Seeing that the incident had been decided, Wang Yan asked what everyone was most curious about.

“Yes, except for the divine generals, we really can’t think of any other existence that is so powerful…”

“Is it a back-up from the capital?”

“This kind of strength will be respected everywhere, how can it be regarded as a back-up?”

Hearing everyone’s guesses, Zhao Huan also said curiously: “I just realized today that we people are just frogs in the well. There are people outside the world…”

Ayao chuckled: “But you have misunderstood, he is not a divine general.”

Zhao Huan was stunned: “Ah, these are not divine generals? How awesome are the divine generals…”

Everyone couldn’t help feeling that the water in the capital was too deep.

Just send someone to be so powerful?

Ayao saw that everyone was a little disappointed and knew that they would be wrong.

She said helplessly: “He is indeed not a divine general. His name is Chen Xiao.”

Zhao Huan nodded after hearing this.

“Okay, it turns out he’s not a divine general, but I thought too much. His name is Chen Xiao… His name is…”

“what is his name?!”


Zhao Huan and Wang Yan said in unison.

“His name is Chen Xiao?!”

The two looked at each other, their hearts filled with turmoil.

I didn’t know what to say for a moment, just stood there stunned.

“Chen Xiao…isn’t this the name of the guy next door?”

“Could it be that he is?!”

“I’m crazy, I’m a crazy ghost and I’m killing people!”

“Fuck, no way, the most ruthless person famous in China is right in front of me?”

“He is my idol. He wiped out all the blood-sucking things from the three families on his own!”

“Shh, you idol… you can hear it on the news, I don’t want to face you face to face.”

“If you fall in love with him, enter directly…”

“Ahem…don’t say what you shouldn’t say!”

It’s not just Zhao Huan and Wang Yan.

Others in the military area were also in some commotion.

Everyone turned their heads with expressive expressions.

Then they all straightened their backs again, as if they were engaged in some serious battle, showing off their own style.

Not far away, Liu Zihao, who had just stood up and walked over, was stunned when he heard these words.

My legs went weak and I almost fell down again.

Chen Xiao?

Is he Chen Xiao?

I said it’s your grandma’s!

A full half day.

Was it the crazy ghost Rentu who just beat me up?

Although still angry.

But it balances out all of a sudden.

I am not dead…

made money!

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “What, you are very interested in me?”

Zhao Huan waved his hands repeatedly: “Chen Xiao…uh.”

“Brother Crazy Ghost, a flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple. We are all members of our own family. The Military Region and the Triangle are the pride of Jiangbei. We are in the same boat!”

Chen Xiao smiled and said: “You won’t curse me behind my back? The Jiangbei Triangle has robbed a large number of your talents.”

Zhao Huan said awkwardly, “What are you talking about? There are a lot of talented people in Jiangbei, which is a good thing!”

Chen Xiao asked again: “I am the founder of the Jiangbei Triangle. I have squeezed you so miserably. Do you have no resentment towards me?”

Wang Yan stood up: “Absolutely not!”

“We have always been with Jiangbei. Only when Jiangbei is good will we be good!”

Chen Xiao looked at Liu Zihao aside.

His face changed wildly as he explained: “Oh, what a huge misunderstanding! I thought it was just an ordinary newcomer taking office, who would have thought…”

Only a ghost would believe that the crazy ghost Ren Tu would be so bored that he would send a little girl to take up a position in the Jiangbei Military Region.


Zhao Huan, Wang Yan, and Liu Zihao looked at each other.

In other words, Ayao is his?

And the relationship is irreversible!

Or to put it another way.

Is the Jiangbei Triangle to be deployed in the military region?

Zhao Huan’s hands were shaking with excitement.

Of course he wouldn’t think this was inappropriate.

On the contrary, he felt it was too good!

The main reason why the Jiangbei Military Region is in such misery is that the ecology of Jiangbei is different from other cities.

Most of the other cities have military districts as the primary local force, and there are numerous talents.

The most local forces can do is compete with the military district and will not force anything.

And Jiangbei…

The Jiangbei Triangle is developing so well!

We need materials and materials, and we need talents and talents!

There is even the golden signboard of Crazy Ghost Man Tu!

This resulted in robbing all the nearby talents!

If Crazy Ghost Rentu is willing to speak for the Jiangbei Military Region and protect it together with the military region, then this development trend can start instantly!

Even though he sounds like a younger brother, his life is definitely better than now!

Seeing them stunned, Chen Xiao chuckled: “Actually, I’ve wanted to come here for a long time to see you neighbors, but time just doesn’t work.”

Zhao Huan was a little excited: “Okay, okay, it’s great if you can think of us, and even better if you can come, hahaha.”

“Zihao, go and open my bottle of daughter’s red, I want to accompany you today…”

Chen Xiao interrupted lightly: “No need, since we all live together in Jiangbei, it’s not too much for me to call you Xiao Zhao, right?”

Zhao Huan nodded repeatedly: “It’s not too much!”

Chen Xiao solemnly said: “Ayao is mine. If I know that she has any dissatisfaction with you, then I can only use stupid methods to make her happy.”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the military region immediately became anxious.

“Don’t worry, Chief Ayao is my biological mother… No, she is my biological sister. I will take care of her ten million times!”

“I promise! No one dares to bully her!”

“Who dares to say a bad word about Chief Ayao? He and I are at odds with each other!”

Zhao Huan, Liu Zihao, and Wang Yan nodded repeatedly and promised righteously.

Crazy Ghost Rentu has said this, who dares to bully A Yao? Isn’t that just seeking death?

If this little ancestor doesn’t bully them, they will be satisfied.

Ayao chuckled and said, “Sir Zhao, then I have successfully taken office now, right?”

Zhao Huan was stunned, not knowing what she meant.

He glanced at Chen Xiao and said nervously: “If you want to succeed, then it will be considered successful, right?”

Chen Xiao was helpless: “You are now the second executive officer of the Jiangbei Military Region. I will rely on you to take care of my triangle in the future.”

Ayao chuckled: “I can’t take care of him. Let Zhang Longqi and the others take care of him when they arrive.”

Zhao Huan asked weakly: “More people are coming? Are these people related to the crazy brother?”

Chen Xiao corrected him: “I wanted to say a long time ago that I don’t like this name. From now on, just call me Brother Xiao.”

Zhao Huan, Wang Yan and others quickly responded: “No problem, Brother Xiao!”

Ayao spoke for Chen Xiao: “Zhang Longqi is an SSS-level talent holder and is now the second animal awakener.”

With this sentence, everyone in the military region exploded.

“Are you serious?”

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