Just after Cao Linxuan escaped.

Chen Xiao turned around helplessly. He became more and more aware of the importance of speed talent.

Fortunately, everyone in the third level would eventually be concentrated in the underground furnace, so he did not believe that Cao Linxuan would not go.

“Zhou Xun…oh no, crazy boss! Can you take us with you?”

“Crazy boss, we are willing to go in front of each other!”

Zhang Longqi and Zhao Yuanhang looked nervous, but they still had the courage to come and talk.

Ever since they found out that Zhou Xun was disguised as Mad Ghost Rentu, they were all shocked beyond measure.

The name of Crazy Ghost Man Tu is almost unknown to everyone in the Beijing Military Region!

That is the most ruthless person since the end of the world!

Chen Xiao saw the two of them and laughed: “Why are you so nervous? I can eat you two.”

Zhang Longqi reacted very quickly: “Of course not. In fact, since the end of the world… you have always been my idol!”

Chen Xiao quickly interrupted: “Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, tell me your talents, and I will decide whether to take you two with me.”

Zhang Longqi took a step forward: “Crazy ghost boss, my name is Zhang Longqi, the awakened old cow, my talents are SSS level [Shaking Earth] and S level [Wild Bull Power].”

“My name is Zhao Yuanhang, an awakened wolfdog. I have the SSS-level speed talent [Dog Jumps Over Walls], and the S-level skill talent [Speed ​​Dog Paddle].”

They are all awakeners with dual talents!

In the military area, these two people are not that simple, maybe they are still big bosses.

After all, being selected for the National Games game is definitely not an unknown role.

But now in front of Chen Xiao, he is extremely well-behaved.

Chen Xiao did not refuse.

He led the two of them to run through the forest.

the other side.


Cao Linxuan, who encountered Kawashima Aki, chose to flee without a fight without hesitation!


He had no choice at all.

This time in the national games, he was treated too poorly!

After being seriously injured by his henchman, he just took a chance to catch his breath when he encountered the unreasonable crazy ghost Ren Tu.

After escaping death, I met this woman again!

“Want to escape?”

The reason why Aki Kawashima dared to show up directly was because he saw Cao Linxuan in a state of serious injury and embarrassment.

Seeing his timidity made him even more convinced of this idea.

Her speed is not something Cao Linxuan can escape!

SSS level speed talent [Civet Shunpo]!

A little colder!

Almost instantly, Kawashima Aki was about to pierce Cao Linxuan!

Of course Cao Linxuan knows how fast this woman is!

He did this on purpose!

Just to catch her!

The power of thunder, which had been gathering momentum for a long time, exploded in Cao Linxuan’s hands!


The roar of electricity was harsh, followed by a shocking loud noise!


Thunder suddenly appears!

Kawashima Aki was shocked. He didn’t expect that this person could explode with such powerful power despite being so seriously injured.

She retreated quickly, her arms paralyzed by the thunder and still shaking.

The brief battle just now showed her that Cao Linxuan was extremely powerful.

She was so scared that she didn’t dare to pursue him anymore.

Looking at Cao Linxuan’s fleeing figure in the distance.

Kawashima Aki narrowed his eyes: “The divine general of the Chinese Military Region… is indeed very strong.”

“He was seriously injured. The place where the fighting broke out…”

“Maybe I can reap the benefits.”

in her cognition.

If either party is super powerful, there will be no escape.

The reason why Cao Linxuan was able to escape with serious injuries must be because he experienced a terrifying and fierce battle!

As long as he goes in the direction he came from, he might be able to gain something!

Don’t hesitate any longer, otherwise you will easily miss the opportunity.

Kawashima Aki is extremely fast!

[Civet Shunpo] explodes without reservation, traveling through the dark forest.

Just ran for a few minutes.

Her expression changed, and her eyelids trembled.

Because with her second talent [Dynamic Radar], she has already captured an enemy far away!

That person was running towards him crazily.

Can he feel himself?

Kawashima Aki is in a dilemma because she cannot judge the strength of the visitor…

Even in her confusion, she did not stop.

Soon, she regretted it.

Because the visitor is a Chinese.

Could it be that he was the one fighting with Thunder God General?


Judging from his appearance, he was unscathed and did not look like he had been in a battle at all.

Kawashima Aki knew how to restrain herself. She pretended not to see this Chinese man and tried to pass the test by being cute.


Chen Xiao touched his chin and stopped where he was.

He roughly guessed the identity of this woman.

He had felt a fast-moving energy body just now, and he thought it was A Yao.

That’s why I got rid of the two followers and passedCome to look for someone.

Unexpectedly, the person with the extremely fast speed was not A Yao, but the Sakura girl.

Her speed was also one of the fastest in this national destiny, and Chen Xiao had done his homework.

It was just that after switching the target to A Yao, he gave up selectively.

Kawashima Aki had delicate features and wore a black slit long skirt with suspenders. She was charming and cold, like a mandala in the dark night.

The black skirt hem showed her snow-white thighs vaguely with her steps.

She slowly stopped and spoke helplessly.

“Are you trying to block my way?”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “I’m just curious about your talent level…”

Kawashima Aki didn’t understand, and frowned: “What do you mean?”

Chen Xiao smiled faintly: “Nothing, just curiosity, but I recommend you to be obedient.”

Kawashima Aki’s cold eyes flashed a trace of coldness: “You are very brave… You know my name, and you dare to be so arrogant.”

“Do you know how many Chinese I have killed?”

Chen Xiao shook his head faintly: “Sorry, I killed more Chinese than you.”

Kawashima Aki: “…”

What kind of brain circuit is this guy!

Listening to him speak, he doesn’t sound like a normal person!

She snorted coldly and took a step with her slender legs.

There was an imperceptible arrogance in her steps.

The high-slit skirt swayed slightly in the wind, and a touch of snow-white skin appeared from time to time, and her graceful figure aroused people’s reverie.

“Chinese bugs.”

“Do you really think you got the first place in points?”

“You just have more people left, the final victory belongs to Sakura!”

“So, you can go to hell!”


The next moment, she accelerated suddenly.

As if disappearing on the spot!

The cold dagger appeared again!

At the same time as her action, Chen Xiao also moved.

A long water knife slowly emerged in his hand.

“Sitting in a well and looking at the sky.”


With a clash of swords, Aki Kawashima only felt a huge force, and the dagger was swept away directly, like fallen leaves meeting autumn wind!

She stared at Chen Xiao’s eyes, trying to find a flaw in his eyes, but there was only endless deep calmness in those calm eyes.

It seemed that he never took her seriously.

She gritted her teeth and took out another short knife from her waist!

It was cold and shining under the moonlight!

At such a close distance, she believed that this man could not escape!

But in an instant, she was filled with horror!

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