Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 505: escape! (happy New Year!)

Genius remembers the site address for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Run!

Su Yu is holding two children, and there is only one thought in her mind.

Black Shadow's power is beyond his imagination. Although it may be a bit worse than the Sky Swallow, that is to say, it is less than the semi-god level, but it is even higher than Su Yu.

The key is the black energy in him, and he does not know what power is. It is different from the sacred power of faith. It is full of evil and tyranny. It can affect people's mood and is no worse than the power of faith.

Now he still has two children in his hands, and his life is at stake. If he stalemate with the shadow, these two children may not be able to survive.


In the cave, the dark figure looked at Su Yu's back, his crimson eyes were low, and then stepped on the ground violently, chasing away quickly!

call out!

It was just that he had just started, and the turquoise afterimages blasted off, disturbing his pace.

"Oh, carving insect skills, you can't escape!" Black Shadow's figure flickered like a ghost in the night, blinking indefinitely, and within a few blinks, he had already caught up with Su Yu.

Su Yu couldn't use his flying knife to lock his body.

"Demon Handprint!"

Black Shadow smiled coldly, appeared on the side of Su Yu, shot with a palm!

This palm is extremely weird, and it was clearly just swayed, but the residual image of the palm is already in front of the palm, and the residual images are one after another. The speed is very fast, and it is less than an inch from Su Yu in the blink of an eye!

"Pan Ruo palm!"

Su Yu's hands were covered with golden light, and he hurriedly waved with one palm!


Su Yu's throat was sweet again, his body was shocked, and he was shot and flew out!

However, with this palm, he once again distanced himself from the shadow!

"Hey, give up, you can't go back to the village! Leaving the child behind, I can spare you." Black Shadow grinned, his figure continued to jump in the night.

"Who said I'm going back to the village." Su Yu's eyes flashed inexplicably, and the figure was moving in the forest, but he was heading towards a stone cave!

There, it is where the Purple Eye God Ape is!

Black Shadow's eyes narrowed fiercely, looking at the cave face with fear, but his figure was faster.

"Great monkey, come out to save your life!"

Su Yu's figure, holding two children, was leaping fast on the stone wall. During his hard fight with the black shadow again, he had reached the bottom of the stone wall.

At this time, his appearance was rather embarrassing, and even the suit of King Shan was put on. This is the case, and the injury was still not light.

"go to hell!"

Black Shadow killing machine flashed, the black gas in the whole body condensed into a black spear, and stabbed straight at Su Yu!

This shot, Su Yu at this time, could not stop it!


At this moment, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the cave, purple eyes staring at Su Yu and Shadow, roaring roaring.


Endless sound waves pour down, and the stones above the walls are all turned into powder when they pass by!


The spear collided with the sound wave, and was directly twisted without suspense, and the shadow was blown away directly by Zhenfei.


In the dark night, Black Shadow snorted coldly, his figure flickering along the forest, and a few jumps disappeared deep in the forest, leaving decisively.


Purple Eye God Ape jumped from the stone wall and landed in front of Su Yu.

"Great ape monkey, this is really thanks to you." Su Yu's mouth overflowed with blood, but he smiled.

He was fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he had cooked food for the Purple Eyed Ape before he could know himself. This is what a good person has to say.

"I didn't cook food today, but you monkeys should all like peaches." Su Yu shook his hand and gave the Purple Eyed Apes a few sets of Dawang Mountain, and immediately made it smile and laugh, and they were always happy.

Following the Purple Eye God Ape into the cave, Su Yu quickly placed Xiaolong and Xiaoying on the ground, and then took out the Lingquan to drink for the two children.

Seeing that the lives of the two children had recovered, Su Yu was relieved.


The purple-eyed **** ape looked at the bottle in Su Yu's hand and shouted in a low voice.

"Oh, thank you for your life-saving grace." Su Yu smiled and threw a bottle of Level 7 Spirit Spring to the Purple Eye God Ape.

The beast has a very strong sense of perception, and can naturally perceive the attraction of the seventh-level spirit fountain to itself, and is eager for it.


Purple Eye God Ape nodded at Su Yu, screamed intimately, and then patted his chest and abdomen, showing his strength and friendliness.

With the Purple Eye God Ape guarding, Su Yu didn't care about anything. He took the Elixir directly and sat on the spot to start healing.

The morning sun cut through the darkness of the night, and the earth regained its brightness and warmth again. Countless lives began to wake up and greeted the new day with vitality.

Su Yu's closed eyes suddenly opened. Although the injury last night was serious, but he has many talents and has recovered most of it.


Xiaolong and Xiaoying opened their eyes one after the other and looked around in confusion.

"Aren't we dead?" Xiaoying asked suspiciously with deep fear on her face.

"Brother Yu!" Xiaolong's face was filled with joy, looking at Su The tears in his eyes could no longer be restrained, and he burst into Su Yu's arms and cried.

"Woo woo..." Xiao Ying was stunned for a while, and then even more terrified. She also cried as she followed the dragon into Su Yu's arms.

"Brother Yu, I knew you would come to save us, and I knew I would not die so easily!" Xiaolong said while crying.

After all, a child is a child, and even a strong mask will collapse after meeting a familiar person.

When the feelings of the two children stabilized, Su Yu took them and walked towards the village.

When he reached the village, Su Yu's brow furrowed, and he immediately noticed the strange atmosphere in the village. The whole village seemed empty, and there was no one on the road.

"It must have been the foreigner who took Xiaoying and Xiaolong away. We were all cheated by his appearance!"

"Ooooo, my poor boy..."

"Catch her and let the foreigners change!"


A loud noise made Su Yu's face gloomy, carrying Xiaolong and Xiaoying, his figure flashed sharply, and went towards his residence!

"My brother Yu will never catch your children!" This is Shuang'er's voice, with a firm tone, "You can rest assured that I won't leave until I can't wait for Brother Yu!"

"Everyone is restless, I understand Su Xiaoyou's character, the child is definitely not his catch!" The high priest stood in the middle of the stone house and said, "Everyone wants to believe me, we might as well wait."

"Yes, I also believe in the character of Brother Su. If he really caught him, he could not leave his wife here." Kun Qi also said.

"I don't believe that the foreigner did it, but he helped our village a lot..."

"But he disappeared with his two children. His suspicion is the biggest. We all here in the village!"


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