiao gritted his teeth, as if he had made an important decision, and suddenly took out a thick down jacket from the picture of mountains and rivers behind him.

Snow white, extra long.

“Miss Ni’er, this is my last reserve, please put it on.”

Bai Ni’er obviously didn’t expect that the crazy ghost sequence suddenly stopped for her own sake?

Or give yourself a down jacket?

She pointed at herself, then glanced back around to make sure there was no third person behind her.

“Give me?”

Chen Xiao nodded and smiled brightly: “Yes, it’s for you. Put it on quickly.”

Bai Nier stretched out her little hands that were red from the cold and took the down jacket, but she still felt unreal in her heart.

In the end.

How could anyone be so kind…

And the one who gave him the down jacket was the most selfish and moody mad ghost Ren Tu in the rumors?

Chen Xiao smiled brightly.

Because under the [Yeyue Cloak], he is also wearing a robe of water, which completely blocks the cold wind and can also use the properties of water to maintain a constant temperature.

A hundred times stronger than down jackets!

But Chen Xiao didn’t want to expose such a good thing.

It’s not him.

But the unique down jacket is obviously more precious than the readily available water robe. He is just following human nature.

Bai Ni’er obviously likes this.

Her little face that was red from the cold looked even redder: “You…why did you only give it to me!”

Chen Xiao was stunned.

This girl is so straight!

Chen Xiao chose to be more straightforward than her:

“Because you look good.”

Bai Nier raised her eyes to look at Chen Xiao again, and smiled: “Thank you for the compliment!”

Bai Nier put on a snow-white down jacket and buttoned up her hat, leaving only a pair of big bright eyes.

The white jade sword was hung by her side again, adding a touch of liveliness to her fairy aura.

The Hatchet God General came over and said awkwardly: “Crazy Ghost Sequence, I’m cold too…”

Chen Xiao spread his hands: “I only have one set, which I gave to Miss Ni’er. Didn’t you see that I’m not even wearing a down jacket? I’m cold too!”

The Hatchet God General was helpless: “Okay, we will receive the White-haired God General as soon as possible, and then we will rely on your collective teleportation opportunity.”

Chen Xiao nodded and walked slowly towards the mountain with Bai Nier.

“Crazy Ghost Sequence, are you shaking a little too much? If you are cold, I can give you your clothes back…”

Bai Ni’er saw that Chen Xiao was shaking all over, as if he would faint in the next second due to the cold.

She was a little embarrassed to continue wearing her down jacket, and then she asked.

Chen Xiao endured the cold wind and shook his head firmly: “It’s okay, we will arrive at the mountainside soon. The mission is important.”

Wrapped in the warm water robe, Chen Xiao could only feel cool, not cold.

But the movie star wants to gain some favorability after all.

Although I still don’t know what Bai Nier’s talent is, but everyone has such good looks…

Is talent important?

Uh… important too.

But as a Caiyun sequence, it is at least SSS level. When I get it, it will beSSSS-level powerful talent!

Chen Xiao’s move stunned the Cangzhou sequence and others in front of him.

Tang Huang whispered: “Fenggui sequence… has he taken a fancy to Miss Ni’er?”

Cangzhou sequence was helpless: “This girl is not from an ordinary family. Cao Linxuan also liked this girl, but the result… Anyway, she is not that easy to tease. If you don’t believe me, just wait and see.”

The Chopping Knife God looked back and saw that Chen Xiao ignored him and was chatting seriously with Bai Ni’er.

Then he whispered: “As the only sequence in Sanjiang, don’t you even know this Crazy Ghost Man-Tu? He’s famous for being lustful! He’s good at picking up girls!”

“Ayao, Bee Girl, the charming witch in the Magic City, which one of them is easy to deal with? Didn’t they all live in Jianghe Building in the end?”

The Cangzhou sequence didn’t expect the Chaidao God to speak wildly, and hurriedly stopped him:

“Brother Chaidao, you can’t say that. Although the Crazy Ghost Sequence is struggling with a group of little girls in Jiangbei, they are really good to these girls.”

“You also know how tragic the Cangzhou incident was! Those girls were there at the time, but no one was injured. They were well protected by the Crazy Ghost Man-Tu!”

The three whispered.

The relationship seemed to be closer in the gossip, and once they discussed Chen Xiao’s gossip, they wished they could grow eight mouths.

Especially the Chopping Blade God, who looked ferocious, but actually heard a lot of gossip behind the scenes and was giving a speech with great excitement.


“Do you think I can’t hear it?”

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