Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 800: People entering the library

The genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Su Yu's eyes slightly lifted and swept across Huang Fulang's body.

It must be said that the second prince of the dry martial arts is extremely extraordinary in both strength and wrist.

Even if he loses such a good situation, he can still keep his peace of mind, and he can make the best choice from it.

At this time, the five people who had left the country had already been defeated by Gan Bao, and no matter how entangled this thing would be of no avail, at most it ended in a farce.

Even if Tianli Kingdom really used this as an excuse to provoke things to the East Abyssal State, the impact on the East Abyssal State would be minimal, and it would even damage its own image, and it would not be worth the loss.

It's better to push the boat along the river and postpone Bidou directly. After this farce, the more people you can attract!

Now that we know that heaven will win if we leave the country, why not wait three days and let more people see it is better?

Duanmu Rin apparently understood the meaning of Huang Fulang, his body slowly gathered up, and the corner of his mouth curled up a little arc. I hope that the Eastern Wasteland will not be afraid!"

He glanced at Gu Mengyun and Su Yu, then left with Huang Fulang straight away.

With the end of the farce, the majestic battle ended with an oolong.

However, basically everyone knows that this game was won by the country, and it was just playing the East Abandoned Country on the ring. After three days, the result will certainly not change. Greater humiliation.

The crowd slowly dissipated, and everyone felt a dark tide surging.

"Lengyue, you will stay here with Master Su and practice with Master Su. I'll go first." Situ Pao admonished Situ Lengyue and then left to Su Yu.

He was also entrusted by others to come to help people see a doctor.

"Thank you, Master Su, for your help, grateful!" Gu Mengyun also came and thanked Su Yu.

"Yeah, Brother Su, I knew you would help us, Daen thank you!"

"Hahaha, by the way, Brother Su is really the noble of our East Abandoned Country. This is the third time that we have benefited from the East Abandoned Country."

Feng Lingzhu and others also smiled at Su Yu, full of gratitude. Anyway, it was a bad breath for them.

"Don't thank me, thank Ganbao if you want to." Su Yu smiled and looked at them with weird eyes.

When everyone looked back, they saw that Gan Bao was looking at them. His eyes were unsurprised and calm. It was really unimaginable. A young girl had such calm eyes.

"Go At this time, Gan Bao finally played the role that the librarian should have, and said slowly to the five people.


The five people looked at each other and couldn't help but look at Su Yu and said with a smile: "Brother Su, don't joke, we still have a hard fight three days later, we must hurry and practice martial arts."

They are embarrassed to say that reading a book is a waste of time and can only be a gentle reminder.

Gu Mengyun also frowned a little, looked at the rules at the entrance of the library, and said: "If Su Gongzi needs martial arts, he just needs to say a word, and we in Donghuang Country will offer both hands."

An empire naturally has a lot of martial arts in the library, especially some martial arts that are not advanced, and they are nothing.

"Second Princess, it wasn't me who saved them." Su Yu shook his head, and Aimo could not help.

Gan Bao ignored the crowd at all, and had walked into the library, a faint voice came from inside, "Hand over the money, come in!"

"Su Gongzi, this is Wuben's inferior martial arts skill." Situ Lengyue almost didn't think about it, and gave it directly to Su Yu's Wuben inferior martial arts skills, and then followed Gan Bao into the library.

The Situ family's intention was to make good contributions to Su Yu. Such martial arts, one for each bundle, could not be used to sell human relations.


Those five of you look at me, I look at you, and finally all the eyes of the inquiry fall on Gu Mengyun.

Gu Mengyun looked at the library, flashing tangled colors in his eyes, but in the end he sighed: "What do you think is your chance of winning after three days?"

The five people of Fengling Bamboo gritted their teeth and shook their heads slowly. In three days, they could do too few things, especially martial arts, which could not change anything at all.

"Forget it, then go in." Gu Mengyun said.

The five people also knew the situation at this time. Since Su Yu helped them, they should obey Su Yu's arrangement and look at each other. They all came up with their own martial arts skills.

Although they are sons and sons of Wang Sun, they obviously cannot reach the level of local tyrants like Situ Lengyue. Basically, they all produce prefecture-level martial arts. Feng Lingzhu and Yan Yang produce five local high-grade products, Lin Waisan. Man is the middle class.

At this time, Gan Bao was already holding a book and looked at it with interest. Su Yu looked up curiously and almost rolled down from the recliner. The category she was looking at was not suitable for children, but the name of the book in her hand. Even more impressive, it is the famous "Jin Ping Mei".

No wonder you can use those wonderful Don't tell me, you can learn martial arts in this kind of book.

However, today Zhou Tianyu's younger brother did not come over.

Situ Lengyue looked at Gan Bao who had been devoted to reading, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

She has seen the strength of this girl, although she does not know the specific depth, but it is certainly not weak. Will she be attracted by these books?

She wandered through the book light for a long time, reading each category, and occasionally reading some books, and finally stopped in the chemistry category.

She picked up a book of "Chemical Reaction Encyclopedia" and read it, but this moment, she put it in instantly.

This... it turns out that different things merged and influenced each other because of a chemical reaction! The root cause of chemical reactions is the arrangement and combination between molecules and atoms.

So, is alchemy the same, due to the interaction between elixir.

She heard Su Yu explain part of the process of Elixir before. At this time, she found that these books have the same effect. It is wonderful.

Originally, she just wanted to sell it to Su Yu, but she couldn't think of it so quickly, she fell into it. This exchange is so worth it!

Looking at the other five people, they looked at the books in the library listlessly, and the more they looked, the more they wanted to cry.

What are these?

I was still thinking about one or two martial arts cheats, but there wasn't one, and all of them were intimidating books.

Yan Yang sighed slightly.

He has been wandering beside the top-grade books, trying to find a book that interests him.


His gaze slightly changed, and was immediately attracted by a book.

Although the cover of this book is a little middle two, it is very domineering and conspicuous, with four golden characters on it-Fight to Break the Sky!

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