Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 573: Supernatural power, no air punch!

The genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The black robe shuddered, twirled in the air, and then fell back to the ground, looking at Su Yu’s eyes. Shocked once.

"Su King, good plan!" Black robe said coldly, his eyes constantly drifting between the iron tower and Su Yu.

During Su Yu's playing the piano, the black-robed people mistakenly thought that he could not defend, and in anxiety, regardless of the crazy attack on Su Yu, he did not expect Su Yu to have a back hand and suffered a loss.

"You should be glad that if it weren't for me to play the piano, you were already a corpse." Su Yu's voice was faint, as if to say a trivial matter.

"Humph, carving insect skills!" The black robe snorted coldly, the whole body was black and ink, the whole figure flickered, and the black air lingered, and instantly became a black panther, rushing towards the tower!


The sound rolled, with a monstrous power, to make everyone look at it.

The roar ended, the figure of the black panther had disappeared, and it appeared on the side of the tower instantly, and the claws grabbed the heart of the tower!


The tower was shocked, and he could not help but step back a few steps, but during this time, his whole body gleamed with gold, his hands flicked violently, and a sharp golden awn immediately broke into the air, and shot straight at the black panther.

However, Jinmang has not yet arrived, the black panther has disappeared, and when it reappears, it has reached the back of the tower, claws are raised, and it is grabbed at the neck of the tower!


The tower's neck twisted, and then turned over, kicking his legs against the black panther!

The black shadow flashed, and the black panther disappeared again, appearing above the iron tower.


With a grasp, the figure of the tower fell straight down and quickly landed.

"That's a black electric leopard, that guy can actually become a black electric leopard!"

"Black Electric Leopard is known for its speed. The speed is so fast that it can only be passively attacked."

"Well, I don't know if the king can stop it."


Many people are worried, and their hearts are raised. Although they are also playing, it is definitely Su Yu who really decides the victory or defeat.

After shooting down the iron tower, the black electric leopard appeared in front of Su Yu in an instant, the bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, and his claws caught Su Yu's eyes!

"Boy, I don't like your pair of eyeballs, so accept it!"

In the mouth of the black panther, the hoarse voice of the black robe came with a boundless killing intention.

Su Yu's face remained unchanged, and his eyes looked calmly. At this moment, a monstrous momentum rose into the sky. The golden light rushed from the earth to the sky, and the goal was directed at the black robe!


The earth was deeply sunk, and the golden figure suddenly emerged from the billowing smoke, just like a sharp arrow pierced the sky. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could only see a golden light flash!

Above this golden light, with the power to split all, a random trace, made everyone frightened.


On the black electric leopard, the black gas surged, and just a blink of effort turned into a giant turtle, the turtle shell facing the golden light.


The black gas rolled, and once again fell into the shape of a black robe, and looked at the iron tower lightly, without any trace of damage.

"Turtle shell, it's really hard!" The iron tower frowned slightly, shaking his right hand, and said.

This black robe is extremely weird, and can be transformed into various types of Warcraft, combining the advantages of Warcraft in one. The speed of the Black Electric Leopard and the defense of the Vajra Turtle are almost invulnerable.

"Oh, the ancient fierce beasts are naturally favored by the heavens, have the advantages that humans can't reach, and they are the overlords of the world!" The black robe said proudly, "I am the invincible leader of all the hundreds!"

"You are so shameless to say that plunder is so grand." Su Yu sneered. "I don't want to practice, but I just want to make tricks, and it will be difficult to get to the hall of elegance."

"After all, this world is only a world where kings and defeaters are defeated. If they are unsuccessful, they will become benevolences. As long as they are strong, any means is right!" The black robe said loudly, and then the black gas shook, turning into a giant colossus. Come with the Iron Tower and Su Yu Tower!

This giant elephant was so large that it almost covered the sky and covered Su Yu and the iron tower, and could only resist!

"Fuck me!"

The sound of the giant elephant is like thunder, roaring constantly, making the eardrums numb.


The tower looked up at the sky, the golden light of the whole body receded, but suddenly in his left eye there was a star spinning, the star light shining, and instantly two more, three stars connected in a line.

From his mouth, he roared like a beast, but his body suddenly expanded, swelled rapidly, and instantly grew to a height of three feet!


With both hands raised, directly support the elephant leg!

"An ancient tribe? You actually got the heritage of the ancient tribe!?"

A huge anger came from the giant elephant's mouth, as if he saw something incredible and the whole body flashed black, reflecting his inner peace.

"There are endless possibilities hidden in the human body. It's sad that you are willing to turn into Warcraft!" The tower said, his muscles were craggy, one hand contracted, and then he bombarded the elephant leg!


The black gas on the Vajra elephant flickered suddenly, and then fell to the sky, the black gas contracted slowly on the way, and turned into a black robe who flew However, there was no decadence in his eyes, look To the iron tower, as if the hunter was watching the prey.

"Hahaha, it is rumored that the ancient tribe is the closest to Heavenly Dao. Seeing today, it really is." There was an unspeakable excitement in his voice. "If you get your blood, my martial arts can definitely go further. , Even turned into an ancient clan!"

"Idiots say dreams!" The tower's voice was sneered and disdainful, and then he fisted with his right hand and slammed away at the black robe!

Under this fist, the heavens and the earth seemed to be still. Around the black robe, even the wind disappeared.

No boxing!

The ancient tribes were born with only five strokes. However, every move is earth-shattering, ignoring the laws of the world!

Called supernatural powers!

The iron tower is now a three-star ancient god, and the first supernatural power can be used.

Air boxing is prohibited, all rules are forbidden, under this boxing, you can only be passively beaten!


The black gas on the black robe jumped wildly and was shot out without suspense.


Under the black robe, only a mouthful of blood spewed out, and the whole person became depressed.

"It's worthy of being an ancient tribe, great!" His voice became more hoarse. At this time, his eyes were particularly fierce, even though he was in a black robe, he could feel the fanaticism in his eyes.

This look is not to Su Yu, but to the Iron Tower!

"Win, win!" Everyone was very angry, and all the faces showed ecstasy, and the black robe people also lost, and now Dawangshan has the upper hand!

"Hahaha, I knew that Dawang Mountain would win. This time, Tiange was about to be planted!"

"Tiange dog, hurry up and lead to death!"


However, the black robe did not panic at all, but smiled strangely twice, and the black gas all over the body slowly disappeared, replaced by a red blood!

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