Chen Xiao stood at the entrance of the cave, and his gentle voice passed on.

“It turns out that we are brothers from the samba hot land. Come up quickly and let’s get together and play a game together.”

Several people from Samba Hotland crossed the EuroLeague and started climbing.

Their skin was glowing red, and it was already a little burnt by the roasting.

The people from the Euroleague really wanted to go out when they saw these people.

A little anxious.

“What should we do? Your Highness, little Zeus!”

“How about we stop them! They are really going out!”

“Yes, little Zeus, we can’t wait any longer!”

Little Zeus stopped everyone and said coldly: “Let’s take a look first and then talk. I don’t believe those people in China will let them go!”

Taking action at this time is the last resort.

Unless all the Samba Hot Tu camp is killed, even if they surrender and join forces, they are likely to rebel quickly!

And if we really kill all these people, the energy consumed will not be worth the loss.

The best way is to leave the decision-making power to China!

Then they harvest the fire of China!


Joseph was getting closer and closer to the cave entrance. He bowed to Chen Xiao: “You still don’t know the name of this Chinese leader?”

Chen Xiao waved his hand: “I don’t want to change my name, but I don’t want to change my surname. I am the Thunder God General, Cao Linxuan.”

This sentence shows his domineering attitude.

Everyone at the bottom of the cave heard it clearly.

It turns out that the one blocking us is the Chinese god general, Cao Linxuan!

This beast!

mean! Villain!

Joseph nodded: “It turns out that God will take action. No wonder China is so brave!”

Just as he was about to go ashore, Chen Xiao stopped him with a kick.

“First make fire, then go ashore.”

“Long Qi, Yuanhang, go and search.”

“Got the order!”

Zhang Longqi and Zhao Yuanhang jumped down from the cave entrance.

A wave of hot heat instantly enveloped the two of them.

The bottom of this cave is really no place for people to stay.

I don’t know how long those in the Euroleague can hold on.

As the two searched him carefully.

In the end, a total of twenty-one were found from the three persons.

Chen Xiao squatted down, got closer and smiled: “You don’t have any storage space on your body, do you?”

Joseph nodded sincerely: “Believe me, General Thunder, we only have so many.”

Chen Xiao laughed and shook his head: “You are very confident, so just take off your clothes.”

Joseph: “?”

He was a little angry: “Your Excellency is a little too much.”

Chen Xiao stood up slowly and said coldly: “If you don’t take it off, you’ll stay down there forever.”

“You…are you a little too domineering!”

“If we hadn’t really been unable to hold on, no one would have worked so hard to send fire!”

“We are humble enough!”

Behind Joseph, everyone seemed to be insulted.

They all protested against Chen Xiao’s behavior.

But Chen Xiao didn’t care at all.

He can use it up anyway.

Joseph gritted his teeth: “That’s enough! Let’s take it off and show him!”

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the samba hot land really took off all his clothes.

Naked and opposite.

Ayao and Jiang Ling had already turned around.

As everyone took off their clothes, Chen Xiao keenly noticed the slow movements of one of them.

Seems to be reluctant to part with something.

His bracelet?

Chen Xiao snorted coldly, and Wanshui turned into a big hand and grabbed it.

“What are you doing! I gave you the fire!”

The man kept struggling, but to no avail.

Chen Xiao controlled Wanshui to remove his bracelet.

“Hey! You Chinese people have gone too far! You are trying to kill them all!”

The struggling man was furious and wanted to fight with all his strength.

But Chen Xiao mercilessly squeezed him to death.

The moment I got the bracelet.

Familiar words appeared in front of my eyes.

【Super dimensional bracelet】

Description: Beyond the spatial dimension, there is another space

Effect: Have a small space where you can place and take things freely

Note: Live animals cannot be stored

It was indeed an opportunity.

This is the wishful thinking of the dead boy.

Chen Xiao moved his mind and directly sensed the space inside.

It’s just the size of a toilet.

Except for a bunch of clutter.

There are actually eleven fire seeds hidden inside!

It is clear.

It’s not like he kept these eleven stones himself.

Chen Xiao smiled coldly: “Chief Samba Hot Tu, how do you explain this?”

Joseph’s face looked a little ugly. He pointed to the corpse on the ground: “What a bastard! He will hurt us even if he dies!”

“Thunder God General, you have to believe me, I really didn’t expect this beast to hide fire secretly!”

The way he sighed.

Chen Xiao almost believed it.

“It’s a pity. The consequences of cheating on me will be disastrous.”

Joseph’s expression changed unpredictably, and he also knew that continuing like this was not an option.

This poor acting makes no sense.

The other party is obviousNot a fool.

He gritted his teeth: “General God, I am willing to offer another treasure. I just ask you to forgive us for the mistakes we have made!”

Chen Xiao became interested: “You are already naked like this, do you still have treasure?”

Joseph was naked and nodded shyly.

Then, he peeled off a sticker with an eye drawn on it from his wrist.

Chen Xiao thought it was a tattoo, but it turned out to be a sticker?

The eyes on this sticker come to life.

It looks like it’s moving.

Chen Xiao took it and it was another opportunity.

【Guard Wrist Eye】

Description: A gift bestowed upon the world by the all-knowing God

Effect: The Guardian Wrist Eye will summon a panoramic eyeball to continuously monitor an area and share the field of view with the holder.

Note: A maximum of three guard wrist eyes can be placed. When the fourth one is summoned, it will replace the first one.

“Oh? What a treasure.”

This is an unexpected surprise, it is much more useful than the necklace just now.

Since I have the vast space of Mountain and River Map, I don’t need so much toilet space at all.

But opportunities for spatial attributes are very rare, comparable to the talent of the camel guy.

If sold to the military, it is estimated that there will be a good return.

But this [Guard Wrist Eye] is different!

He can monitor an area at any time!

This ability is rare…

Even no less than an S-level talent!

Chen Xiao put the sticker on his wrist and quickly combined with it after touching his skin, giving him a cool feeling.

The sticker quickly blended into it, like a tattoo, deeply imprinted on the wrist.

The pattern of the dark eyes is lifelike, and the deep gaze seems to be observing everything in the world.

With a thought, Chen Xiao placed a guarding eye directly at the entrance of the cave where he was.

This is a round eyeball like a void phantom, the size of a fist, suspended in mid-air.

In an instant, Chen Xiao gained the eyeball’s field of vision, and he could monitor 360° at will.

No disturbance can escape the attention of [Guard’s Wrist Eyes].

I don’t know if I can continue monitoring after leaving the game.

If it could, that would be a major discovery…

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