Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 507: murderer?

Genius remembers the site address for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Ink and paste are very common for Su Yu, but for people from outside the world, it is too strange, complexion Dignified, I thought it was some kind of fetish.

Everyone saw only one dark liquid all over the body, and another one was a black box, and the inner wall was covered with a milky white viscous substance.

All of them looked at the two objects curiously and curiously.

"What is this sticky thing?"

"There is such a dark liquid in the world. What water is it?"

Everyone was puzzled. The skinny man also had a dull complexion, and he couldn't detect anything special about this sticky thing. But the more common, the more puzzling he is, the more he secretly guesses.

This speculation, panic emotions spread again in his heart.

The audience gradually quieted down.

Everyone is waiting for Su Yu to speak.

Su Yu smiled and finally spoke: "Everyone is at ease, this method of law, weeping ghosts and spirits, can definitely find out the real fierce? Have you seen this pot of ink? Each of you put your hands in the ink , Let your hands be covered with ink!"

Everyone:? ? ?

Su Yu's command was strange.

Stained with ink? How about your ghosts and gods, so simple?

"Okay, I'll come first!"

It was a guard in the village who spoke and strode forward.

Seeing someone take the lead, one by one lined up and started to get ink.

Su Yu's eyes flickered and he kept watching, the expressions of everyone when they were stained with ink.

When the thin man stepped forward, the complex and twisted expression on his face made Su Yu almost laugh out loud.

How hesitant and reluctant is this expression!


When everyone had ink on their hands, Su Yu shouted again: "Okay!"

"Did you see the box in my hand?"

"I'm already inside the box, equipped with mysterious means that only gods and ghosts can do!"

"Next, as long as you reach into the box and touch the inner wall, will you see if it's really fierce!"

As soon as the words fell, he held the box with one hand, reached into the box by himself, and touched it.


This sound shows that he did touch the inner wall.

"You guys, learn from me! Come on!" He held the box in his hands, squinted and smiled, waiting for a person to come to the wall.

"Okay! Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door! Or let me come first!" The lead guard was still the first to play, drawing the gourd like this, and hitting the wall with his hand, making a "dong" sound.

Su Yu smiled and nodded.

He understands that as long as he has a clear conscience, there is no reason not to act as directed.

With his lead, one by one came to the black box and hit the wall again and again.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The voice is crisp and neat.

Everyone's face was full of calm, only the struggling color of the thin man's face was extremely ugly.

To him, the sound of "Dong Dong" sounded like a sound of soul-stirring. His ear seemed to be haunted by a voice: "Don't touch it! This is a ghostly means, it will be discovered when you touch it, and you can never touch it!"

Therefore, when he came to Su Yu, he was obviously guilty. When the detective reached into the black box, he didn't consider it at all. He directly concealed a wave of air in his palm, flexed his fingers, and used the wave of air to vibrate the wall. This made the sound of "dong".

The inside of the black box was completely dark, and outsiders could not see what was inside, and no one noticed it at all.

As long as it doesn't touch, it should be all right now, and he was relieved to return to his original position for a while.


Just when he was proud in his heart, one by one had already completed the test, Su Yu soon announced the end of the collision, to find out the real fierce!

Su Yu smiled slightly, and suddenly his expression became serious, saying, "Now, please extend your hand! If the ink on his hand does not turn blue, then he is the murderer!"

"Turn blue?" Everyone suspiciously.

The liquid was obviously black just now, why did it suddenly turn blue?

But when everyone stretched out their hands to take a closer look, they were so amazed that as Su Yu said, blue appeared.

It's too weird!

Is this the devil's means? There is no spiritual fluctuation at all, and without knowing it, can we avoid our exploration and change color?

"The ink on my hand turned a little bit blue, look!"

"Mine too, look, I am not a murderer!"

"Huh! Look at his hand, why does it not change color!"

"Really! Why is Lin Hu still black!"


All the eyes of the audience, with the first suspicion, moved to the thin man.

All eyes are full of doubts, surprises and incomprehensions, and even some anger!

According to Su Yu, whoever hasn't changed color is the real murderer! So according to this, isn't he the real murderer?

"No! How could it be me? You don't want to be fooled. This devil's means is obviously fake!" Lin Hu's face changed, but his heart changed sharply, and said eagerly.

But the speech is obviously mixed with guilty consternation and so that the voice trembles when speaking.

Su Yu sat steadily on Mount Tai, slowly lowered the black box in his hand, and said with a deep voice: "Everyone! I think everyone can see clearly, and the result has already shown who the real murderer is!"

"I want to fool people by this means? You say I am a murderer, I am a murderer? Do you have any evidence?"

Lin Hu screamed suddenly and was stared at by many eyes. He was more and more panicked, his eyes flickering and he was struggling for the last time. "The whole village knows that I can't practice martial arts, and my strength is lower than ordinary people. , How could it be possible to deal with those children?"

"Yes, Lin Hu's body is inherently weak, and his personality is also very good on weekdays. He is very kind to people. How can he do this kind of thing?"

"Brother Yu, Uncle Lin Hu's power is very small, and they may not be able to beat me, is it wrong?" Xiao Long said when he looked at Su Yu.

"Yes, you are simply a deceitful trick, everyone will not believe it!" Lin Hu said with a trace of pride on his face.

Although Su Yu's method is peculiar, no one can forcefully convict Lin Hu.

So everyone is waiting patiently for Su Yu's explanation.

There was a sneer in the corner of Su Yu's mouth, and his calm and calm gaze moved to Lin Hu, and he was shocked.

His eyes were telling him clearly: no need to quibble! I have learned everything. Let's just grab a hand and catch it!

Lin Hu was already guilty of conscience, and his inner defense line was almost out of sight under this gaze.

He had been thinking about raking up while Su Yu was absent. In his plan, Xiaolong and Xiaoying couldn't wake up even if they didn't die for a short time, so he could turn the whole village's attention to Su Yu.

Who would have thought that the three of them were not only okay, but even more terrifying is that Su Yu actually had the means to detect his head!

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