Su Jian looked crazy.

Put your cheek against An Dingping’s eyes.

Use your strength.

An Dingping howled in pain.

The Hatchet God tried to stop him, but it was too late, they were too far apart!

“it is a pity…”

“You can’t kill him.”

Like the voice of judgment, there is no room for doubt.

Chen Xiao took one step forward.




Since Su Jian’s death.

A silvery cold light flashed.

Like the devil Su Jian…

Cut in half again!

There is no way to fight back!

It explodes like a watermelon!

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Are we really fighting against the same person?

In fact, Chen Xiao could have taken action earlier to avoid An Dingping being stabbed.

But he deliberately didn’t take action.

If he unfortunately dies, it’s no wonder that Chen Xiao is ruthless. It’s because he didn’t position his strength well enough.

If Su Jian is still alive after beating him to death, it means that he has some potential, and Chen Xiao will give him a small favor both emotionally and rationally.

After all, no matter what you say, he is his brother-in-law and An Ning’s biological brother.

But if you want to save him, you have to do it at the most critical moment. Only in this way can he be most grateful to himself.

Such as now.

An Dingping’s expression was painful.

Looking at Chen Xiao, he looked like he was looking at a monster. It was unbelievable.

The great demon king Su Jian who slaughtered the Huntian Group in Demon City was killed by this boy…

Hacked to death six times?!

“You siblings are really stupid in imagining…similarity in some aspects.”

“But if you are not her brother.”

“You are already dead.”

Chen Xiao turned back coldly.

His hands were not idle, he violently reached into Su Jian’s belly, searching for something.

An Dingping gritted his teeth.

He didn’t want to admit it.

Chen Xiao was peeling off the flesh and blood.

[Glory of the Deep Sea] kept scanning Su Jian’s body, and finally noticed something strange.

Under his neck!


next moment!

Su Jian opened her eyes suddenly!

He broke out again and fled into the distance without any hesitation.

Crazy ghosts slaughter…


Sixth death.

He has already jumped to an appalling level, taking a full step of dozens of meters in one step!

Chen Xiao saw Su Jian’s attitude.

The corners of his mouth raised.

It seems the location is right.

【Moon Shadow】

[Smart waters]

The reason why caves are not used is because caves are not suitable for remote pulling.

Only suitable for single point breakthrough.

At this time, Chen Xiao’s body was wrapped in water and his speed reached the extreme.

Head towards Su Jian!

An Dingping collapsed on the ground, blood flowing and soaking the earth.


More than just physical pain.

What’s more, it’s the pain of the soul.

There is a huge gap between him and those two people!

What’s the point of working hard to develop your talent?

You can choose one of the god disciples or crazy ghosts, and you can do whatever you want, and you will be like a clown.

“Dingping, are you okay?”

“Don’t touch this knife yet. It’s full of barbs. Once it’s pulled out, it could be dangerous.”

“Send you back first, you won’t be able to continue fighting like this.”

Looking at An Dingping who looked ashen.

Li Taisheng wanted to scold him, but he didn’t have the heart to do so, so he finally had no choice but to say: “Go back and have a good rest. This time, it’s not in vain for you to see someone else.”

The hatchet god sighed, picked up An Dingping, and then handed it over to the accompanying medical personnel at the rear of the military area.

the other side.


Su Jian ran away.

While causing pain.

At this time, no part of his body was intact, and he looked like a bloody man.

But he didn’t dare to look back.

Because Crazy Ghost Rentu has realized his fatal weakness.

Die this time…

Really dead!

“Su Jian, why are you so nervous? Are you telling me openly that your opportunity is hidden in your body?”

Chen Xiao followed Su Jian closely, and the distance between them even narrowed.

Su Jian looked even more crazy.

Constantly eating his own flesh and blood.

Seeing Chen Xiao’s speed is incredible.

It is estimated that he will catch up with him soon.

He suddenly stood still and turned around slowly.

It seems a little helpless:

“To be honest, I’m very interested in what animal you awakened…”

“But you really deserve to die, why do you want to kill me…”

“In that case, let’s die together and be buried together!”

Su Jian slapped her head to pieces and turned into a headless corpse!

Then the flesh and blood rolled, and a bell was taken out from the neck…

This position is almost the same as Chen Xiao’s last guess.

Sure enough, he hid the opportunity there.

next moment!A voice sounded!

“With my flesh and blood.”

“Please come to me!”


“Jingle Bell–”

A moment!

The wind and the remaining clouds!

The breath of terror is coming!

A familiar darkness.

Like a giant curtain covering the magical city!

Su Jian rang the pig-headed bell again and activated the realm that destroyed Cangzhou!

As the Lord of the Demon City.

He actually chose to give up everything.

Everyone in the Tianming Building looked at the sky turning dark and thick fog rising, and their hearts trembled.

“This, this, this… why does it look a bit like the scene when Boss Su Jian destroyed Cangzhou? Is he finally going to take action? Hurry up and kill the man in black!”

“No, something is wrong! It’s not that simple. If Boss Su Jian rings the bell, the consequences will be disastrous! We will probably die too!”

“Pig-headed bell?! Damn it! What’s going on? I don’t want to die!”

“The Devil City Rings the Bell… In my opinion, Su Jian has given up on us! He wants to use the Pig Head Bell to kill the Devil City! We will die together!”

The strange fog is getting thicker.

Everyone in the Demon City was horrified.

Pei Tianyuan, who was not far away, looked extremely expressionless.

The last thing I wanted to see happened…

The pig-headed bell rang again!

The Hatchet God General touched his chin: “Too bad, Commander Pei, you pushed Su Jian into a panic. He really doesn’t care about the life and death of the Demon City.”

Chen Mo said helplessly: “At this point, our lives are all in Chen Xiao’s hands.”

Tang Huang’s eyes were full of shock: “Su Jian cooperates with the gods, so it’s normal to be stronger. But why is this guy like Crazy Ghost Ren Tu so strong? What kind of animal did he eat!”

An Dingping, who had just bandaged his wound, looked at the scene where the dark clouds suddenly changed, and his face became darker and darker.

“This horse rider…”

“Isn’t it really a fantasy world…cough cough cough!”

Everyone in the military area squinted their eyes and could only vaguely see two terrifying figures in the thick fog.

Chen Xiao, who was in the middle of the darkness, did not panic at all and said calmly: “We are so close, so what if you activate the field. Is it possible that you can escape in the field?”

Based on Chen Xiao’s understanding of opportunities, this strange field blocks all direction perceptions and treats everyone equally.

It is impossible for Su Jian to ignore the field!

Taking a step back, my own [Three Treasures Cage] has been positioned in Jiangbei.

No matter how blocked the field is.

My SSSS-level directional transmission will not fail, and I am still absolutely safe.

“Go out? Why go out!”

Su Jian lowered her face and grinned: “I won’t go out because…”

He slowly raised his head.

For some unknown reason, his eyes became pitch black and widened.

Such eyes.

Give Chen Xiao a familiar feeling!

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