Chen Xiao didn’t mince words and smiled: “I want a chance to save my life at no cost, preferably through resurrection.”

Pei Tianyuan: “…”

He didn’t expect that when Chen Xiao opened his mouth, it was like a lion opening his mouth.


This is too exaggerated!

This kid is obviously so strong, why is he so afraid of dying?

Why don’t you be so cautious?

Pei Tianyuan sighed: “Chen Xiao, the military region does not have many opportunity reserves. The resurrection opportunities you mentioned are at the national treasure level! It is even more impossible to have.”

“Besides, even if someone gets something like this, they won’t take the initiative to hand it over. Can you see if you can get another one?”

Chen Xiao was a little dissatisfied: “Then tell me, I only accept defensive opportunities now.”

At Chen Xiao’s current level, the biggest flaw is defense, because he doesn’t have a talent that is pure defense.

The reason why his defense is pretty good all depends on his physical strength which has been improved through countless [Reproduction].

[Dragon Transformation] and [All Things Water] can only play a little defensive role. Compared with real defensive talents, such as the layer of gray armor of the Pangolin God, they are still far behind.

Pei Tianyuan gritted his teeth: “I can apply for a free defensive opportunity for you, but the premise is that you have to capture the god’s disciple abroad alive!”

Chen Xiao smiled faintly: “Old Pei, you are not particular about it. My action is so worthless? Do you think that the disciple of God is just a cabbage? If I want to capture him alive, he will just kneel down and let me slaughter him?”

Pei Tianyuan gave a wry smile: “Then I’ll listen to you. As long as you take action, the opportunity will be yours, but you try to capture him alive and don’t kill the god’s disciple too hard.”

“Not all disciples are as perverted as Su Jian. You should have space to store living creatures. I believe you have the ability to capture them alive.”

Chen Xiao nodded: “I know, I will pay attention.”

It seems that the scientific research talents in the Beijing Military Region are very curious about the existence of divine disciples…

It’s just that Su Jian was too strong and they didn’t dare to touch him, but this foreigner was different. He was a born guinea pig.

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Who is participating in this operation? Is there any problem with everything following my command?”

Li Taisheng came over and said, “No problem! You have full authority to follow the command of the crazy ghost sequence!”

Pei Tianyuan nodded: “It has been temporarily decided that a five-person elite team will go.”

“Besides you, there are the Hatchet Divine General, the Chuanshan Divine General, and the former Third Divine General Cao Linxuan. Originally, An Dingping was going to participate, but now he is seriously injured. We plan to send…”

Just as Pei Tianyuan was speaking.

The entrance of Tianming Building.

A voice came.

“I want to participate!”

“There’s nothing wrong with my injury.”

An Dingping was covered in blood, but his mental state was surprisingly good.

Li Taisheng reminded: “Dingping, there are many opportunities to make meritorious deeds. Your injury has just been bandaged. Come back to the capital with us first.”

An Dingping shook his head solemnly: “Uncle, I want to become a divine general. I need to make meritorious deeds. I need to prove myself.”

Li Taisheng sighed: “You don’t need to compare with Xin Ning, she…”

An Dingping interrupted: “I’m not comparing myself to her. I just want to tell everyone that I, An Dingping, am worthy of being a descendant of the An family.”

Li Taisheng nodded: “Okay! Anyway, there is a crazy ghost sequence to lead the team, so you have to have a good time! Kill the kangaroos fiercely!”

Chen Xiao continued: “Cao Linxuan will also participate? Didn’t he say that he was sent to garrison in Xijing? Did Cao Baiqing lie?”

This thundering god general had some grudges with him, but he let him go because of the begging for mercy from many big bosses and the national destiny quota.

Unexpectedly, he would come to participate in the mission this time. Isn’t that old guy Cao Baiqing afraid that he will continue to destroy him?

When Pei Tianyuan heard this question, he had a complicated expression: “Chen Xiao, you don’t know something.”

“Mr. Cao was afraid that you would secretly kill Cao Linxuan, so he transferred him to Caiyun Ancient Town to guard the border and perform meritorious service.”

“And this time, the white-haired god will enter the country from Caiyun Ancient Town…”

“As the second animal awakener and possessor of the five major talents, he belongs to China’s top combat power. Naturally, he will be arranged nearby.”

“not to mention…”

Pei Tianyuan smiled: “He needs the opportunity to make meritorious deeds more than anyone else.”

Chen Xiao sneered.

Meritorious service?

He had better not offend himself even a little bit, otherwise he will be destroyed.

Oh no, I must use him to blackmail Cao Baiqing again, only in this way can the benefits be maximized.

Everyone didn’t know what Chen Xiao was thinking, they just thought he was planning the mission process.

“When will the white-haired god arrive in China? How do we set off?”

Chen Xiao asked a key question.

The fourth blood moon is coming.

He didn’t want to fight with everyone in the Kangaroo Kingdom on the night of the blood moon.

Especially if there are still god disciples inside, the instability factor is too great.

Pei Tianyuan explained: “In about three days, our plane will be nearby, so we have plenty of time.”

Chen Xiao nodded.

“Then you wait for me, I will collect the supplies from the Demon City first.”

With that said, Chen Xiao was already walking towards the Magic City at an alarmingly fast speed.

Just after Chen Xiao left.

The Hatchet God General walked up to Pei Tianyuan and looked at the retreating figure: “Sir Pei, isn’t this battle a bit too big?”

Pei Tianyuan responded calmly: “When it comes to divine disciples, no matter how cautious you are, you can see it, Su Jian. If Chen Xiao hadn’t taken action, the consequences would have been disastrous.”

Tang Huang, the god of pangolins, was still frightened: “Chaitao, you have never fought against Su Jian in that state. You will not understand the feeling of oppression. My two major defensive talents were almost penetrated.”

An Dingping also nodded: “Haitao Divine General, don’t take it lightly. Chuanshan Divine General is right. You have never faced Su Jian, but you won’t understand his power just by watching. Anyone with the word “god”, we You have to be 500 percent alert…”

The hatchet god raised his eyebrows: “When will it be your turn to educate me?”

“Believe me, as the second divine general, I still have many trump cards…”

Pei Tianyuan said seriously: “On this trip to Caiyun Ancient Town, you must follow Chen Xiao’s arrangements, but if he has murderous intentions and wants to kill the disciple of the god, you must also stop him.”

The Hatchet God General, Tang Huang, and An Dingping straightened their backs immediately: “Yes!”

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