Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 923: who are you (seeking monthly pass)

   Chapter 923 Who are you (seeking monthly pass)

   released his hand on the porch pillar, and he staggered toward the arch.

   was a bit violent just now, but now the alcohol is burning his stomach and jumping all over his body, his eyes are a bit watery with alcohol, and what is in front of him is dazed. He narrowed his eyes slightly and passed through the arch.

On both sides of the    are neatly arranged trees with slightly staggered heights.

   took a few steps towards the front, which is Bo Jingchuan's yard, a majestic villa, brightly lit, and the light shining into the yard is brighter than several street lamps in the yard.

   In a corner not far away, a cloud of white mist floated in the air.

  From bottom to top, and finally the fog melted into the night sky high and disappeared.

   He walked in that direction curiously, and there was a faint sound of water in his ears.

   Through the hazy mist, the figure sitting by the pool was imprinted into his eyes.

   She was wearing a pure black coat, but it was not difficult to see that it was just a pajama, revealing her fair and beautiful collarbone.

   A head of natural curly hair was casually draped over her shoulders, covering her face, so she couldn't see her face.

The legs of the pajama pants were rolled up to the knees. A pair of slender and straight calves stretched into the pool, swaying from time to time, occasionally being swept by brighter light, and those white legs were suddenly dazzling, white and slender. Can't take your eyes off.

  There is a water circulation function on the top of the pool, and the waterfall falls into the fish pond from the top along the body of the ball.

  Bo Ziliao stared at the pair of fair and lustrous legs, and suddenly felt that the wine he had just drank had been circulating in his body for several weeks, and finally poured into his brain and boiled in his brain.

   The fire that was just hooked up by Luo Mei burst out all of a sudden.

   He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and gradually approached in that direction.

   At this time, Shen Fanxing turned to take the fruit from the fruit bowl next to him, and naturally pulled the strands of hair hanging in front of him behind him.

   The slender and graceful side neck was revealed, before he could see the side face clearly, Shen Fanxing turned his face with the fruit, and put a fruit with a bamboo stick in his mouth.

   That face was instantly revealed in Bo Zirai's eyes.

   The fair and tender face is clean and beautiful without any makeup.

   A pair of eyes are bright and energetic, and there is no expression on his face, but his eyebrows and eyes are indescribably beautiful.

   is different from all the women he has ever seen, the kind of temperament on her body, clean and pure, the whole person is more real because of relaxation.

   Fluffy curly hair, soft brows and eyes, slender eyelashes trembling, red lips chewing fruit, gently wriggling movements, even a person who is still, exudes a fatal beauty.

   What's more, she is not static, every movement she makes now is attracting people to constantly want to approach her.

  Everywhere is so beautiful.

  The unknown fire burned his whole body, and a vague and indescribable feeling instantly swelled a certain nerve, it was an impulse and stimulation, and then woke up all the cells in his body.

  The sound of the rushing water affected Shen Fanxing's keenness. When she felt an outsider approaching at close range, Bo Zirao was already standing beside her.

   Her brows and eyes were instantly stained with frost, "Who are you?"

   That face now has another expression, cold and defensive.

  Bo Ziradio's whole body was screaming restlessly.

   You could have made such a soft and pleasant expression just now, with gentle eyebrows and eyes, why did you suddenly turn into this cold and indifferent look?

   However, there is more desire to conquer, isn't it?

   He wanted to see her expression just now.


   He couldn't help approaching her, Shen Fanxing's face turned colder.

   "You stop!"

   Bo Ziradiu subconsciously stopped.

   "This shouldn't be a place where you can come in casually, who are you?"

  Bozi rolled his Adam's apple twice, "I...I am..."

   He hesitated, but he succeeded in provoking Shen Fanxing's impatience.

   Looking at the distance between the two people only two steps away, Shen Fanxing withdrew his feet and planned to stand up, and shouted:

   "Here!" She didn't know him, but today was the family banquet of the Bo family, so she couldn't be sure whether this person should be offended or not, so she might as well ask the servants in the family to come out and recognize him.

   Her cry caused Bo Zirao to panic suddenly. Looking at her vivid appearance, he was infatuated with her.

   His expression was in Shen Fanxing's eyes, and his heart was even colder.

   "Come... um..."

   Seeing that Shen Fanxing was already on 120,000 points of vigilance, Bo Ziradio jumped up and covered Shen Fanxing's mouth while she was shouting again.

   Shen Fanxing's half-raised body was slammed onto the flat marble table by the pool, and the breath of the strange man made her eyes widen instantly.

Shen Fanxing struggled reflexively, and rationally wanted to escape in the most perfect way, but when she lifted her leg and tried to hit the most vulnerable part of the man's waist, an irresistible fact made her heart instantly cool. most of the time.

   She couldn't exert much strength.

   The disease is not completely healed, and her weak body makes it impossible for her to protect herself in the most correct and straightforward way.

   She struggled instinctively, but the man easily pinned her shoulders.

   "Don't call...don't call..."

   Bo Zirui was panting heavily, some red eyes swept back and forth across her face.

   It was obvious that she was agitated. As he looked at her, he coaxed her, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid... I won't hurt..."

   His eyes passed over her neck, over her chest, over her slender waist, and finally returned to her face.

   "Don't be afraid...I won't hurt are so beautiful..."

  Shen Fanxing's eyes widened, and there was an unprecedented sense of despair in his heart.

   The smell of alcohol mixed with the man made her disgusting.

   She gradually calmed down, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

  Bo Ziluo didn't seem to be resisting, and the pressure on her body was involuntarily loosened a little.

  Shen Fanxing took the opportunity, her eyes narrowed, she suddenly reached out and pushed him away, and then rolled over from the marble countertop of the pool, trying to stabilize her body, but fell heavily on the ground.

  She got up embarrassedly, "Come..."

  Shen Fanxing clenched his teeth tightly, his body was full of anger, he raised his hand and used all his strength to hit Bo Ziradio in the face.

   (end of this chapter)

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