The man in brown clothes gritted his teeth.

Watching RVs running amok.

The confusion in my heart only lasted for a second.

Then he rushed in front of the RV to lead the way without looking back.

As the RV passed the customs clearance, more and more people noticed this RV heading towards the core area.

In the corner of the core area, there were about ten people standing side by side.

All of them looked angry.

They received news from the front.

Someone actually broke through the barrier and came straight to the restricted area!

This is too arrogant!

In front of everyone was a man with a cold aura.

He was wearing a gray trench coat and had his hands in his pockets.

He is the first guard of Daliang Warehouse.

The second strongest person on the Lotus Platform!

Wang Xuan!

Sanjiang was once sixth on the combat power list!

However, Li Tailong and other Dachang elites died suddenly, allowing him to jump directly into the top five!

Today, Wang Xuan is already the fourth most powerful awakener on the Sanjiang combat power list!

He was placed in a restricted area by Gu Xu just to protect important supplies!

“Captain Wang, is this news really false? Does anyone really dare to break into the base of the Lotus Platform?”

“Could it be that the information was conveyed incorrectly?”

“It has been so long since the end of the world, how can anyone dare to be so arrogant? And he came straight to our restricted area!”

Many people around Wang Xuan were talking about it.

Wang Xuan, on the other hand, was not panicked at all.

Let’s not talk about the dozens of powerful awakened ones on our side, but their combat prowess is not bad.

Plus his own strength.

That lunatic will definitely never come back.

To put it bluntly, the big boss behind the Lotus Terrace Base is Gu Xu!

The existence of the Sanjiang list is second only to the crazy ghost!

Suddenly, there was a burst of motor roar.

A huge RV came into view.

“Who is coming? Stop now!”

“Whoever you are, stop the car immediately!”

“Do you still want to force your way into the restricted area of ​​Lotus Terrace?”

“Stop the car for me!”

But the RV showed no intention of stopping.

Chen Xiao was sitting in the passenger seat, directing Ouyang Miao to rush all the way.

“This should be the place the man mentioned. There are obviously more people guarding it.”

Ouyang Miao spoke lightly.

Chen Xiao nodded, and there were groups of awakened people in front of the car window.

With such heavy military protection, the significance of this place to the Lotus Terrace is self-evident.

This is the foundation of the Lotus Terrace!

Tang Shirou leaned out of the back seat and spoke with concern: “Brother Xiao, there are a lot of them, so be careful.”

Jiang Chuxue also came over: “Brother Chen Xiao, these people didn’t mess with us either…”

Chen Xiao touched Jiang Chuxue’s little head and smiled lightly: “Chuxue, who do you think I am…”

“Chen only kills those who deserve to be killed.”

After saying that, Chen Xiao got out of the car alone.

Lighted a cigarette.

Then he smiled lightly at everyone:

“I want to collect debt.”

“Those who stop me.”

“Kill without mercy!”

Wang Xuan frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

Because the man in black opposite…

It exudes a strange aura.

This feeling made him very uneasy.

the most important is.

His A-level reconnaissance talent [Pig Senses] actually didn’t work at all!

When he didn’t see the enemy, he was still very confident. He didn’t believe that anyone would dare to grab the base of the lotus platform.

But now, he decided to try his words first.

“Do you know that this is a restricted area?”

Wang Xuan opened his mouth leisurely, and although there were many distracting thoughts in his heart, he acted very naturally.

Chen Xiao chuckled: “Of course I know. Isn’t this the warehouse of Lotus Terrace? I happened to be passing by here and came to collect debts.”

Wang Xuan’s face twitched.

What is this word?

Just passing by?

Debt collection?

Wang Xuan suppressed his anger: “Although I don’t know what you are capable of, it is already a capital crime for you to forcefully break into the restricted area.”

“What you said about debt collection is even more nonsense.”

“It’s the end of the world and you still want to collect debts? You have to see the reality clearly.”

Beside him, the younger brothers didn’t expect the captain to be so polite.

Still making sense!

This makes no sense!

Little did he know that Wang Xuan was just looking at the dishes. Faced with this obviously abnormal man, he chose to act steadily like Boss Gu Xu.

Chen Xiao said indifferently: “I don’t need to explain to you, I just take what I should take.”

As he spoke, a silver-white bone knife slowly emerged, exuding a coldness.

“Captain, why bother arguing with him? Just fuck him!”

“There are so many of us, but we are still afraid of him!”

“Every one of us drowned him with our spit!”

“We still have Captain Wang Xuan leading the charge. Any enemy will be crushed to ashes!”

“Let me kill him, brothers, the opportunity to make a meritorious deed is right in front of you!”

Many younger brothers don’t have that much thought.

All of them just want to bully the few when there are more people, and show their loyalty and achieve merit by the way.With Wang Xuan here, they never thought they would lose.

Wang Xuan stood up helplessly: “Since you insist on taking action, then I will…”


There was no warning.

A cold light flashed across Wang Xuan’s entire field of vision.

Wang Xuan died.

As a head fell to the ground, everyone saw the sudden change in the scene.

“Damn it! Where’s Captain Wang Xuan’s head!”

“Wang Xuan’s physical strength was destroyed?”

“How sacred is this riding horse?”

“If there’s a big problem, that guy is a little scary!”

Chen Xiao does not have a bloodthirsty character, he will not kill all so many people.

After all, these people have not offended him and have no hatred towards him.

If it were a family-style base like the three above, Chen Xiao would have no choice but to go on a killing spree.

next moment.

[Invisibility] covers [All Things Water].

[Agility in Waters] superimposes [Moon Shadow].

The speed is terrifying!

He arrived at the warehouse gate almost instantly.

The bone knife was like a mountain axe, directly cutting open the three-story steel door of the building.

As expected, they contained some strategic materials.

Out of humanitarian concern, Chen Xiao quickly pulled out the Mountain and River Map from the [Yeyue Cloak] and took away all daily necessities and 80% of the living food.

The remaining 20% ​​are some spoiled materials, and Chen Xiao will not want them.

After this looting, Liangzhou Lotus Terrace Base will probably be in ruins just like Dachang Xingyue Base.

But there is no way. The rise of one force will inevitably be accompanied by the decline of other forces.

As the end of the world progresses, many bases no longer need to exist.

The final destination is to be massacred by the powerful and advanced new humans.

In other words.

If only one base can survive in the Sanjiang River Basin.

Then it must be the Jiangbei Triangle.

So these supplies will actually be your own from now on.

It is only natural that you take your own things!

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