Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 983: my legs are numb

   Chapter 983 Legs are numb

   "Li Mo is the man I like. I believe that the person I love must be worthy of my love. I shouldn't be too bad, right? As long as I work hard, is it possible for him to fall in love with me?"

  Shen Fanxing nodded heavily, raised the hand they were holding, and rubbed the back of his hand against her cheek.

   "You are so beautiful and good, how could you be bad? It was because Li Mo had no vision before. I believe that in the future, Li Mo will definitely love you until he can't leave you for a moment."

   "Hahaha, then I might be annoying."-

   The next day, Shen Fanxing took Xu Qingzhi to the airport. After checking his luggage early, he accompanied Xu Qingzhi to wait for Li Mo.

   In the morning, Xu Qingzhi shouted to leave early, and Shen Fanxing bought some breakfast for her on the way.

  I didn’t eat two bites on the way, but now I’m hungry, I started to sit there and eat again.

   Shen Fanxing smiled silently.

Before   , apart from the fixed meals of three meals a day, she had never seen her eat an extra bite of rice.

  Her self-control has always been strong, and sometimes even she sincerely admires her.

   Now I can eat whenever I am hungry.

   This is a pregnant woman...

   Thinking of Bo Jingchuan's resolute attitude of not wanting children, she still feels a little heartbroken.

   Why don’t you want children just to do that kind of thing?

   Qingzhi has children, and her children don’t want to be too different from Qingzhi’s age, otherwise it will be difficult to match the age difference in the future...

   After Xu Qingzhi finished eating, he checked the time.

   "It's nine o'clock, Li Mo should be here."

   The expression on her face was very light, but the faint light on her face could not be concealed at all.

   An indifferent and confident woman is still uneasy when she encounters love.

   "When you arrive at Rongcheng, do you know that you will call me as soon as possible?"


   "I'm going to Rongcheng the day after tomorrow, just send me the address directly, you don't need to pick me up."

  Xu Qingzhi sighed, "I know, let's talk about it, you might as well go to Rongcheng with me."

  Shen Fanxing feigned anger, "I think you've really lost sight of your friends. Li Mo didn't even see you, so you started to bother me so much?"

   Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows, "How dare you, I will rely on you to support me in the future."

   she said, and looked down at her watch again.

  Shen Fanxing glanced at her and said nothing.

   After a while, Shen Fanxing frowned.

   "Li Mo's flight was delayed?"

  Xu Qingzhi's face turned pale and shook his head, "No, I arrived on time, and it has already landed."

  Shen Fanxing narrowed his eyes, "Call him!"

  Xu Qingzhi took out his phone with a numb expression, and his slender fingers stopped at the top of the screen.

  Shen Fanxing saw that he had made more than ten outgoing calls in the first column.

   But Xu Qingzhi still clicked it and pressed it to his ear, and a familiar and sweet female voice came, "Sorry, the number you dialed has been switched off, please dial later. Sorry..."

  Xu Qingzhi listened to the sweet voice on the phone over and over again, and his expression was surprisingly calm.

   Shen Fanxing's throat squirmed twice, then reached out and snatched the phone from Xu Qingzhi's ear.

  The phone has been hung up automatically, Shen Fanxing dialed it again, and after hearing the "I'm sorry", he put away the phone with a cold face.

   At this moment, the announcement to prepare for the security check sounded in the airport, and Xu Qingzhi finally blinked and stood up slowly.

"what are you doing?"

   She immediately grabbed Xu Qingzhi's hand, her starry eyes full of warnings.

  Xu Qingzhi twitched his lips, "My legs are numb."

  Shen Fanxing's eyebrows moved, and she glanced at her legs, a pair of thin black trousers with a knee-length camel trench coat, and her long hair was **** high for convenience.

  Although there was a smile on her fair and delicate face, Shen Fanxing couldn't wait for her to cry in front of him.

   But Xu Qingzhi doesn't cry, she has never been a woman who sheds tears easily.

   Shen Fanxing's hand holding Xu Qingzhi never let go, watching the long queue at the boarding gate getting shorter and shorter, her grip on Xu Qingzhi became tighter and tighter.

   Waited until the last person passed the security check before Xu Qingzhi spoke lightly.

   "Fanxing, you hurt me."

   Hearing this, Shen Fanxing immediately let go of her strength, but she still did not let go of her.

   Xu Qingzhi smiled softly when he saw this, and put his other hand on Shen Fanxing's wrist.

   Then he lifted his eyes to look at her, and there was nothing unusual on his smiling face.

   "I won't be that stupid. No matter how humble Xu Qingzhi is, it's impossible for me to go to Rongcheng alone and knock on the door of Li's house and say that I want to marry Li Mo."

   Shen Fanxing's eyes flickered, the hand holding her wrist loosened again, and then Xu Qingzhi took it down.

   Listening to the voice on the radio urging her to go through the security check, Xu Qingzhi laughed again: "It seems that you don't have to dispose of him today."

   She said, raised her feet and walked out of the airport. -

  Because he was worried about Xu Qingzhi, after Shen Fanxing sent her home, he stayed with her and never left.

   "Aren't you going to work? Then we'll still have hot pot at noon, anyway, there's leftovers from yesterday's dishes."

   After ten o'clock, seeing that Shen Fanxing had no plans to leave, Xu Qingzhi said with a smile, it seemed like nothing had happened.

   "I think Ye Qingqiu was happy when she married Li Tingshen... So no matter what the result is, I will also marry love."

   "Li Mo is the man I like. I believe that the person I love must be worthy of my love. I shouldn't be too bad, right? As long as I work hard, is it possible for him to fall in love with me?"

   No one knows better than her what mood and expression Xu Qingzhi used to say these words last night.

   No one in this world knows Xu Qingzhi better than her.

   She is beautiful, confident, and does not allow anyone to step on her dignity at will!

   In order to marry Li Mo, she has given way too much. There are not a few rumors in the outside world that she knew that she would threaten Li Mo with her children.

  Especially in Rongcheng, how many people coveted the illustrious family background of the Li family, one can imagine how many unbearable rumors there are?

   How cruel is Li Mo's heart?

   Not only ignore those rumors, but also use this one thing after another to stab Qingzhi's heart? !

   Shen Fanxing's heart was sour and unbearable.

   When she knew that Su Heng was with Shen Qianrou and ignored her life and death, her heart ached.

   But the pain didn't last long, and it was quickly replaced by anger.

   Or maybe it was because Bo Jingchuan's sudden appearance cut off the pain.

   More importantly, she doesn't love Su Heng.

   But clear knowledge is different.

   In addition to Li Mo, she is an existence who can even die.

  The most deadly wounds are often stabbed by the most beloved.

  Even a word or an act is the sharpest blade.

   "Qingzhi, at least in front of me, don't do this..."

   She saw the smile on Xu Qingzhi's face stiffen.

   (end of this chapter)

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