The development of things gradually became outrageous.

Little Zeus was actually stolen to death at the last second before leaving the game!

Amidst the lightning and thunder, fires flew.

A black figure flashed past.

He held a fire tightly and looked at Chen Xiao.

He seemed to have something to say.

But thousands of words are ultimately swallowed.

A flame ignited.

Surround it completely.

After the fire, it had long since disappeared without a trace.

“Fake! What happened!”

“His Royal Highness Little Zeus and Colonel John were sneak attacked! This is too sudden!”

“These Chinese people are brave and resourceful, and they actually expected this.”

“We are on the second floor and they are already on the third floor!”

“Take off your clothes quickly!”

Compared to the few ignorant people at the entrance of the cave.

The expressions of the Chinese people were quite wonderful.

“Am I right? That person just now… was Captain Cao? I thought he was dead!”

“You have to endure it for so many days just to sneak up on little Zeus. What a talent it is to ride a horse!”

Zhang Longqi and Zhao Yuanhang were shocked by this amazing reversal.

Jiang Ling smiled helplessly: “He didn’t want to sneak attack Little Zeus, maybe he just didn’t dare to show up.”

Zhang Longqi accidentally glanced at Chen Xiao, then looked at Jiang Ling and nodded: “You are right.”

Ayao ran to Chen Xiao: “Brother Chen Xiao, can we clear the level?”

Chen Xiao nodded: “Of course, but I want to gain a wave of points first.”


Ayao realized that a large number of awakened people had not yet landed!

She looked toward the entrance of the cave, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she closed them tightly, grabbed Chen Xiao’s clothes and hid behind them.

Because inside the cave entrance, there was a group of men taking off their clothes.

The woman inside gritted her teeth and refused to reveal her true feelings.

“Seniors of China, we are convinced! We are willing to give our fire!”

“We are really convinced! Keep the fire away. If you don’t let us out, we will really die in there!”

“Yes, seniors of China, we are all persecuted by little Zeus, otherwise we would have surrendered long ago!”

“Look at me, how clean I am!”


The large army at the bottom of the cave comes from three parties.

Euro Alliance, Free Nation, Fighting Nation.

Count 14 people in total.

Chen Xiao was too lazy to deal with them and asked Zhang Longqi coldly.

“Which one of them made a move?”

When Zhang Longqi was asked this question, he immediately understood what Chen Xiao meant and pointed at four naked men in succession.

The four men realized something was wrong.

He quickly ran towards the shore.

But how could Chen Xiao let them go.

The long sword of water was like a blue meteor, flying across the entire cave entrance with sharp and decisive force.

Those who want to escape.

No one survived.

More than twenty fire seeds were stuffed into the mountain and river map.

At this time, many people who were preparing to run away from the cave entrance were also restrained.

This guy is really merciless when it comes to killing people.

Be quick and accurate!

Ayao spoke again: “There was a long-range attacker just now. I don’t know which one of these people it was…”

With one sentence, the remaining ten people became nervous again.

But no one was willing to come forward.

Chen Xiao’s eyes were like cold stars, scanning everyone one by one, and he was a little impatient: “No one is willing to say?”

“I had good intentions and spared your lives, but you didn’t know what was good for you…”

He shook his head slightly, with a helpless sigh mixed in between his words.

The next moment, Chen Xiao disappeared on the spot!

I saw an afterimage looming in the air!

Accompanied by the burst of blue light, it gallops and explodes!

It poured down with suffocating murderous aura and rushed straight into the crowd!

Everyone was shocked, this is a master who has no patience at all!

Isn’t there a process for selling teammates?

You threaten me a little bit!

Why is the aura so scary? Are they going to be slaughtered?

“Chinese people, I said because of my hesitation just now…”


“I said! That remote…”


“Spare me, I will…”


“Give me a chance! That person is…”




The long knives of water were scattered all over the ground, mixed with blood and flowing along the lava toward the ground.

Until all ten people were killed.

Chen Xiao didn’t hear clearly who the remote attacker was.

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

Because the person who took action…

Definitely dead.

Today, Chen Xiao already holds nearly 200 fire seeds.

A veritable first in superfault.

Zhang Longqi swallowed, sweat beads appeared on his forehead.

He glanced at Zhao Yuanhang without any trace.

This guy was even more shocked.

In just a few seconds, those ferocious awakeners just now alldied?

This gap is too big!

Jiang Ling thought it was nothing. After all, those people who persisted underground until now were just waiting for Little Zeus to kill Chen Xiao so that they could please Little Zeus?

This is just the result of being on the wrong team.

Ayao came to Chen Xiao’s side in a blink of an eye, her eyes almost turned into stars: “That’s awesome, brother Chen Xiao!”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly, pinched A Yao’s little face, and waved his hand to signal the gathering.

Zhang Longqi and others jogged all the way to the side of Chen Xiao’s cave entrance.

Jiang Ling said seriously: “Chen Xiao, if it weren’t for you, China would have lost miserably in this national games.”

Zhang Longqi also echoed: “Even if the crazy boss is not from the military region, we will definitely report it truthfully. You are the hero of China!”

Zhao Yuanhang saw that Zhang Longqi was so good at talking, and he hurriedly followed: “Yes, crazy boss, we have not achieved much in this life, I am embarrassed to ask for your fire!”

Chen Xiao nodded: “Then I really won’t give it to you.”

Zhao Yuanhang immediately grimaced: “Oh, crazy boss, I’m just kidding, I might as well borrow one…”


Ayao and Jiang Ling were amused by Zhao Yuanhang’s expression and laughed.

Chen Xiao said calmly: “I appreciate that you didn’t run away just now.”

“But fire is precious…”

“I’ll give you two choices now.”

Everyone listened to Chen Xiao’s words and waited for his price.

“First choice.”

“That means giving each of you a spark of fire, but you have to exchange it for an opportunity.”

“You don’t have to give it to me right away. You can owe it to me first.”

“I believe that as the second animal awakener, it is very simple to get an opportunity.”

Chen Xiao looked at everyone’s serious expressions and continued to speak leisurely.

“Second option.”

“I’ll give each of you three fire seeds, and you will be mine from now on.”

“Not only that, I want you to take the initiative to transfer to Jiangbei Military Region.”

“That’s my condition.”

“You can give me an answer now.”

Of course, fire will not be given out casually, there is a price to pay for everything.

The fire in the third level is related to the awakening of the second animal, and each one is priceless.

Chen Xiao is willing to share it, which is the most benevolent thing.

And his conditions are not extremely difficult, he just wants them to recognize him as the master.

Only when these people become his own can Chen Xiao hand over the fire with peace of mind.


Then use the opportunity to exchange it for one.

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