His appearance made Cao Linxuan frown even deeper.

This terrifying and hot breath made him confirm the identity of this person.

The leader of the Tianzhu camp!


The Tianzhu people didn’t show up just now, it turned out that they had been hiding in the dark!

He killed a general of China with one move!

Gubuta laughed, exuding a hot breath all over his body.

The pressure was full, overlooking all living beings.

“Captain Cao, give me a chance, I will clear the way for you.”

Duan Nanyang sighed, ready to die.

“We are surrounded, and we will die if we drag it down. China should not be eliminated like this. You are very strong and can continue to move forward.”

Cao Linxuan’s face was ugly. Duan Nanyang had followed him since the end of the world.

They had a deep relationship and had always been the most trusted people among Cao Linxuan’s men.

Cao Linxuan patted Duan Nanyang on the shoulder: “When I get out of the National Destiny Game, I will apply for the highest military merit for you and let your name resound throughout China.”

As he said, Cao Linxuan took out the small black box and revealed the opportunity inside.

It was a bottle of hourglass.

It looked ordinary.

Duan Nanyang carefully took the hourglass, and a smile appeared on his face inadvertently.

“Gubta, let me try your Fire God inheritance!”


A strong fighting spirit stirred in the air.

The power of thunder condensed instantly and turned into bright lightning in his hands!

He rushed straight to Gubuta with unparalleled power!

“Tsk, I heard that you call yourself the Thunder God?”

“Are you worthy of being called a god?”

“Fire beam!”



Gubuta just waved his hand, and instantly poured out terrifying fire dragon pillars!

“Five thunderbolts!”


“Zizz, zizz–”

Thunder and fire alternated, instantly illuminating the entire battlefield!

But the winner was immediately determined!

The fire spread wildly at lightning speed, and the blazing flames rushed straight towards Cao Linxuan!

Cao Linxuan stepped back, horrified!

Why is this Gubuta so fierce? !

Isn’t Tianzhu only 2,500 points? !

Are they hiding their strength? !

But this is absolutely impossible, who would hide in the national destiny game!

And in the first level, no one knew they would be resurrected, and everyone went all out, and it was even more impossible to hide their strength!

Why is that? !

He didn’t understand! !

At this moment, Cao Linxuan’s PCU burned! !

“Nanyang, rely on you…”

Just as Cao Linxuan opened his mouth, Gubuta interrupted: “Duan Nanyang, the opportunity has been obtained, you should take action.”

“What did you say?”


A purple energy burst out from behind Cao Linxuan like a beast lurking in the dark night!

It actually pierced through Cao Linxuan’s body!

“Nanyang?! How is it possible…”

“I sent you to Tianzhu to be stationed, and you betrayed?!”

Thunder flashed, paralyzing Cao Linxuan’s body, and he slowly turned his head.

Duan Nanyang sighed: “I can’t help myself, Captain Cao. I was arrested in Tianzhu a long time ago. I sold all the information about China. I have no choice.”

“You also know that I care about my reputation. My family is looking forward to my selection as a god general. I can’t let this news spread.”

“You can only die in grievance…”

Blood flowed out.

Cao Linxuan ran away [Thunder Run], but his injuries were too severe and he was facing death at any time.

He didn’t expect that Duan Nanyang would sneak attack him at a critical moment.

Cao Linxuan sighed and slowly opened another wooden box.

Pei Tianyuan gave him two chances at the beginning, one was cheated by Duan Nanyang, and the other was kept by himself.

Unexpectedly, it would be used so soon.

This is a piece of lotus root.

He slowly put the lotus root into the hollow of his chest.

An amazing scene happened!

Like Yusi’s talent, Cao Linxuan’s wound is recovering crazily!

The next moment, he turned around and ran away!

Without hesitation!

He gave up all his Chinese compatriots!

Duan Nanyang didn’t expect that Thunder’s ability was so strong that it could temporarily paralyze until Cao Linxuan used the opportunity!

He was about to raise his foot to chase, but was stopped by Gubuta.

“Deal with these people in China first, he can’t make waves alone.”

Although Duan Nanyang was still a little worried, he didn’t dare to disobey Gubuta’s words.

He had no choice but to hand the hourglass to Gubuta, and then shrank in the Tianzhu team.

“Why did Captain Cao run in that direction?”

“He…he ran away! Damn it!”

“Fuck, the captain ran away, the deputy captain died! We are the only ones left!”

“I didn’t expect him to talk so nicely, and he ran so fast when he met a strong enemy!”

Captain Cao ran away, Yan Zhiyuan was killed, DuanNanyang rebelled.

The three strongest people in the Chinese camp have three different endings.

China’s defeat.


“Zhou Xun… I’ll take you to run away in a moment. Follow closely.”

Ayao’s face turned pale with fright, but she tried hard to find hope.

The current situation was something she had not expected.

That invincible, powerful five-horse Thunder God General…

He actually escaped!

Sure enough, the first level gave Cao Linxuan too much confidence, making him think that China was far stronger than other regions!

As a result, there is no tactical arrangement at all!

As a result, he was seriously injured by others…

Is it my fault?

Chen Xiao sighed, as if he had made some kind of decision, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

Cut off the hemp rope tied to his arm.

“What do you mean?”

Ayao seemed to have thought of something, and her face looked a little anxious.

“They’re coming.”

Chen Xiao’s calm words sounded the alarm to everyone present!

I saw that the people in the other four corners lost their patience, and more than a dozen figures pressed down!

Gubuta clasped his hands behind his back and said coldly: “Everyone from China, I know you are from the military region.”

“As long as you surrender, tell me the news about the military region.”

“I won’t torture you and give you a good time, otherwise…”

“I have the ability to make your life worse than death.”

In the Chinese camp, everyone, you look at me and I look at you.

No one chose to surrender.

Either way, you will die, so why surrender and then die?

What an insult to everyone’s intelligence!

Gubuta shook his head: “You still underestimate my ability…”

next moment.

He waved his hand, and a terrifying fire appeared out of the sky.

It fell on the man next to Gu Liao!

The next moment, the man was instantly wrapped in flames, and his body was even wrapped with lines of fire!

He couldn’t move and even lost the ability to commit suicide!

I can only bear the extreme torture of that fire!

“What’s this!”

“No, what’s going on! My skin…”

“my body…”

“Ahhhh, it hurts, it hurts!”

“Dead! Dead! I’m going to die!”

“Ahhhhhh! Gu Liao! Kill me! Kill me quickly!”

“I beg you! If you have a fight with a colleague, kill me! I beg you!”

Gu Liao gritted his teeth, he was still struggling.

But seeing the man’s pain, he decided to kill him.

Gu Liao sighed and was about to take action.

“You want to try it too, right?”

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