Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 517: Phantom Grass

Genius remember the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Xiyue got the inheritance of the natural goddess anyway, which made her eyes tired, obviously not to rush to Su Yu, it should be Because I have been using flowers and plants to find the reason for Solitude.

This little girl is really too persistent.

Su Yu sighed and pondered for a moment, but he said: "You can rest assured, my brother is fine, but you just happened to appear, my brother's men seem to be trapped in a place."

"Man?" Xiyue froze a little, then frowned. "You mean that big uncle?"

"Yes." Su Yu nodded and then said: "I feel he should be nearby, have you ever seen it."

Xiyue shook her head slightly, "If you see a big uncle, I will definitely have an impression..."

I have searched for thousands of miles, and there is no reason not to find the tower.

Su Yu moved her heart and then asked: "Have you ever found anything suspicious?"

"Suspicious place?" Xiyue showed her thoughts, and then sounded directly to the southwest. "There seems to be something there to shield the consciousness. Only the place where I haven't found it yet."

Shield God? That's right!

"Are you ready to go there?" Seeing Su Yu was about to leave, Xiyue asked quickly.


"Then I will follow along, maybe the big uncle knows where my big brother is." Xiyue said, ready to keep up.

What a nice girl, Bai Fumei, plus a kind heart.

Su Yu was a bit shameful in his heart, and they helped him a lot. He actually received a thousand spirit stones for his reward, shame, shame...

A group of five people snapped together and walked southwest together.

Along the way, Xiyue's mouth never stopped. He was always asking Su Yu about his elder brother's art, and Su Yu was not a loser. He answered each one with a blush and a heart, and a question was a thousand. A top-grade spirit stone.

Su Yu Lingshi received soft hands, Xi Yue heard happily, this is a win-win!

At this moment, Su Yu and Xiyue's footsteps were at the same time, and their eyes looked forward. In their perception, there were many people in front, and they seemed to be arguing about something.

Xiyue closed her eyes and opened it abruptly after a while, opening her mouth in surprise: "There is a ghost grass in front!"

Magic ghost grass, a seventh-level elixir, is rumored that the use of magic ghost grass can be used to refine immortals and improve people's perception!

Perception is about the potential of a person's martial arts. This alone is enough to make most martial artists crazy.

Moreover, the magic ghost has a special feature, just like its name, like a ghost!

Unlike ordinary elixir, the magical grass not only has no roots, but also randomly changes its growing position, and can be avoided in time when someone wants to pick it.

The magical ghost grass is powerful and difficult to capture, so it has become an extremely rare elixir that can be said to be encountered but not sought.

When walking the tea again, the scene in front was suddenly bright, no longer overgrown with weeds, and even the trees became sparse.

In front of it is a chaotic rocky mountain.

Among the rocks, there is a small emerald green grass. This grass is nothing special at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the grass looks like it is covered with sunlight and has spirituality!

The phantom grass is connected by three small grasses, green and dripping, its root is light yellow and full of spirit.

Feeling the aura around this grass, matching the characteristics of the magical grass, this grass is indeed a magical grass.

At this time, under the ghost grass, there were dozens of people approaching carefully, preparing to arrest.

From the perspective of dress, these dozen people should belong to two teams.

Hearing the movement, the two teams of men turned around together and looked in the direction of Su Yu. They made a silence gesture and a sincere face.

"Eagle Claw!"

At this moment, one of them quickly turned his head, bent his palms into claws, his whole body surged in spirit, and grabbed the magical grass!

This claw is silent, but it contains the power of imprisonment, and it is difficult for ordinary people to escape.

However, just when this paw was about to catch the magic ghost grass, the figure of the grass was turned into a residual image under the eyes of all eyes, and it just disappeared.

"Wu Yong, what do you mean?!" the other screamed immediately.

"Brother Yang is not in a hurry, I just want to catch the magic grass as soon as possible, and I won't be able to treat you badly at that time." Wu Yong said with a sorrowful expression on his face.

"Hopefully, if you want to swallow, don't blame me for recruiting Xiaoyaozi, no one will get it by then!"

"Brother Yang laughed, Wu decided not to do this!"

The two quarreled, then looked at each other, and laughed together, just leaned on each other with their arms around their shoulders, and then came to Su Yu with a smile on his face, instantly as if he had the most strong relationship Buddies in general.

As for what they are thinking in their hearts, only God knows.

"Xiongtai, in the next Wuyong, we can find that this phantom grass is also and so on, we split equally."

"Under Yang Wei, Brother Wu is right. We don't have to hurt the peace for this source of evil, and we will certainly not let Xiongtai lose."

The friendly attitude of these two people is indescribable, as if Su Yu is their brother.

This line is very familiar, it is not difficult to see that this temporary combination of Wu Yong and Yang Wei is also compelling, succumbing to Xiaoyaozi's obscene prestige.

Xiyue is no stranger to this phenomenon. Rumors about Xiaoyaozi are widespread in this area.

They are still discussing the issue of distribution, but they know that Xiaoyaozi is right in front of them...

"Phantom Grass is there!" someone yelled in a low voice, pointing excitedly to a place.


Everyone looked at it, but they saw it on the other side of the chaotic stone mountain, and the phantom grass was standing quietly behind a stone.

"Everyone is quiet, let's go!"

Wu Yong and Yang Wei stared at the magical grass with their eyes, slowly approached, and covered their palms with spiritual power, and then prepared to shoot.

"It's weird, I couldn't communicate with the magical grass." Xiyue stood on the spot, frowning, and wondered.

The goddess of nature can control the growth of the elixir, so even if the elixir is used, it will not cause great loss to the elixir, and the elixir should be close to the natural goddess by nature.

"Don't care anymore, I want to grab it too!" Xiyue bit her lip, and the weeds near the magical grass began to grow rapidly, and continued to extend towards the magical grass.


Wu Yong and Yang Wei shouted at the same time, just like two big birds, the body technique was applied to the extreme, under the rapid flash, pounced on the magical grass!

At the same time, Xiyue is also controlling the power of nature. Numerous weeds and vines are growing rapidly, and they are wrapped together with Wu Yong and Yang Wei...

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