Cao Linxuan flew out like a cannonball and flew hundreds of meters in an instant!

Break dozens of walls in a row!

Disappeared in the smoky ruins!

Blood spurted out wildly, and the heavy armor shattered!

Zhang Longqi and others swallowed their saliva and were stunned.

What level of power is this?

Cao Linxuan’s new talent, full body armor, looks awesome, right?

Is it good but not useful?

The huge movement soon attracted many people, and it turned out that everyone was waiting outside the courtyard.

The first ones to break in were Pei Tianyuan and others.

More than a dozen people.

Being able to enter immediately shows that these people have extraordinary status.

Their eyes were very good, and they instantly saw Cao Linxuan hiding in the ruins, and Chen Xiao standing there indifferently.

There are two people, one on the left and one on the right, arranged in the north and south.

Not only that, the number of Chinese survivors this time was actually as high as five!

At this moment, Pei Tianyuan was both happy and helpless.

Fortunately, China suddenly has so many second animal awakeners.

Helplessly, the two restless masters Chen Xiao and Cao Linxuan finally started fighting.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a fight, but it’s a problem if it’s one-sided!

There are only a few Second Animal Awakeners in China, and they are all delicious food, so there is no room for loss!

What’s more, Cao Linxuan’s identity is more important than his strength.

Pei Tianyuan looked at Chen Xiao seriously and wanted to stop him: “Chen Xiao, calm down first. If you have anything to say first…”


But no one paid any attention to him.

Chen Xiao suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the place where he was originally cracked instantly!

Only an illusory afterimage is left!

Cao Linxuan half-knelt on the ground with difficulty and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Then I saw Chen Xiao in the distance and disappeared!

He couldn’t understand it at all!

Why did that person suddenly become so powerful!

He clearly opened the barrier…

What’s more, now that he has SS-level defensive talent, it is theoretically impossible to be beaten like this by a punch.

His internal organs were surging, but he had no time to check his body because a crisis was approaching!

He will die!

He screamed in shock: “Grandpa, help me!”


Just when the shadow of Chen Xiao’s fist was rushing and pouring out like a violent wave!

A pure black figure suddenly penetrated it!

They were closer to Cao Linxuan, and they obviously wanted to protect him at all costs.


With a loud noise.

In front of him was a huge black mechanical arm.

Standing majestically like a mountain.

He instantly stood between Chen Xiao and Cao Linxuan, trying to block Chen Xiao’s punch.

The surface of the arm had a cold metallic luster, and its structure was precise and complex.

This is the crystallization of human wisdom, which will bloom to its fullest in the last days.

But Chen Xiao’s punch was obviously more terrifying!

The mechanical arm was instantly smashed to pieces!

Exposing the metal skeleton and electrical energy components densely packed inside!

The collision just reached the limit, causing ripples of energy!

Cao Linxuan was once again shocked by the airflow and spit out blood. He knelt on the ground and couldn’t stand up at all.

“Transformation of people?”

After destroying the mechanical arm, Chen Xiao stopped the impact and stood firmly on the spot.

It was a robot full of technology.

He is over two meters tall and his body is like a small fortress.

The shell is made of an unknown black metal, with a surface as smooth as a mirror, and a deep dark purple arc flashing in the cold metallic luster.

The limbs are particularly thick, providing him with extremely strong power.

Chen Xiao had heard of this guy in his previous life, and he was the product of the wisdom of the Huaxia Research Institute.

In the early days of the end, it can be called the core combat power.

The most famous reformer in his previous life was No. 37.

The larger the number, the more iterations of the update and the stronger it is.

This No. 37 once single-handedly fought against the fifth-order new humans, which greatly encouraged the scientific researchers of Doomsday and gave enough confidence to human technology.

But not long after…

Just don’t mention it.

“Young Chen, I have long admired your name.”

A powerful voice came from beside Pei Tianyuan.

It was an old man with white hair and a boyish face, dressed meticulously in a Chinese tunic suit.

Although he has silver hair, his eyes are bright and wise, and the white eyebrows between his eyebrows are particularly eye-catching, making him look energetic.

He looked at Chen Xiao with a smile on his face.

Kind and kind.

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Cao Baiqing?”

The old man nodded helplessly: “Exactly.”

Cao Baiqing pointed at Cao Linxuan: “My grandson seems to have caused a lot of trouble…”

Chen Xiao chuckled: “You want to protect him? Do you know what he did in the game?”

Cao Linxuan got up from the ground with a look of horror on his face: “Grandpa, save me, he is a madman…”.”

At this moment, Cao Linxuan was left in embarrassment and horror.

He rolled and crawled towards Cao Baiqing’s back, completely lacking the heroic appearance that China’s second divine general should have.

Pei Tianyuan didn’t expect Chen Xiao to be so harsh. Looking at the Cao family’s appearance, he must have been bullied a lot.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so scared.

Pei Tianyuan sighed and looked at Zhang Longqi: “Long Qi, what happened in the game?”

Zhang Longqi hesitated for a moment, he knew what Pei Tianyuan was referring to.

He looked at Cao Baiqing and then at Chen Xiao.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Captain Cao escaped without fighting during the second level when fighting against other factions joining forces…”

Cao Linxuan was shocked: “Zhang Longqi! Are you talking human language while riding a horse!”

He didn’t expect Zhang Longqi to describe what happened so hastily.

This is too detrimental to myself!

Cao Linxuan quickly explained: “That was a joint effort of the five major camps! They were targeting China together! Moreover, Duan Nanyang rebelled and attacked me unprepared and seriously injured me. I had no choice. If it hadn’t been for that lotus root, I would have died!”

Pei Tianyuan looked coldly: “So you really ran away?”

He knew the effect of that piece of lotus root opportunity, which could not only restore injuries, but could even temporarily increase combat power.

Cao Linxuan’s face froze: “I…I had no choice. Under the circumstances, I had the only ability to protect myself.”


A loud slap hit his face.

From Cao Baiqing.

Cao Linxuan covered his face and looked at his grandfather in shock.

This grandfather who loved him so much hit himself for the first time.

He had a gloomy face and lowered his head not knowing what he was thinking.

At this moment, Cao Baiqing was very angry, but he quickly adjusted.

He straightened his clothes and bowed deeply in the direction of Chen Xiao, A Yao and others.

At this moment, Pei Tianyuan and others’ eyes trembled.

“Mr. Cao, what are you doing…”

“Get up quickly, Mr. Cao, your status is not that high!”

“Cao Linxuan, Cao Linxuan, you really broke Cao Laocao’s heart!”

Several people around Cao Baiqing quickly helped him up.

He looked at Chen Xiao and sighed: “Chen Xiaoyou, I apologize to you on behalf of my grandson…I apologize to China.”

“For making such a mistake, he will no longer be worthy of being a god general from now on.”

Cao Linxuan on the ground raised his head in shock.

What do you mean, grandpa, you want to deprive yourself of your rights and status?

Pei Tianyuan and others did not expect that Mr. Cao would be so ruthless and directly depose Cao Linxuan from his position as a divine general.

Mr. Cao continued to speak: “On the other hand, Chen Xiaoyou has just made great contributions to the destiny of the country. Compared with my incompetent grandson, he is simply the best candidate for the third divine general…”

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