An Ning also raised her eyebrows: “You said Su Jian was killed three times?”

Xiao Guang nodded: “It doesn’t matter if you say it.”

“The extreme election in Cangzhou actually invited crazy ghosts to massacre…”

“This guy is also a lunatic!”

As soon as these words came out.

An Ning’s heart stagnated: “Who are you talking about? Chen Xiao?!”

Xiao Guang chuckled: “You don’t have to thank us in the Demon City, it’s just a random move.”

“But you have to remember the favor. This will help you get rid of an unstable factor.”

The hatchet god said solemnly: “You mean the crazy ghost man massacred Su Jian three times, but Su Jian ran away, and now…”

Xiao Guang chuckled: “He is under the shady curtain in Cangzhou!”


An Ning exclaimed.

Chen Xiao is in Cangzhou?

Why is this bastard here?

The reason why I took the vacation was that I was not mentally prepared and planned to avoid Chen Xiao for a while.

But she never thought that Chen Xiao would die so soon…

Xiao Guang felt a little depressed when he saw the scene: “I’ve said what needs to be said, take the first step!”

“Sir An, come to the Magic City to play when you have time, I will arrange it for you hahaha.”

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Guang had already slipped away.

The Hatchet God General looked at Xiao Guang’s retreating back: “Sir An, I’m afraid the crazy ghosts and people slaughtering are in danger. We’d better go back and report these things to Chief Pei.”

What he didn’t expect was.

An Ning shook her head and spoke slowly: “You go back and report everything, I want to enter Cangzhou.”

Chai Dao was stunned: “Going to Cangzhou? Why are you going to Cangzhou?”

An Ning was a little hesitant, but after struggling for a while.

Gradually become more determined: “I have to save people.”

Hatchet God General: “…”

“Sir An, are you crazy too?”

“That thing Su Jian activated…that’s divine power!”

“Your skills may not be able to teleport either!”

An Ning sighed: “I want to try.”

“You will die if you try it! Chief An, think twice!”

“We can’t go to Cangzhou!”

“Look at that big shady scene, it’s full of weirdness!”

“We really have to take you back, otherwise how can we do business!”

Everyone in the Beijing Military Region panicked.

Chief An suddenly lost his mind?

An Ning interrupted everyone.

Stepping towards Cangzhou.

“You should go back and report the situation to Chief Pei.”


“I mean if.”

“If I don’t come out within a day.”

“You can announce the funeral to my uncle and brother.”

“I have lived up to the name of Anjia.”

She said word by word:

“Settle down and have peace of mind.”

“Please save Cangzhou!”

Hatchet God will have a lot to say.

But in the end, he swallowed it all: “You…you are sorry.”

“Boss Chaidao, please advise Chief An!”

“Yes, she is leaving! This Cangzhou…”


The Hatchet God General waved his hand and interrupted everyone.

He looked at An Ning’s back and said slowly: “She is different from you, she is from the An family…”

“Even I can’t stop her.”

He sighed, feeling a little emotional.

The second executive officer of the Beijing Military Region may be dying.

Die from her unrealistic pride.

He knew An Ning too well. Once something was determined, even ten cows couldn’t pull it back.

“When I return to Beijing, I will personally explain to Chief Pei.”


The Yakuza base.

A dark curtain shrouded it.

The gray air of death lingered.

“What the hell is this!”

“Why! Why do monsters appear in the Yakuza base!”

“There shouldn’t be monsters within a kilometer radius of the Ji Dao base!”

“In the end what happened?”

“Did Doomsday suddenly evolve again?”

Countless people looked around with horror in their eyes.

The black mist is getting thicker.

Several violent roars.


Suddenly, a screaming male voice sounded.

His arm was bitten off by the monster in the black mist.

Return to silence.


“Puff puff!”

There were a few more muffled sounds.

“Ahhh! What is it!”

“my hand!”

“What the hell!”

At this time, the man had collapsed to the ground in fear.

His hands and feet were chewed off.

That monster…appeared!

More than one.

Three of them were approaching.

That’s a kid with a pig’s head and a body…

Their fangs are long and there are a few strands of dry hair at the corners of their mouths.

The pair of pupils embedded in the pig’s face were as black as ink, with bloodshot eyes faintly flowing between them, revealing incomprehensible malice and greed.

There is a thick pile of fat around the eye socketsproduct.

It makes these eyes stand out.

Approaching step by step with a suffocating sense of oppression.



Several piglets were drooling.

Looking at the man is like looking at a plate of delicious food.

“Ahhhh! Don’t come over here!”

“Who are you! Stay away from me!”


This scene happened in every corner of Cangzhou shrouded in darkness.

Horrifying, weird, suffocating.


Everyone is facing the dark side.

Completely panicked.

Run away when you need to, hide when you need to.

But they will soon find out.

Cangzhou, shrouded in thick fog, has no direction.

Everything is blurry.

Maybe you are familiar with Cangzhou, but when you are here, you will also doubt your own knowledge. This is the rule at work.

“Classmate Chen Xiao…this is Su Jian’s method.”

“This is God’s method, more terrifying than that thing of mine!”

Li Enqing held Chen Xiao’s sleeve tightly.

She was a little nervous.

Because the divination scene is still going on.

Liu Ruyan pulled Chen Xiao’s other arm: “Chen Xiao, can we still get out alive?”

Chen Xiao raised his head.

Looking at the dark sky.

A minute ago, it was clearly sunny.


Suddenly, a weak voice sounded.


The water euphorbia instantly pierced the piggy’s head.

Under [Dragon Breath].

He could clearly sense the location of those ghosts.


What surprised him was that there were so many of them…

There is simply no way to kill them all.

The darkness of despair, is this the realm of pig heads?

It has a slight resemblance to the pure black plane that Ma Mian pulled himself into in the game.

“Oh, Xiaoyou Chen, I found you!”

“As long as you’re okay!”

The voices of the five elders of the Jidao came, and the five old men laughed.

Liu Ruyan was speechless, these people were obviously here to hug her.

Behind the five elders of the Jida were Li Yanfeng and everyone from the Jida base.

They had obviously just been through a fierce fight.

One of the young men had his finger bitten off.

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Gather everyone first and find a place to stay.”

“As the field unfolds, it won’t last long.”


A field of this level must pay a heavy price.

And the continued cost will only be greater!

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