Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 938: special hobby

  Chapter 938 Special Hobbies

   The slender figure slowly left from his side, Bo Jingxing stood on the spot, Junrong was a little stunned.

  Returning to his senses, Sang Yu has already come downstairs gracefully.

  Bo Jingxing frowned, put his hands in his pockets, and followed him down the stairs nonchalantly.

  Sang Yu was standing on the porch by the door. The door was just opened. The nanny was standing at the door with two bags in her hands. The two were talking.

   When Bo Jingxing came down, he heard Sang Yu's soft and polite voice telling the nanny that she was in trouble, and the nanny hurriedly smiled and shook her head.

   "It's okay, Wan Wan is very good and cute."

   It may be that Sangyu is grateful to the nanny for her hard work and dedication.

  Bo Jingxing didn't take it seriously and walked over.

  The nanny greeted him and went into the kitchen with two bags of vegetables.

  Sang Yu looked back at Bo Jingxing, seeing Bo Jingxing looking at her, she pursed her lips, did not go out, but said:

   "About last night...the thing about you forcibly taking off your evening dress, I misunderstood you...uh...misunderstand that you have special hobbies. Um...sorry."

  Bo Jingxing frowned, thinking about what happened last night, he felt angry.

   Special hobby?

   To late night?

Oh shit!

  What was going on in this dead woman's mind?

  Sang Yu saw that Bo Jingxing's face was not very good, so he opened the door and walked out.

  Bo Jingxing looked at her slender and curling back, and suddenly felt a little stuck in his heart.

   In the last class, are you dressed so gorgeously?

Is the purpose of    so obvious? -

   As soon as Sang Yu arrived at the company, he was undoubtedly greeted with stunning gazes, and even more daring employees approached Sang Yu carelessly and exclaimed:

   "Director Sang, you are so beautiful today, do you have an important date with President Gu today?"

  Sang Yu hooked her lips slightly, and her eyes fell on the tall and handsome gentle man next to the elevator.

   He was looking at her, with obvious surprise flashing in his warm eyes.

  Sang Yu's eyes moved, and she pursed her lips, "Every date is important, right?"

   The two female employees smiled ambiguous, "Director Sang really likes President Gu."

   His voice was not low, and he just happened to walk in front of Gu Zeyan, obviously to please Gu Zeyan.

   Standing in front of Gu Zeyan, Sang Yu nodded lightly at him, "Good morning."

  's expression is too natural, and there is no place for embarrassment.


  Gu Zeyan kept staring at her, although his face was smiling and his voice was gentle, but there was still a little bit of loss and helplessness in his heart.

  Although she agreed to try again with him, he could sense it very well these days, and she had been working hard to be with him.

In the past, when she saw herself, most of the time she held her long eyelashes slightly, with a shy look. After a long time, she would let go of her laughter, let go of having fun, and the smile on her face. Bright and natural, it is not difficult to see the love and admiration for him in the bright eyes.

   But now, her expression and attitude are so natural that they can't be more natural. Is this a good phenomenon?

   is not.

   She is also natural to anyone.

   He is no longer a special existence to her now.

   Although I feel sad in my heart, but all of this, why didn't I hurt her first?

   But he just wants to be with her now.

   Even if he uses material as a condition to trap her by his side.

   In this way, he has a chance to make up for all the debts he owed her before.

"you look pretty today."

   Gu Zeyan looked at her without hesitation and said, Wenmai's face with a low and magnetic voice is the easiest to attract people's hearts.

  Sang Yu looked down at her clothes, and the image of Bo Jingxing standing at her door not long ago flashed in her mind.

   "Thank you." She said lightly, the elevator door opened, and the two of them entered the special elevator one after another.

   "What would you like to eat in the evening? I'll reserve a seat in advance."

  The elevator door closed, Gu Zeyan said softly again.

  Sang Yu thought for a while, "I haven't eaten southern specialties for a long time, Suzhou cuisine is good."

  Gu Zeyan nodded in response, "...Why didn't you eat southern food for a long time? What is your habit of eating northern food?"

  The difference between the north and the south is really big, except for the climate, it is the taste.

   It is surprising that a southerner has not eaten southern food for a long time.

  Sangyu paused for a while, then reached out and brushed a handful of hair, "...Well, I don't eat much, I have nothing to be used to or not used to, just fill my stomach."

  Gu Zeyan chuckled, also aware of the small appetites of women, plus Sang Yu, who is dedicated to work, doesn't seem to pay much attention to food.

   looked at her body a few times, and indeed reached out and grabbed her hand.

  Sangyu's heart skipped a beat, subconsciously wanting to withdraw, but he was pulled in front of him.

  Gu Zeyan's hand pinched on her wrist, "You are thin like a stick, I will try to make you fatter."

   "No, it doesn't look good if you are fat."

   "You'll look good when you're fat, just like before." Gu Zeyan smiled softly.

   But Sang Yu's face changed imperceptibly.

   Gu Zeyan also seemed to have thought of something, and his hand holding Sang Yu loosened slightly.

   "I'll go to the office to find it first, and I'll send it to you for reference later."


   The two of them didn't have a few private conversations, and they were unknowingly led by Sang Yu to chat about business affairs. -

   After get off work at night, Bo Jingxing came home on time.

  I was watching cartoons on the sofa when I heard the movement, hurried to the door, jumped up and spread my arms, and said happily:

   "Xingxing is back, Xingxing hugs!"

   The nature of a child, Bo Jingxing's "bestiality" to her last night was completely forgotten by her.

  Bo Jingxing also picked up Wanwan almost habitually, put his hands under her armpits, raised them high, and shook her small body.


   Wanwan's face wrinkled when she heard it, "Wanwan is not fat! Mom said that Wanwan is very slim!"

   Bo Jingxing sneered and took Wanwan into his arms, his arm resting on her little butt, very skilled in holding the child with one hand.

   As he changed his shoes, he stimulated Xiao Wanwan, "She was afraid that you would lie to you by crying."

   "Mom didn't lie to me, Uncle Gu also said I was pretty!"

   Bo Jingxing paused and said with a sullen face:

   "Stay away from that Uncle Gu in the future. He's a bad guy, so he's lying to you, you know?"

   "But he gave me a princess dress? And he was very warm to my mother..."

   Warm oil your sister!

   "That's why he wants to be your stepfather, you know?"

   "What is a stepfather?"

   Bo Jingxing was silent for a while before saying:

   "'s a big bad wolf in sheep's clothing. When your mother is not around, he will suddenly turn into a wolf and eat you!"

   Bo Jingxing said the horror, and the voice was full of emotion, and he hugged Bo Jingxing's neck tightly every night.

   (end of this chapter)

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