Chen Mo said in a low voice: “You’d better not be curious. He is very strong. He will only become stronger after awakening the second animal.”

Zhang Longqi and others also came over.

Zhao Yuanhang was the first to speak: “He is stronger than you think. If you knew what he did in the game, you would be surprised.”

The hatchet god raised his eyebrows: “What did he do?”

Jiang Ling said calmly: “The EuroLeague, which is second in the game, has less than 20,000 points, and Chen Xiao…”

Cao Baiqing and Pei Tianyuan also looked over curiously.

There’s no way this Chen Xiao’s score exceeds 10,000, right?

Jiang Ling glanced at everyone’s hopes and said word by word: “He has more than 80,000 points…”

“How many points?”

Pei Tianyuan was the first to question.

Cao Baiqing also couldn’t believe it: “Are you sure you are right?”

The Hatchet God General said nothing and just looked at Jiang Ling.

A Yao jumped out: “There is no doubt about this. China has 93,000 points, and brother Chen Xiao has more than 80,000.”

This sentence made Pei Tianyuan and Cao Baiqing look at each other.

They all felt a little unsure.

Pei Tianyuan murmured: “So…he said that without him, there would be no survivors in China. Is it true?”

Cao Baiqing patted Pei Tianyuan on the shoulder: “Whether it is true or not is not important. What is important is that he is not as reckless as the rumors say. I am really afraid that he will go crazy and it will be difficult to handle.”

“Fortunately, he is somewhat self-aware and does not dare to have a direct conflict. He knows that we are not easy to mess with.”

Cao Baiqing’s gloomy voice sounded again, but it was different from the previous ones. This time he was full of anger: “If he continues to be ungrateful, No. 11 and the Hatchet God will definitely take action to suppress him.”

The Hatchet God General answered: “I thought I would fight him today…”

He looked at the cowering Cao Linxuan behind him and sighed.

“Lin Xuan, this time you go to Xijing and stay there. You must not leave even half a step within half a year. None of us can guarantee whether that crazy guy… will come to trouble you.”

Cao Linxuan nodded, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

The second animal talent I awakened is already so powerful, and I am very satisfied with it.

You can’t even take one of his punches?

That person…what exactly did the second animal awaken to?

So much stronger than myself!

Looking at Chen Xiao’s back in the air.

Cao Linxuan sighed.


what is that?

The dark sky.

Under the full moon.

The black figure slowly stopped.

A silver-white long knife slowly appeared in his hand.

It was a bone knife.

It is about two meters long and has smooth lines.

Under the bright moonlight, the blade seemed to contain a mysterious power, revealing a faint cold white light.

next moment!

A feeling of fear like falling into an abyss swept over Cao Linxuan.

It made his forehead freeze and he kept retreating.

“Lin Xuan, what’s wrong with you?”

“That’s not true. You were so frightened. What did you see?”

“Oh, grandpa really shouldn’t have let you enter that game…”

Everyone in the courtyard discovered something unusual about Cao Linxuan.

But they soon discovered that Cao Linxuan’s eyes were locked in the air.

In the astonished eyes of everyone.

The black figure under the moon seems to be swallowed up by the night.

Gradually blurred.


He disappeared!

A chilling chill swept through the entire courtyard in an instant!

The air seems to be solid!

Just this moment!


The figure burst out of nothingness and approached right in front of him!

Chen Xiao held the silver-white long knife tightly in his hand, the tip of the knife breaking through the wind, showing its sharp edge.

Like the scythe of death piercing the night sky!

The breath of terror surges and spreads like a frenzy!

Cao Linxuan only felt…




He couldn’t even open his mouth to ask for help.

This is the ultimate fear…

“Number eleven!”

“Haitao, Chen Mo!”


Almost instantly, Cyborg No. 11 jumped directly in front of Cao Linxuan.

He combined his arms, and a deafening sound of gears erupted. Outside his arms were black discs!

Neutron Rock Pan!

This is the strongest defense!

The product of human technology!

Known as the hardest synthetic material!




A violent explosion sounded.

With No. 11 as the center of the circle, the ground within a radius of more than ten meters was cracked, and the houses collapsed!

Everyone swayed to keep their balance.



A huge explosion came from No. 11’s body, and he was cut in half.

Exposing the mechanical structure and wiring inside.

Electric sparks in mid-airjump.

Accompanied by billowing smoke.

Number 11 was scrapped.

And Cao Linxuan was hiding behind him.

He was not spared the disaster.

Even though the hatchet god was very fast, a rusty hatchet appeared in his hand at some point.

Throwing it into the air, a brown crack appeared, blocking all attacks.

The hatchet god dragged Cao Linxuan dozens of meters away in time, his expression extremely ugly.

Because the attack just now was more swift and ruthless, Cao Linxuan still got the knife.

Half of the body was cut off directly.

From the shocking wound, blood gushed out like a fountain, spreading into a dazzling path of blood.

Arcs of electricity danced and circled around Cao Linxuan’s broken body, keeping him alive.

After finishing all this, Chen Xiao revealed his figure above everyone’s heads and swept over them coldly.

In his hand was Cao Linxuan’s arm.

Chen Xiao took off his silver gloves.

Just throw it into the mountain and river map.

This is the spoils of war.

After the whole body is covered with a layer of [All Things Water], the speed of [Water Water Movement] is faster than I thought.

[Divine Wind] + [Water Movement] are actually faster than [Moon Shadow] on the ground.

If [Moon Shadow] + [Water Movement], that is the final trump card speed!

“Lin Xuan! My grandson!”

Cao Baiqing was shocked. He looked at Cao Linxuan who had half of his body chopped off, and his heart was bleeding.

That crazy ghost Ren Tu is too crazy!

No care for anyone!

And that’s the neutron rock plate No. 11…

Can’t even withstand a knife?

How can this be!

Pei Tianyuan’s face was ashen and he gave Chen Mo a look, which Chen Mo understood immediately.

He took out a bottle of brown viscous substance and threw it to the hatchet god general.

The Hatchet God General looked at Cao Linxuan who was like a dead dog in his hand, sighed and fed him the brown substance.

With the blessing of the brown substance, Cao Linxuan’s vitality was rapidly recovering.

Pei Tianyuan took a step forward: “Chen Xiao, Mr. Cao has already agreed to the National Games quota, why do you still want to kill him?”

Chen Xiao’s eyes were cold and he spoke coldly.

“If you use a quota to humiliate me, you must be prepared to be humiliated by me.”

Since Chen Xiao wants a quota, the more, the better. This is a great opportunity.

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