Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 538: Game with the sky!

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"Delicious! It's so delicious! Little brother, are the fruits outside so delicious now?" Catwoman looked at Su Yu with her eyes wide open, and she hurriedly said, "I still have any questions. Just ask, I I will tell you what I know!"

"Yuemao, you have tasted the benefits, and we should try it." At this moment, the crazy old man said that others were afraid of Yuemao, obviously he did not buy it for Yuemao.

"Humph!" Yue Maoer snorted coldly without answering.

Su Yu's problem has become a sought-after item, very popular.

"Even if there is a lack of Heavenly Dao, but why does it destroy people?" Su Yu looked at the crazy old man and asked.

"Oh, boy, there is a lack of heavenly path. If there is a shortcoming, there is a weakness. Naturally, we must defend ourselves!" Replace it!"

"Substitute it? Could Tian Dao be replaced?" Su Yu said with a look in his eyes.

"This is the second problem." The crazy man smiled with a beard, and then said: "There are countless spaces in the world of thousands, and there are countless worlds outside our own world. These worlds are naturally made up of different heavens. Take control. In some worlds, the sun rises from the west to the east. In some worlds, one day is equal to ours for a few days. In some worlds, the river does not flow. These are all because of the laws of heaven and earth!

"Your strength is too low to understand. In fact, after becoming a neutral god, you have the ability to create your own world. For the world they created, they are heaven!" The crazy old man explained.

Su Yu nodded, and at the same time he was a little surprised, and his ability to create his own world was so perverted, but his heart was also convex, so, what are the people living in the world?

Beast God Space should be regarded as a world created by Beast God.

"Oh, you should be aware of it. Heaven is lacking. Once the people in your world develop too fast, even more powerful than you, then..." The crazy old man smiled, but didn't say anything.

Su Yu's heart was a little shocked. Tiandao will not let people surpass himself, so he will definitely suppress it. The simplest and most effective way to suppress is destruction!

"Cough, crazy old man, you're not right." Yue Maoer interjected, "It is better to say that this era exceeds the limit of Tian Dao than someone who has exceeded the limit of Tian Dao. Therefore, Tian Dao will treat this era. Shuffle the cards and let everything start all over again!"

Yes, with the strong, there will naturally be a strong man's practice. At that time, the new strong will still be created. It is better to destroy them all. It is no wonder that the martial arts of the Wuzhou mainland are so backward, many of the original inheritances have been lost, it seems The looting of the world is not accidental!

At the same time, Su Yu's thoughts could not help but return to his previous life. He had read many news before, saying that the earth had many civilizations before humans, such as the powerful dinosaur civilization, the technologically advanced Maya civilization, the mysterious ancient Egyptian civilization, etc., But these civilizations disappeared inexplicably overnight!

Various speculations simply cannot explain the reasons for their disappearance. Is it really because the development exceeded a certain limit of Tiandao, so it was wiped out by Tiandao? Although this explanation is absurd, it is not uncommon for Su Yu to even pass through.

In this way, the development of the earth seems to be a little faster...

"Hey, kid! What are you stunned? Is it because my old man is bullying, so is he ready to pay the bill?" The crazy old man shouted loudly, pulling Su Yu's thoughts back.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the kid wouldn't be disappointed. I don't know what the seniors want?" Su Yu asked, with a shock in her heart.

"I answered two questions, and gave me two big watermelons!" The crazy old man laughed, then looked at the moon cat proudly, "Ha ha ha, little girl, you are still too tender after all, how can an apple It’s as big as a watermelon, and it’s so delicious!"

"Hahaha..." The crazy old man, as his name implies, laughed even more when he got the watermelon. He broke the watermelon into two halves with his wrist, and then buried the whole head in the watermelon.

Huh huh!

"Cool! This is definitely my coolest time, boy, you give me a perfect score!"

The voice of nibbling watermelon kept on, and the crazy old man had completely ignored his face, and the whole face was covered with red watermelon flakes.

Everyone looked at the crazy man's appearance, swallowing droolingly, many of them were already lying around the crazy man, rubbing the occasional watermelon juice, tongue licking the ground, a face of satisfaction and enjoyment, but, yet No one dared to rob.

"Brother, do you have any questions for me? I haven't eaten for ten thousand years..." The voice was full of charm, and was issued by a red-haired woman. Her face was very sharp, and her eyes were smiling. The squint became a slit, and a long line came out of the end of her There was a fiery red hair tail behind her back, which gave a hot feeling.

The real vixen.

"Since Heaven is about to destroy the world, how did you survive?" Su Yu asked curiously.

"The continent thousands of years ago is not just about humans and Warcraft, there are so many races, you look at us, they are from different races." The fox spirit continued to speak, with a sad voice in his voice, "The development of each race is extremely The prosperity of the country is sacrificed for the entire race to survive, so it is not difficult to protect us."

Su Yu nodded, then handed her a peach, pondered for a moment, and continued to ask: "Which people are being held there?"

This question made everyone silent. Only Moon Cat looked at Su Yu, then pointed to the crazy old man who was nibbling at the second watermelon, and said: "He came from the sixteenth floor. This problem is only He got it."

Su Yu looked at the crazy old man with some surprise, with an inquiry in his eyes.

"The name of this tower is hell. The prison is naturally a prisoner who changed his life. It is divided into eighteen floors. The prisoners above eight floors are not ordinary people. I rely on space power to get rid of the original sixteen floors, but still There is no way to go out, and I don’t know who the other levels are."

Being able to get out of the seal of the sixteenth floor, this crazy man's attainments in spatial attributes have definitely reached the level of reaching the peak.

"Will anyone escape the punishment of heaven after changing their lives?" Su Yu continued to ask.

"There must be!" The crazy old man took a deep look at Su Yu and the frost behind him, "Not only there, but I think someone is playing against Heavenly Dao!"

Game with heaven? !

Su Yu's heart jumped slightly, and he couldn't help thinking of the ancient god's head saying, "Heaven and earth are the game, all sentient beings are chess." Who are qualified to play with heaven and earth?

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