“Oh? You didn’t invite me?”

A light question.

Everyone present was confused.

Don’t you know whether there is an invitation or not? !

Why are you asking here? !

Among the five elders of the Jidao, a tall and thin old man stood up.

“What do you mean, Your Excellency?”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “Are you sure you want to protect him?”

The old man didn’t understand why: “Why don’t you protect us? We have four SSS-level masters here. I advise you to think twice.”

After he finished speaking, four people stood up behind him.

Three men and one woman.

Everyone is as powerful as a rainbow and eager to try!

Li Yanfeng.

Zhou Ye.

Wang Qianming.

Li Enqing.

They are all candidates who are about to participate in the Yakuza election!

Chen Xiao said leisurely: “Do you know what he did that made people and gods angry?”

Lou Jianjun couldn’t help it: “When did I do something that made people and gods angry? Don’t spit on me!”

Chen Xiao snorted coldly: “You want me to disband in Jiangbei. Is it reasonable for me to destroy your Cangzhou Military Region?”


Lou Jianjun was about to refute.

Suddenly I realized that the three words “I am Jiangbei”…


Immediately afterwards, his pupils shrank sharply!





An unknown suspicion came to mind, and I couldn’t get rid of it.

It’s not just him.

The eyes of all the forces present widened.

Anyone who comes here is not a fool.

Everyone was keenly aware of the subtle meaning of this sentence.

The meaning…is very chilling.

The candidates for the four Yakuza general elections also raised eyebrows.

Even the tall and thin old man among the five elders of the Jida changed his face to a smile.

“My little friend, are you from Jiangbei?”

As soon as these words came out, almost everyone’s eyes were focused on the man in black in the sky.

I saw him slowly raising the long knife and sneered: “The last person who called me Jiangbei was buried with me, and there was grass growing on the grave…”


No sign at all!

Fear is coming!

Lou Jianjun yelled: “Five elders of the Jidao, save me!”

But this time.

The tall and thin old man just sighed: “Sir Lou, you…oh, I really don’t know what to say.”

Lou Jianjun still wanted to struggle, his pupils dilated: “We are all Cangzhou forces, how can you not save us!”

The old man snorted coldly: “It’s really unlucky to develop in the same city as you…”


With a muffled sound.

Lou Jianjun was beheaded.

“You are… a crazy ghost… a human killer… ahem.”

He understands a lot more than Chang Xiangyang and Master Gu Ling.

He knew the person who killed him…

It is the number one lunatic in the Sanjiang River Basin!

Crazy ghosts massacre!

But…he is not willing to give in!

It would be better to die in the hands of someone than to die in the hands of an unreasonable lunatic!


There is only regret.

As Lou Jianjun’s vitality dissipated.

Only then did everyone react.

“Holy shit, shit, shit! It’s really killing me!”

“That man in black is really a crazy ghost and a massacre!”

“What a shame! I just said how could another lunatic appear!”

“Other than him, it’s hard for me to imagine that another person would do such a thing! Kill three first executive officers in a row!”

“I’m really afraid now that his murderous craving will kick in and kill us all…”

Everyone either admires or worries that the name of the crazy ghost and human killer has long been spread in China.

Zhao Huan and others straightened their backs one by one after hearing the discussions around them.

It’s like Chen Xiao is from the same organization as them.

The silver-white bone knife in his hand turned into dots of stars.

After a flash.

Chen Xiao has arrived at the center of the square.

I saw him slowly sitting down on the largest sofa.

Looking at the dazzling array of various delicacies, many of them are local specialties.

It’s a pity that only Ayao among the girls can taste it, and he arranged for the others to stay in the Cangzhou VIP area.

This time, only he and A Yao came to the power exchange meeting.

Pulling off the hood, revealing his original delicate face.

This time, everyone was more certain.

The portrait of the mad ghost Rentu has been widely circulated for a long time, and has been classified as the most unprovoked existence by various forces.

