Zhang Longqi also said excitedly: “Crazy boss, you are back! Where are the people from the Jiangbei Military Region? They won’t die in Cangzhou, right?”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “They are in Caiyun Ancient Town, which is still a few days away from Jiangbei.”

“Caiyun Ancient Town?”

Zhao Yuanhang clicked his tongue.

“It seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble…”

Caiyun Ancient Town to Jiangbei.

It spans almost half of China.

Zhao Yuanhang did not continue to ask because the process was meaningless.

The result is that the crazy boss is back, and that’s enough.

An Ning stood up from a group of girls with sharp eyes: “Long Qi, what’s going on with those transport trucks outside?”

Zhang Longqi tilted his head.

Seeing that it was actually peaceful.

At this time, Chief An was not wearing the familiar military uniform, but civilian clothes, so he didn’t recognize him immediately.

He quickly saluted excitedly and said: “Sir An!”

“You…are actually alive.”

“Those people all thought you were dead! The entire Beijing Military Region has been silent these past few days. The people you once saved are all grief-stricken!”

An Ning waved her hand: “Let’s get down to business, what decision did the military region make?”

“Hasn’t Su Jian been sanctioned?”

“Why is Jiangbei transporting supplies to other countries?”

As soon as these words came out.

Zhang Longqi, Zhao Yuanhang, and Jiang Ling were a little embarrassed. As the second animal awakeners, they were indeed qualified to know the decision.


The decision-making is a bit cruel.

Chen Xiao said indifferently: “Even if you don’t tell me, I can probably guess that this material is for the Magic City, right?”

“Those people concealed Su Jian’s launch of the city-destroying domain and covered up the truth. The purpose was to stabilize the situation in China and prevent people from panic, even if they sacrificed Jiangbei.”

Jiang Ling gritted her teeth: “Crazy boss, it’s not the fault of Chief Pei. He got furious at the joint meeting and wanted to send out the white-haired god general to punish the Tianming Group in the Demon City.”

“But they were stopped by many people. They were threatened by Su Jian’s pig-headed bell, and there was nothing they could do against him.”

“But you have to believe in the military region. This situation is only temporary. Soon, the military region will definitely sanction Su Jian and the Tianming Group!”

Jiang Ling was afraid that Chen Xiao would completely break up with the military region, so she described what happened in detail and spoke sincerely.

Chen Xiao’s face was expressionless: “I don’t blame Pei Tianyuan, nor do I blame the military region. After all, in the final analysis, I am just an outsider. They will not offend the Tianming Group, which is gaining momentum, just for the sake of Jiangbei, which has lost the crazy ghost and human slaughter.”


“Since I’m alive.”

“Everyone who is my enemy will pay a price, and this is reasonable.”

Jiang Ling also wanted to defend the military region.

But seeing Chen Xiao’s indifferent gaze.

She fell silent.

She suddenly understood Chen Xiao.

It’s a feeling of insecurity.

His existence protected a territory and kept a city alive.

But as long as he dies, a group of people will be eager to crush Jiangbei to ashes.

Chen Xiao continued to speak: “It’s just that I don’t understand. If I die, I will die. How can I be content with death and still be able to sit in the military area?”

“The second executive officer was killed by the Tianming Group’s conspiracy, and they can just sit back and ignore it?!”

An Ning’s face looked a little ugly.

“There are also countless human survivors in Cangzhou. It is impossible for them to escape this disaster.”

“Maybe…this is the end.”

Zhang Longqi came over and said, “Crazy boss, you don’t know how much of a shadow Su Jian has cast on the military region…”

“Chief Pei has applied to transfer the white-haired general back in advance. People in the military region are now panicked.”

“Everyone knows that Su Jian is an extreme lunatic. Who is not afraid that he will ring the bell again?”

Zhao Yuanhang also nodded: “Crazy boss, let me tell you… Unless the white-haired god general comes back, it is impossible for the military region to completely fall out with Su Jian.”

