Ayao is a girl who is excellent in many dimensions.

Her talent was recognized by her!

It’s just… people’s current good impressions are all based on Zhou Xun.

Nothing belongs to oneself.

Let’s not talk about whether he can obtain talents in this special situation, just doing it in Zhou Xun’s face made Chen Xiao feel uncomfortable.

It feels like pushing your butt!

I don’t even want to think about it!


The only way gradually emerged in Chen Xiao’s mind.

Time passes minute by minute.

Chen Xiao was chatting with A Yao.

Gu Liao seemed a little afraid that Chen Xiao was progressing too fast, so he moved over to sit with the two people who had just arrived.

Not talking, just listening.

Of course, his face was always ugly.

Before I knew it, it was late at night.

During this day, Ayao told Chen Xiao a lot of childhood stories.

How could Chen Xiao know this? He could only respond helplessly.


Waves of familiar roars silenced the entire courtyard.

No matter what expression everyone had before, at this moment, without exception, they were all serious.

【Under the Blood Moon】

【Infinite Evolution】


【Opportunities for evolution are everywhere】

【Tonight’s Rules】

【Escape quickly】

【Escape quickly】

【Escape quickly】

“Run away? What do you mean…”

The little man spoke doubtfully, he was a little confused.

Gu Liao shook his head: “This is not something we should consider. The opportunity is right in front of us, why bother with the rules of Blood Moon.”

A Yao looked at Chen Xiao: “Zhou Xun, what do you think running away means?”

Chen Xiao pondered for a while: “I don’t know either.”

Ayao sighed: “It doesn’t matter. I just hope that we can pass the National Games smoothly. Chief Pei promised me military exploits that I will never earn in my lifetime!”

Chen Xiao raised his head and looked at the dark sky.

A blood moon hangs high.

Weird and unsettling.

Run away?

Of course Chen Xiao knew what it meant.


New humans will receive epic enhancements!

Not just more bloodthirsty and brutal than usual.

The offensiveness is dozens of times higher than usual!

The most important change is.

They became undead!

in short.

No one can kill any of the new humans!

Including myself!

Because even if they are crushed into blood beads, they will reintegrate within a few minutes!

Under this intensity of new human attack, if there is no base to protect.

A narrow escape from death!

But Chen Xiao is not worried about the few people in Jiangbei, they will definitely survive.

The arms storage in Jiangbei is second only to the capital.

Under a full-coverage firepower network, at least one-fifth of the firepower inventory must be emptied.

But holding on for one night is not a problem.

Even if there are casualties, they are definitely not Jiangbei’s core personnel.

It’s just a pity that Jiangbei always lacks some nuclear bomb series.

When we destroyed the last three companies, we really couldn’t find anything about the button.

“There’s no need to think about escaping, it’s time for us to take action.”

Cao Linxuan walked slowly to the opportunity: “If you have any heavy objects, you can put them on the camel. Call him if you need it.”

Then, a thin figure appeared.

He is the camel.

The owner of the S-level skill talent [Hump Storage].

Chen Xiao estimated that it would definitely not be as good as his own mountain and river map.

“Why don’t you put that big scroll on your back inside? It’s so heavy to carry!”

Ayao looked at Chen Xiao curiously, a little confused.

Chen Xiao waved his hand: “No need, I like to do my own thing.”


Ayao was amused by Chen Xiao, and she also jumped towards the flash, with a light figure and nimble steps.

As each person touched, the flash grew brighter and brighter.

Until Chen Xiao also touched it.

[Opportunity to evolve: 10/13]

Sure enough, the number of people was just right, thirteen people!

Just at the last three, namely Gu Liao, they finished touching each other.

A feeling of shaking came over me.

Immediately afterwards came infinite light, as if daylight suddenly fell, and the intense light instantly filled the entire field of vision.


When Chen Xiao opened his eyes again, he was alone.

He appeared in a steel corridor, surrounded by a cold metal wall, smooth and cold.

In front of him was endless darkness.

Like a black hole leading to an unknown world, swallowing up all light and hope.

There were only a few white lamps embedded in the ceiling nearby, illuminating this depressing space.

There was silence all around, except for Chen Xiao’s own even breathing echoing in the air.

“What does it mean?”

Chen Xiao was a little confused, but he soon had the answer.

Because of that soundThe sound sounded again.

【Welcome to the animal world】

[Game 76-National Games Game]

【Animal number 230001】

[National Games Camp: China]

[Game goal: get higher points]

【Game Rewards】

[National Games Reward: The camp with higher points will have more opportunities to be born]

[Personal reward: After surviving to the end of the game, you can awaken the second animal, and the level of points determines the selection method]

[There are three levels in the game]

【The first level is in progress】

【gate of hell】




Chen Xiao didn’t have time to analyze too much, because there was a strange noise in the darkness.

As Chen Xiao witnessed, a tall and thin figure appeared.

His neck was stretched out and his eyes were wide and round.

There is an inexplicable sense of disharmony when walking.

New humanity?

Look at this level of evolution.

It’s just a third-level new human being.

Chen Xiao didn’t want to fuss too much.

The long sword of water slowly appeared in his hand.

The next moment, he suddenly disappeared!


Also disappearing were the heads of the third-order new humans!


This time, it was no longer the sound of footsteps landing.

Long knives scattered.

Chen Xiao is still puzzled.

National luck game?

That’s it?

In the first two blood moons, so many people were sent, but only one survived. Wolf King Chen Mo’s national destiny game, how could it be so simple!

Sure enough, just a few seconds later.

The sound of footsteps came from the dark direction again.




This time the footsteps were very oppressive.

Similar to the mammoth that Chen Xiao summoned from the gate to the spirit world.

When the rightful owner showed up, he really lived up to Chen Xiao’s expectations.

This is a new fourth-level human being!

Because in his hand, he was holding a big black hammer tightly, and white light shone around the hammer.

That is the exclusive opportunity for new humans.

Tier 4 exclusive unlock.

He dragged his huge and bloated body almost to the top of the five-meter-high shed, looking around.

“Boom boom boom boom!”

As soon as he saw Chen Xiao, he raised his big black hammer and ran over.

Although he looks bloated, his speed is not slow at all.

Chen Xiao snorted coldly and dodged sideways.


The terrifying destructive power directly smashed the metal ground, but the rules were immediately repaired.


The strange power continues to show.

The power of the fourth-level new humans, combined with that big hammer, is comparable to a missile!

No one will feel better after being exposed for a while!

“Kill from all directions!”

“All things water!”

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