Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 145: The bubble burst and the building will tip

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The time of three days is fleeting, because suddenly there is a continuous flow of Qiansi grass into the market, and the price of Qiansi grass has not been able to break through the three middle-grade spirit stones.

All the crazy people started to calm down, and gradually lost confidence in Qiansi grass, the enthusiasm for chasing Qiansi grass suddenly decreased.

On Dawang Mountain, Su Yu looked at the mountain-like spirit stones piled in front of him, his mouth was all smiles, and his eyes were full of light.

These spirit stones are all top-grade spirit stones!

During the hype of Qiansicao, he didn't charge Baijia and Nalanjia for rice and apple at all. Instead, he let them directly use this money to purchase Qiansicao, which has now nearly doubled!

As a rough estimate, there should be 50,000 top-grade spirit stones here! Converted into gold coins can be 500 million! If they are all used for gambling, you can play lucky roulette five thousand times!

This Nima, even if I am in bad luck, surely I can win a lot of good things, Su Yu's face instantly turned red, and it was hair! This time it happened!

Restraining his excited heart, Su Yu's face was correct, and the majesty of the king could not be lost. He nodded calmly: "Yes, you did well this time."

"King, what shall we do next?" Han Dapeng asked curiously.

"Yes, King, why do we still have some Qiansi grass sold in our hands?" Bai Xiaolong also asked.

Su Yu's mouth slanted, smiling, and slowly said: "These Qiansi grass used to smash!"


Everyone looked at Su Yu.

"You sell these Qiansi grass in time, remember that the price is lower, one time lower than the other!" Su Yu ordered.

The game should be over, I want to give those families who take the plate a big surprise!


Dongzhou County.

"Have you heard, there is a group of people who are selling Qiansi grass again, this time the price is only two middle-grade spirit stones! There have been countless people who have watched the past..."

"What? Two? What are you waiting for, hurry and grab it! Buy it and earn!"

"What do you want? Who knows if the price of Qiansi grass will drop? You forget, there are more people selling Qiansi grass these days!"

"Yeah, everyone is watching now, waiting to continue to cut prices."


Qiansi grass's heat is hot again, but this time it is mostly lively, and not many people dare to participate. As Su Yu said, chasing up and down! When prices increase, many people will swarm up, and when prices fall, many people will be afraid to take action.

"Big news! Big news! The price of Qiansi grass has dropped again!" A little fellow rushed in from the outside with a red face, "A group of people appeared again at Dongcheng Gate, Qiansi grass they only sell one One Middle Grade Spirit Stone!"

"What? One?"

Countless people roared instantly in the inn.

This price has been falling too fast too!

However, their voices are full of excitement, and more is gloating.

Because, in this situation, there are very few people holding Qiansi grass in their hands. People themselves have a lively mentality. The price of Qiansi grass has no effect on them, but they feel that they are in hand. Without Qiansicao, I feel that I have earned it.

"Well, I think the families that were acquired a few days ago can do it. In just one day, the price fell from three middle-grade spirit stones to one middle-grade spirit stone."

"Hahaha, I knew that it would fall, and it would definitely continue to fall."

"The Wu family was planted this time. I remember that Wu Tian only released it yesterday. How many thousand silk grass did he pack in the Wu family? Now he dare to ask for it?"

"Not only the Wu family, but also the Lin family. They are all the spirit stones through the Wuzhou spirit stone line, maybe they are finished!"


At this time, the Wu family was completely clouded, and Wu Tian's face gloomed out of the water.

In addition to Wu Tian, ​​everyone else's face was pale, some of them were even trembling slightly, and their eyes were full of despair.


Wu Tian smashed the table in front of him, his whole body was tight, his pupils were wide, and he only felt a **** surge, "Who? Who is it?! I could sell so many thousand silk grass, this I'm going to die my Wu Family!"

"Homeowner, or... let's hurry to sell Qiansi grass..." Wu Jia said with a trembling voice, and his tone was full of fear. He was not afraid of Wu Tian, ​​but he couldn't afford Wuzhou Lingshi Consequences of spiritual stones.

"Sell? How to sell?" Wu Tian's eyes were red and he growled.

He also wanted to sell it, but can he sell it now?

If he also sells Qiansi grass now, the price of Qiansi grass will fall even more, and don't expect anyone to take the order at all!

Everyone in the Wu family was trembling, no one dared to speak, and only Wu Tian's heavy breathing was left in the hall.

"It's not good! The owner, it's not good!" Outside, a house slave rushed in quickly.

Wu Tian's eyes squeezed, and his face was even more angry, "I said! If the price of Qiansi grass fell again, you don't have to come back in return, close! Continue to buy!"

In order to support the price, all he can do now is to continue to buy, and keep buying, so that Qiansi grass will not fall sharply, otherwise so much Qiansi grass in his hands will really lose money!

"It's not the owner of the house, it's Elder Peng. Elder Peng he..." The house slave opened his mouth and talked, stunned, speechless.

"What's wrong with him?" Wu Tian had a bad hunch in his heart.

"He ran away with our remaining spirit stones..."


Wu Tian opened his mouth slightly, his pupils shrank sharply, his whole body shivered, and everyone else was a tremor. Many people were paralyzed on the ground, despairing.

Elder Peng is the elder who is in charge of the Wujia Spirit Stone. At this time, seeing the situation is wrong, and actually ran away with the money privately. This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the Wu Family. Those spirit stones are all from Wuzhou Spirit Stone. Borrowed! And it can be said that it is the last life-saving straw of the Wu Family!

It's over, it's all over...

Everyone's face was covered with decadence, and many had deep eyes. They planned to escape from the Wu Family and lay in muddy water.


And the same situation is also being staged in some other families in Dongzhou in Dongzhou County is wondering why someone is so eager to sell Qiansi grass, and why the price has suddenly dropped sharply, yes It’s not that something went wrong.

At this cusp, the Lingyao Pavilion sent out a message that made the entire Dongzhou County tremble. According to the situation of the Xuanmaidan just detected, the refined content of the Xuanmaidan does not contain thousands at all. Silk grass!


As soon as this news came out, there was no doubt that the most deadly blow to Qiansi Cao. The families who bought Qiansi Cao suddenly became chaotic. Qiansi Cao, who spent a lot of money in his hands, became worthless and the building would fall...

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