Even if this person’s strength is weakened.

But still very strong!

“Brother Chen Xiao, be careful!”

Ayao was worried and exclaimed.

She didn’t expect that these people could explode with such power after being roasted in the underground furnace for so long!


The next moment, another huge boulder came!

Eric sneered, and the white light flashed and was about to break through all obstacles again!

A piece of broken stone still wants to stop you?

Those people in China… look down on others!

But before the white light could emerge, it suddenly went out!

No matter how he calls it, it’s as if he’s dead!

In the end what happened!

An unspeakable terrifying coercion came over!

Rules are coming!

Nine-foot seal!


The boulder is instantly unmatched!

He slapped Eric alive into the hole and fell into the endless mist!

People in free countries: “…”


“Are you still alive?”

“Boss, why don’t you fight back?”

“Fake! It’s not like the boss doesn’t fight back. This is because China is taking advantage of others!”

“We have just come up from the underground furnace, we are exhausted physically and mentally, coupled with China’s despicable sneak attack!”

Everyone in the free country was shocked and realized that something was wrong!

Chen Xiao looked down at the crowd and sneered: “If we don’t exchange fire, then we’ll all die down there.”

Everyone in the free country has seen Eric disappear with their own eyes, how can they still dare to fight?

But he was unwilling to hand over the fire he had worked so hard to find.

In desperation, they had no choice but to flee in the direction of the underground furnace, looking for Eric who disappeared into the mist.

Zhao Yuanhang strode like a meteor and was about to chase him.

Chen Xiao stretched out his hand helplessly, and water splashed out, turning into a big hand and grabbing Zhang Longqi.

Zhao Yuanhang frowned: “Crazy boss, are you going to let them go?”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “They can’t hold on for long, because the temperature of the underground furnace… is rising.”

Zhang Longqi turned his head in shock: “Crazy boss…how do you know?”

Ayao also had some questions and looked at Chen Xiao.

At this time, Jiang Ling stood up.

She looked a little ugly: “Because… they are coming out.”

“A lot of people…”

“Many people…how many?”

Ayao tugged on Chen Xiao’s sleeve, feeling a little worried.

Chen Xiao smiled faintly, put his hands behind his back, and looked into the cave.

“These groups of people should be all of the third level.”

As expected, Chen Xiao’s words had not yet finished.

There was a faint rustling sound coming from the entrance of the cave.

“The sudden rise in temperature just now is really going to push us towards death!”

“Fortunately, there are no casualties among us. As long as we go ashore and crush the fire, we will successfully complete the mission!”

“When we return to Sakura, we will be rewarded by An Shrine! How awesome!”

“I don’t know what’s going on with Kawashima. When I awaken the second animal, I’m going to propose after the game is released!”

“Don’t worry Cang Shu, you also know what Kawashima is capable of. No one can stop her if she wants to run away!”

“When I return to Sakura, I will drink your wedding wine. Our Sakura Self-Defense Force will definitely do something special!”

The first group to prepare to leave the cave are the only three remaining members of the Sakura camp.

Hokusai and Cangshu Hoshino are among them.

They were still immersed in the joy of victory and fantasized about the game.

But soon.

They sensed the uninvited guests at the entrance of the cave.

At the front was a young man in black with a faint smile on his lips.

“Are you from China?”

“I don’t know what the instructions are?”

Hokusai wore a loose white robe that swayed gently in the breeze.

Hanging on his waist was a samurai sword with a dark ebony handle and a smooth blade made of fine steel.

There was a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

People from China dare to stop him?

These bugs…

He didn’t even bother China!

These bugs are really asking for death!

“This is the right path to the underground furnace. Sakura and the dog please go to the dog cave.”

Chen Xiao was concise and clear, not even mentioning Tinder.

You don’t need to use fire.

Sakura must all die.

“You’re really looking for death!”

Hokusai shouted coldly, but before he could take action, he was overtaken by a figure next to him!

Beside him, Cang Shu Xingye could no longer hold back and rushed out.

He is the Oyster Awakener!

SSS level magic talent [Ecological Counterforce]

SSS level defensive talent [Spiny Shell Armor]

“Damn Chinese people, I will use your heads as a unique tribute at my grand wedding!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha, suffer death!”

Cang Shuxingye smiled and strode forward.

There is a brown energy body in the hand, which contains very strong power..

“Haha, it’s a big wedding again, then you will be the second groom I kill.”

The corners of Chen Xiao’s mouth raised slightly, and a long sword of water gradually condensed in his palm.

Head towards the cave!

Cang Shu Xingye snorted coldly: “Damn Chinese, let me send you to hell!”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “Is it because you Yinghua people like to call you ‘damn Chinese people’? My ears are almost calloused.”

Cang Shu Xingye suddenly stopped: “Have you met people from other Sakura Kingdoms?”

Chen Xiao seemed to have thought of something, and stopped and smiled ghostly.

“Of course, I killed two in the third level.”

Cang Shuxingye’s eyes were red and he was breathing heavily.

In the third level, Sakura advanced to a total of five places, and now she has gathered three.

The remaining two…

“you are lying!”

“You can’t kill two!”

“You can only kill one!”

“Kawashima’s speed is invincible! You can’t kill Kawashima!”

Cang Shu Xingye became obviously crazy and stared at Chen Xiao.

Hokusai also walked to Cangshu Hoshino and spoke slowly: “He is deliberately irritating you. Cangshu, please calm down first.”

Another person from the Sakura Kingdom also looked at Chen Xiao with an unkind expression and asked loudly: “You said you killed two people, can you possibly describe their appearance?”

Chen Xiao sneered: “I don’t need to explain to you, you will definitely die anyway.”

“But I see this gentleman keeps talking about Kawashima Kawashima. I have seen a woman with an excellent figure…”

Chen Xiao raised his chin and looked down at everyone: “Are you talking about the one with a mole on his left chest and a small birthmark on his waist?”

With one sentence, Hokusai didn’t know how to comfort him. He glanced at Cang Shu Xingye nervously.

I noticed something was wrong with Cang Shu’s expression!

Is this horse riding real or fake?

If it’s true…

Doesn’t it mean…

Cang Shu Xingye’s pupils trembled and he kept shaking his head.

Didn’t Kawashima Aki wear a long slit skirt?

This person even knows the mole on Kawashima’s chest and the birthmark on his waist?

Even I don’t know these things!

“you are lying!”


The next moment, he rushed towards Chen Xiao like a madman!

His heart was bleeding.

Cang Shu Xingye roared: “Tell me, what you said is false! Kawashima will not betray me!”

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