He is the only one with such contrasting looks and personalities.

Judging from his appearance alone, who could tell that this guy was so ruthless?

Chen Xiao lit a cigarette: “If you don’t invite me, I can leave.”

This sentence almost scared the five elders to death!

The tall and thin old man walked over quickly with a smile: “Little friend Chen! You are really joking!”

“If you had said that that beast Lou Jianjun had said such things, we would have punished him for you!”

Immediately afterwards, the other four old men came over.

“Yes, Xiaoyou Chen, we don’t have anySelfishness, we have always been good friends with Jiangbei! ”

“The Ji Dao base has always been based on peace, democracy and freedom. Even if there are so many people in the base who change jobs and go to the Jiangbei Triangle, we will never stop them!”

“The relationship between our two families is irreversible and will never be affected by the Cangzhou Military Region!”

Several people were quibbling with each other.

Chen Xiao smiled: “You guys are really good at picking the time to hold this power exchange meeting before the Yida election.”

The tall and thin old man waved his hand and quickly explained: “This is a process that was set a month ago. We are not targeting it intentionally!”

Zhao Huan and Wang Yan also came to the center at this time, their hearts pounding.

The ghost he brought here to kill three top executives was too unbelievable!

Zhao Huan said humbly: “Brother Xiao, this is indeed not the fault of the Jidao Base. Their procedures have indeed been issued a long time ago.”

He was also feeling bitter because his two strongest confidants, Wang Hao and Hu Dayi, were eliminated.

The Jiangbei Military Region has been treated unfairly again.

But he didn’t want Brother Xiao to offend the Yakuza base anymore.

It’s scary enough to piss off the three major military regions…

in his cognition.

Keep a line in your life so that we can meet again in the future.

But in Chen Xiao’s understanding.

Cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, but they will grow again when the spring breeze blows!

All unstable factors must be eradicated!

“Haha, now that the words have been spoken.”

“Then let’s continue.”

“It’s a power exchange meeting. Let’s continue the discussion.”

Chen Xiao smiled and motioned for everyone to sit down.

He invited Ayao to sit next to him.

Zhao Huan and others got the coveted front row of the military region.

The people from Cangzhou Bairi Base returned to the small table at the door.

But the atmosphere was not lively at all.

After all, those who died just now were all the leading figures in the Sanjiang River Basin!

The five elders of the Jida were truly experienced, and they cunningly placed the four little ones next to Chen Xiao.

The euphemistic name is that he is afraid that Chen Xiao will be bored.

In fact, it’s just to get acquainted and become familiar with each other.

These people are all elites in the Yakuza election.

There is a high probability that the Lord of the Ultimate Way will come from among them.

As for Liu Ruyan, she probably would not have thought that there would be so many candidates in a month.

The four of them saw Chen Xiao and said nothing.

You and I chatted word by word.

Li Yanfeng is a grassland man with a powerful and tall figure. He became famous in Sanjiang as early as a month ago.

He said straightforwardly: “I hope Sister Enqing will show mercy tomorrow…”

Opposite him was the only girl among the four.

Li Enqing.

She is also the most talented woman in the Yakuza base.

She was wearing a knitted cardigan, exuding a restrained intellectual aura.

Wearing a pair of white-rimmed glasses on the tall bridge of his nose, his eyes are clear and bright behind the lenses.

She was tied into a ponytail and her hair was slightly floating.

Li Enqing smiled: “Yan Feng is joking, but in actual combat I am not necessarily better than you…”

Li Yanfeng didn’t believe it at all: “Sister Enqing, I know your ability…I’m even afraid of being killed by your shaking hands!”

Li Enqing sighed helplessly: “Don’t underestimate yourself, your talent is no worse than mine.”

Zhou Ye said regretfully from the side: “You two met too early. Originally, the four of us could have taken the top four positions!”

Wang Qianming echoed: “Yes, just like my opponent, the extreme witch from the southwest wasteland…”

“How could she be my opponent?”

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