“Ah hey, what does he mean…”

“He…why is there nothing wrong with him?”

“My water poisonous lotus will make the person who is affected by it feel weak. Why can he still stand up!”

“Why do I have an ominous premonition…”

Everyone in the four major camps watched Chen Xiao slowly get up, and the uneasiness in their hearts gradually fermented.

Black Spear and Yossi looked at each other, and both saw horror in the other’s eyes.

Under the beating of so many people, he could still stand up!

This kind of thing is far beyond expectation!

“Gubta, why do I feel…this person is a bit strange.”

Black Spear frowned and looked at Gubuta in the cloak not far away.

At this moment, Gubuta was also a little confused.

The man said, it’s his turn… What on earth does he want to do?

“Zhou Xun! Why are you still stubborn! China has been defeated! We have already lost!”

Gu Liao shouted, his face a little ferocious.

Duan Nanyang also spoke: “As a Chinese compatriot, let me remind you that you have been with An Ning for so long and know so much information. As long as you are willing to reveal it, maybe these people can be generous and not torture you.”

Hear these words.

Chen Xiao shook his head: “Chinese compatriot…are you worthy?”

The long sword of water slowly emerged, flashing with cold light.

At this moment, although it was Zhou Xun’s face, his aura was already that of a different person.

Killing intent soared into the sky!

Duan Nanyang was shocked: “Zhou Xun, what do you mean…”


The next moment, Chen Xiao suddenly disappeared!

A chilling and cruel smell floated into Duan Nanyang’s nose like a real entity!

When the figure reappeared, it had already flashed before Duan Nanyang’s eyes!

“You are not Zhou Xun!”

Duan Nanyang realized this problem!

But it’s too late!

The long knife of water drew a cold trajectory in the air!

Duan Nanyang’s pupils are getting bigger and bigger!

Until it pierced his heart!


Before the blood gushes out from the wound, Duan Nanyang’s eyes have already lost their sparkle.

His life force disappeared instantly.

After getting rid of Duan Nanyang, Chen Xiao turned his head.

Not far away is Gu Liao.

It is his rule that traitors die first.

Gu Liao’s face was full of horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

Water jet!


Killing like hemp!

Crazy ghosts massacre!

“Zhou Xun, you…”

“You are actually a crazy ghost and a human butcher!”

Chen Xiao did not answer, but his cold eyes seemed to pierce his soul.

Gu Liao couldn’t help but shudder.

But he still had a calm face: “Crazy Ghost Rentu, I know your strength. As long as we join forces, we may not be able to defeat the four major camps!”

“We have no grievances. We are all Chinese people. We can turn the tide. There is still hope for China’s national destiny!”

Gu Liao became more and more excited as he said that this was the only way he could survive.

That is the crazy ghost Rentu leading himself to kill Tianzhu, Heihe, and Nanzhou!

Chen Xiao shook his head: “The fate of the country has never been entrusted to people like you, and you are just like Duan Nanyang.”

“Not worthy.”

Gu Liao’s eyes widened: “Crazy ghost Rentu! You say I’m not worthy?!”

“I am the captain of the Beijing Military Region!”

“I am the sole heir of the Gu family!”

“The ancestors of our Gu family are…”


The next second, Gu Liao felt his head being hollowed out!

After a moment of dizziness, he was pinned against a big tree more than ten meters away!

The big tree trembled with great force!

A big hand grabbed his throat tightly!

“I’ll send you down to meet them.”

“I’m also curious about what they will think of you, a spineless junior!”

Just when Chen Xiao finished his cold words.

A deep voice sounded: “Let him go, Chinese, he is my prisoner.”

Gubuta looked at Chen Xiao with a spark in his hand.

It seems like it will explode at the slightest disagreement.

Chen Xiao didn’t look back, and was just about to use force to kill this traitor.

But Gu Liao disappeared.

Yes, gone.

He appeared next to Gubuta.

In the Tianzhu camp, there are skills like teleportation or retrieving objects from the air!

Gubuta stood in front of Gu Liao, a little angry.

“You are strong, Chinese.”

“But you killed Duan Nanyang, he is my prisoner, and you need to pay the price.”

Gu Liao narrowly escaped death and was breathing heavily beside Gubuta.

He gritted his teeth: “Crazy Ghost Rentu! I admit that you are hiding deep, but what’s the point? Can you defeat so many elite awakeners by yourself?”

Chen Xiao shook his head helplessly, and the long sword of water scattered on the ground.

He holds a map of mountains and rivers, and the divine wind blows.

Swinging straight into the sky, he smiled faintly at the four major camps.

“Forty-seven people, forty-seven seconds.”

Gubuta’s eyelids twitched: “What did you say?”


Without giving them any time to react.

next moment.

The mountain and river map bursts out with amazing energy!

From it the river surges and the Milky Way falls to the ground!

The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, and the waves are turbulent.

Twenty-nine people died.

Ten seconds in total.

The next moment, Chen Xiao’s figure suddenly flashed!

The water of the Yellow River comes from the sky!

The huge waves are rolling and roaring!

【All things water】

【Eight Directions Killing】

[Nine-foot seal]

The river turned into sword feathers all over the sky, flashing with cold light.

There is a knife hidden in the river and a murderous intention!

Use water as soldiers and rivers as formations!

How have the four major camps seen such a scene before!

This water front fills the sky!

It is simply more terrifying than the sky-reaching flames of Gubuta!





It’s not that people from the four major camps don’t want to run, it’s that their legs seem to have lead!

They feel a mushy sensation!

A feeling of sleep!

It’s as if the body has been put under heavy shackles!

As if deep in the mud!

“What kind of method is this! Are there really gods in China?”

“I don’t understand, why is his ability so abnormal?”

“Is this really an ability brought by talent? Why is it so scary!”

“How can this be a talent? The abilities he has shown…are too many!”

“Is he an immortal from China?”

“Such power is unheard of!”

“The entire army is on defense! This flood has a hidden killer move!”

“Despicable China…poof!”







In just a few breaths, the overwhelming waves swept over everything!

Anyone who comes into contact with the river will be cut into bones by the overwhelming blades, leaving only a tragic scene!

Some of the fragile ones were directly annihilated in the river and disappeared without a trace!

This move is Chen Xiao’s most powerful combination move in terms of large-scale damage!

Gubuta activated the flames crazily, but it was of no use at all, because Chen Xiao’s water flow was endless, like a bottomless pit!

“Who on earth is he! When did such a character appear in China!”

“First there was the white-haired divine general, and then there was this madman. Could it be that the fate of the doomsday was all born in China?”

He looked at Chen Xiao’s invincible posture and felt very unhappy.

Why has China given birth to so many opportunities?

Why is China so rich in heritage?

Is it difficult for Tianzhu, who has the same extraordinary background, to compete? !

The black spear of the black camp is even more shocking.

It was the first time since the end of the world that he had seen such a power beyond nature.

This feeling is a kind of powerlessness in the face of God and natural disasters!

Yossi’s face was ugly. He was thinking about whether he would have a chance to survive if he was swept into the river…

But Gu Liao, who had just managed to survive, looked ferocious.

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