Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 173: Stew a chicken broth with meat

"Do you know who is the mastermind behind this scene?" The fat man's voice shivered.

"That group of people is extremely cautious in doing things, not to mention the mastermind. I haven't even seen someone with a slight status." Ji Lao shook his head with a smile and then said: "Fortunately, I have made a life-saving ring before. Otherwise it would be impossible to escape."

With the exception of Su Yu, everyone felt sinking, as if there was an invisible pressure on their hearts.

It is certainly the best forces on the continent that can achieve this level, and these forces are likely to be more than one! The circumstance of planning, careful thought, if you want to deal with it, it is simply as difficult as going to the sky!

Compared with other people, Su Yuquan was listening to the story. When the sky collapsed, let Gao Gao stand up first, and he couldn't stand it before he could find a way for himself.

"Who can Su Su know who these two people are?" The fat and thin people asked Lin Yun and Wu Tian.

"One is the head of the Wu family in Dongzhou County, and the other is the head of the Lin family in Dongzhou County, but at this time these two families have been destroyed." Su Yu nodded.

"It really is from Dongzhou County!" The fat and thin men looked at each other.

"These two were obviously used by others, and took the psychedelic flowers to deal with Dawang Mountain. King Su should be careful in the future." The fat man said, being stared at by this force and had to guard.

"Unfortunately, the two of them died and there was no way to interrogate." The thin man sighed, but regretfully.

However, the two men were ill-defined, and even if they were not dead, they could not ask.

"Relax, I will pay attention." Su Yu nodded casually, his eyes flashing, not knowing what he was thinking.

In fact, he already guessed who was dealing with him, and there were only a few of his enemies. Hehuanzong, Ding's firm and the hypocrite blue wolf prince, and Ding's firm was obviously the running dog of the blue wolf prince. After wandering around with the immortals and being able to find yourself at present, then the eight achievements are done by the prince of the blue wolf. In his capacity, it is not difficult to get this psychedelic flower!

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some people are unhappy with Dawang Mountain and want to destroy Dawang Mountain.

"This matter is of great importance. There are psychedelic flowers in the bodies of these two people. We are going to take it to the General's Mansion. We are old, and you should follow me back. Tell the General Mansion about the seriousness of this matter!" His face was very dignified, Youyou said.

"I naturally want to go back." Qi Lao nodded. He also expected to go back to Zhongzhou Refining Pavilion, and let Refining Pavilion help restore his body.

"Why, the two generals are ready to go back?" Su Yu asked with a frown.

The fat man nodded. "Yes, our purpose here is to investigate the psychedelic flower. Now that we have solid evidence, we naturally have to go back to the business."

In fact, with his two bronze grades, the next thing was too serious, and they could not intervene at all, only to inform the general's palace.

"This thing is really not suitable for further delay. In the past few days, thanks to the hospitality of King Su, I am deeply impressed and grateful!" The thin man also said.

Su Yu smiled, looked at the wounds on the fat and thin duo, and asked, "Since the two generals know that this matter is important, do they want to go on the road in this state?"

The fat and thin dudes frowned as they felt the pain all over the body.

Such an injury requires at least two months of rest to recover, but this kind of thing is imminent and should not be delayed.

"Oh, it's better to have a meal with me and then go." Su Yu saw them stunned and said.

"This is serious!"

Both fat and thin are happy, they naturally heard Su Yu's intention, and wished to hold Su Yu's two pros.

Da Wangshan's miraculous two of them have no doubt that a meal can restore them, this sentence is definitely not false!

"Stop! Don't lean too close to me, I'm allergic to men!" Su Yu frowned as he looked at the fat and thin two who rushed towards him, and immediately avoided.

"Xiaolong, come and catch two chickens. Today, the king will also let you drive! It's like practicing for two generals!" Su Yu said with a smile.

"Delicate!" Bai Xiaolong also had a happy expression on his face, licking his tongue, not expecting everyone to have a share, he had not stared at the chicken in the chicken pen for a day or two.

"Da Wang, I'll help Xiaolong." Han Dapeng also said, with a look of excitement, afraid that Bai Xiaolong would be stupid and would not pick.

In fact, this time the fat and thin duo were able to stop the disaster for Dawang Mountain, so naturally they should take good care of it.

"Hahaha, King Su, you can rest assured that this breakthrough in the psychedelic flower event has your credit. I will definitely ask the general's office after I go back, and I will advertise you!" The fat man smiled his eyes, which was extremely delicious. look forward to.

"Yes, King Su, with your credit this time, at least you have to seal you a bronze hero Dangdang!" The thin man also said.

"Bronze hero? What's this?" Su Yu asked with an eyelid.

"This is a reward for people outside the General's Mansion. If a person is not a General's Man, but has done a lot of heroic deeds, it can be regarded as a relief for the General's Mansion. The General's Mansion will naturally be awarded according to the corresponding contribution." The fat man explained with a smile, "This kind of person is called a hero, and it is also divided into five levels: bronze, platinum, gold, platinum, and diamond. With these medals, although they can't be treated like the generals, they will receive People's respect."

What a good method...

Su Yu nodded, and some admired the people who built the General Palace. This mechanism can evoke the heroic dream in people's hearts, and it seems that it is not bound by the General Palace. In fact, it is still working around the General Palace invisible. , Smart, smart.

The General House is worthy of the justice incarnation of the Wuzhou continent. It is loved by the entire Wuzhou. It is not bad to be a hero in Dangdang.

Between the speeches, Bai Xiaolong and Han Dapeng had each caught a fat chicken in their hands.

It should be due to the growth of the roots and peels of Dawang Mountain. Su Yu’s chickens are much better than ordinary chickens. They have a streamlined shape. The **** are large and the blood red is full of blood. The feathers are also bright red. Delicate, like a burning flame in the distance, the chicken's beak is dark red. The feathers are like blood, full of energy, with agile eyes, and the eyes are spinning.

Even if he was caught by two warriors Han Dapeng and Bai, he was still screaming and slamming his wings flapping.

After all, Su Yu has mastered the mystery of eating. It is easy to deal with two chickens. Cutting the throat, plucking the hair, opening the evisceration, removing the internal organs, and cleaning them all in one go. After a while, the two chickens are finished.

It's a pity that Dawang Mountain can't make wine, otherwise the chicken will be drunk first and boiled into a drunk chicken.

Su Yu leisurely sighed. In the process of killing chickens, countless breeds of chickens have been flashed in his mind.

The fat and thin two are more seriously injured. If they encounter an opponent who is extremely disadvantaged in this state, if they are to recover as soon as possible, naturally they need a big supplement. Su Yu is doing a medicinal meal this time!

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