Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 948: Are you ok

   Chapter 948 Are you okay?

   The corner of the secretary's mouth twitched, "...Tesuke Yu, I just heard a woman call..."

   Yu Song pursed his lips, "Ah... um, they might be fighting..."

   The secretary shook his head, "It's not like, the woman's voice is very clear. If you're not in front of the phone, the voice won't be so loud..."

   "Maybe...they were writhing together..."

   The secretary glanced at him, "Tetsu Yu, I'm not too stupid..."


  The phone was thrown off, Bo Jingchuan put his hands on both sides of Shen Fanxing, his handsome face pressed towards her, imposingly.

   "Who to pick up at the airport?"

   "Lan Xianxian and Ou Ximing."

   Shen Fanxing said softly, already actively helping Bo Jingchuan to button up his shirt.

  Bo Jingchuan didn't say much, just picked up the phone again.

   It didn't take long for him to say, "Go to the airport to pick up Lan Xianxian."

  Shen Fanxing helped Bo Jingchuan to fasten the buttons, and looked up at Bo Jingchuan.

  Bo Jingchuan neatly put away the phone, when she was still confused, she was in the air and was held in her arms.

   She subconsciously hugged his shoulders.

"what are you doing?"

  Bo Jingchuan smiled faintly, leaned over and put a kiss on her lips.

   "There are only two of us here, what else can I do besides you?"

With a    bang, Shen Fanxing's face turned red.

   Under extreme shyness, she was already carried and placed on the big bed in the lounge.

  The long hair is scattered behind his head, like a beautiful and dazzling lotus blooming on the bed, and the messy shirt reveals his white and delicate skin.

   The indifferent and cold appearance in the past, but now a docile and gentle appearance is really charming.

  Especially the capable work attire looks messy and confused now.

   Knowing that she was "starving" for a few days after returning from HK, Shen Fanxing knew that she couldn't hide today, and she didn't even think about hiding because of her masculine charm.

   simply stretched out his hand and hooked Bo Jingchuan's neck, leaned closer to him and said softly:

   "Then you tap..."

  The starving wolf looks really fierce when it eats...

  Bo Jingchuan only felt that the only remaining reason was completely disintegrated at this moment.

   Seeing Bo Jingchuan's expression, Shen Fanxing immediately regretted it.

   However, he never had a chance to explain, so he was pulled into a whirlpool by Bo Jingchuan. -

  When Bo Jingchuan drove Shen Fanxing back to Bo's house, the color on Shen Fanxing's face never faded along the way.

  Bo Jingchuan parked the car, and when he turned to look at her, he couldn't help but chuckle in a low voice.

"Are you ok?"

   The low and smiling voice was close to his ear, and Shen Fanxing's face turned even redder, biting his lips and resolutely not answering Bo Jingchuan's question.

   Bo Jingchuan smiled softly again, opened the door to the passenger seat, and opened the door for her.

  Shen Fanxing had already unbuckled her seat belt, straightened her hair, and took a deep breath before she lifted her foot and got out of the car.

   As soon as both feet landed, his body staggered and almost fell to the ground.

   Bo Jingchuan stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms in time.

   "What's the matter?" Bo Jingchuan was startled, with a frown on Junmei's face, looking down at him with a serious expression.

  Shen Fanxing leaned in his arms, put one hand on his shoulder, looked at him with a blushing face, complex eyes, shy and deep resentment.

   Bo Jingchuan's thoughts paused for a second before he realized it and smiled softly.

"Feel sorry."

"……dare you laugh."

  Shen Fanxing is really anxious now, so many people in the house, so many pairs of eyes, how embarrassing would it be to be seen?

   Bo Jingchuan chuckled lightly, bent over and hugged her.

  Shen Fanxing was taken aback, "Don't..."

   "..." Bo Jingchuan turned a deaf ear.


   "Yes, I only carry you to the door."

  Shen Fanxing breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hands and squeezed his legs, "I told you to take it easy..."

   Bo Jingchuan smiled lightly, "No way, you make you too attractive?"


   The shirk of responsibility is perfect.

   As soon as the two of them arrived at the door, Shen Fanxing urged Bo Jingchuan to let her down.

   As a result, Bo Jingchuan took a few big strides and carried her directly into the door.

   "Hey!" Shen Fanxing was surprised and never thought that Bo Jingchuan would go back on his word.

   Bo Jingchuan smiled lightly and looked down at her, "I didn't slow down all the way in the car, so it might not be easy now."

   "Then let me down now!"



  The two entered the living room, and the noisy sound in the living room stopped abruptly.

   Shen Fanxing gritted his teeth and closed his eyes forcefully.

   Feeling that several eyes were on her body, she didn't know what expression to use to face them.

  Grandpa, Mom, and a bunch of servants...

   During the few seconds of silence in the living room, Shen Fanxing was thinking about what to do next, what to say, and what expression to use to appear more natural.

   However, all the thoughts that flashed by were dissipated by the next voice.

   "Brother Bo, are you back? What's wrong with my sister-in-law?"

The    familiar voice sounded cautious, but extremely natural and calm.

  Shen Fanxing slowly opened his eyes.

   No wonder he suddenly called back for dinner, it turned out to be Yuan Sichun.

   But she came, why did she specially call them back?

  Bo Jingchuan walked over with her in his arms, bent over and put her on the sofa.

   Shen Fanxing sat on the sofa with an indifferent expression.

   I was thinking about what kind of expression to keep, but now it seems that I think too much.

   At this moment, apart from being indifferent, she couldn't make any extra expressions.


  Bo Jingchuan stood up and let out a low voice, Shen Fanxing paused for a moment, turning his head to look at the crowd.

   But found that Mrs. Bo was looking at her smiling happily, and Lai Rong's face was also full of smiles.

   "Grandma." Shen Fanxing was a little surprised.

   "Girl Fanxing, are you uncomfortable? Why are you being held in?"

   "I'm fine, just... fell asleep in the car."

  Bo Jingchuan hooked his lips and looked down at her lightly.

  Shen Fanxing did not go to see him.

  The old lady looked at the two with her shrewd eyes, and then called Shen Fanxing over.

  Shen Fanxing was stunned for a moment, then stood up, her weak legs trembled slightly, but she moved slowly to the old lady.

  The old lady Bo took Shen Fanxing's hand and smiled happily and ambiguous.

   "How long have you slept, how can you still sleep so softly with your legs?"



   Lou Ruoyi and Yuan Sichun, who were sitting together, looked at her.

  Shen Fanxing's face flushed uncontrollably.

   Lairong covered her mouth and chuckled beside her, but she was helpless, "Old Madam, Miss Fanxing is thin-skinned, you should be more reserved..."


  The old lady glanced at Lai Rong strangely, "Does sleeping have anything to do with thin skin? I was very reserved, but when you say this, you are not reserved."

   Lai Rong pursed her lips, a little surprised, "It's really... It's really hard for Miss Fanxing."

  The master and the servant are in and out of each other, why Shen Fanxing's legs are weak seems to be a well-known secret.

   Yuan Sichun was an embarrassed existence beside him, but the decent smile he had been supporting was a little bit unbearable at the moment.

   Lai Rong glanced at her lightly, and withdrew his gaze calmly.

   had a faint smile on his face.

   (end of this chapter)

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