“With just the Hatchet Divine General and the Thunder Divine General, Su Jian is truly fearless.”

“You can’t kill me anyway. I just do whatever I want. A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water!”

The coldness in Chen Xiao’s eyes was even worse.

“You mean, the white-haired god will have a way to kill him completely?”

Zhao Yuanhang whispered: “It is said that it is possible, but I don’t know why…”


Chen Xiao doesn’t want to put his hope in others. Even if the white-haired god comes back, he doesn’t know whether he is an enemy or a friend.

It’s better to get rid of Su Jian before this unstable factor comes back.

Chen Xiao turned his head and said, “Jiang Ling, come with me. I have something to ask you.”

After saying that, he walked to the back of the living room.

Jiang Ling was stunned and quickly followed.

She couldn’t figure out why the crazy boss asked herself alone.

but when he comesThe moment in front of Chen Xiao, his eyes were instantly confused.

Standing still.

Chen Xiao withdrew the [Charming Light] that had been released for a long time and said calmly: “Have you participated in the joint meeting about the Cangzhou incident?”

Jiang Ling said dullly: “Yes.”

Chen Xiao continued to ask: “Who proposed the flow of materials from Jiangbei to the Demon City?”

Jiang Ling spoke: “Su Jian himself, he covets such a small place in Jiangbei, but he has the richest supplies in China.”

Chen Xiao was confused: “In other words, when Su Jian proposed this plan, no one objected? Everyone agreed?”

Jiang Ling remained expressionless: “Chief Pei strongly opposed it, but he couldn’t help more people agreeing.”

Chen Xiao sneered: “Do you know where the opportunities are stored in the capital?”

Jiang Ling: “I don’t know.”

Chen Xiao: “Do you know what the white-haired general’s talent is?”

Jiang Ling: “I don’t know”

Chen Xiao shrugged helplessly.

Jiang Ling’s identity is a bit embarrassing.

As the second animal awakener, his military rank is not high.

The information she can know is not much.

Chen Xiao suddenly thought of something again and asked strangely: “Do you like me?”

Jiang Ling: “I like it.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows.

A smile appeared on his lips.

Then he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of Jiang Ling’s eyelids.

Turn around and return to the living room.

Right after snapping your fingers.

Jiang Ling woke up instantly and looked blankly at Chen Xiao who had returned.

She was at a loss and had to follow Chen Xiao with a complicated expression.

Chen Xiao turned around and faced the girls: “I want to go to the Magic City.”

Jiang Chuxue was a little worried: “Brother Chen Xiao, although I have not experienced the field you mentioned, your enemy this time must be particularly powerful, right?”

Tang Shirou also grabbed Chen Xiao’s arm: “Brother Xiao, pay attention to safety.”

Ayao and Liu Ruyan both showed reluctance and looked at Chen Xiao with beautiful eyes.

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “You can wait for me with peace of mind. Jiangbei is currently the safest.”

Huang Yiyi’s face turned red with embarrassment: “Chen Xiao…I can follow you…”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “You all can wait for me with peace of mind. I will be back soon if nothing happens.”

This girl Huang Yiyi is just like Tang Shirou and Jiang Chuxue in the past.

I want to follow him wherever he goes.

It seems that my method of increasing favorability has also made a breakthrough.

Zhang Longqi pointed at Zhao Yuanhang and Jiang Ling: “Crazy boss, then we…”

Chen Xiao raised his feet and walked towards the door, and slowly said: “Sit in Jiangbei for me, and I will destroy the Demon City.”

The cold tone left no room for doubt.

Everyone is used to seeing the calm and invincible Chen Xiao, and they rarely see him like this.

It’s just…does he really have the special ability to kill that immortal Su Jian?

Jiang Yunhan clenched his fists: “Chen Xiao, if you encounter an enemy that is too strong, be careful to save your life.”

“I don’t want to be a doctor anymore.”

Chen Xiao nodded.

Disappeared in Jiangbei Triangle.

Head straight to the capital.

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