Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 910: Back to the second young master's words

   Chapter 910 Back to the second young master's words

   Didn't I just say that when I bought it, there was only one bracelet left, and it was also bought by Qian Ziyu!

  Why is it hers?

   Even Lou Ruoyi frowned slightly when she heard Shen Fanxing's words.

   When she bought this bracelet, she was there, and there was only one bracelet left, which was bought by Qian Ziyu.

  Why did she say that?

   If it was said that she stole it, she would never believe it!

   Otherwise, she would have lived in vain for more than 40 years!


  Bo Jingxing tilted his head and stared at Shen Fanxing with a puzzled look on his face, and said in a low voice:

   "How come the bracelet belongs to my sister-in-law?" After that, he stretched out his foot and kicked the heel of the little woman in front of him, causing the little girl to shrink back in fright.

   "Hey, little girl, could it be that your boss later bought an identical bracelet?"


   The woman Shen Fanxing asked Bo Jingchuan to find was the employee of The-Queen, Qiao Yuyan.

   Qiao Yuyan could bear only seeing Shen Fanxing, a top-level boss, and now the two standing beside her are... the eldest and second young masters of the Bo family!

  She didn't live long!

   She is really young!

   She really hasn't seen anything in the world!

   Everything needs to be done gradually, right?

  Why did she meet these people she would never see in her life in the first place.

   "Back... Back to the second young master, our boss didn't buy that bracelet. When Miss Qian bought it, it was really the last one."

   Bo Jingxing looked puzzled.

   "That's weird, where did that sister-in-law's bracelet come from?"

  Qiao Yuyan thought for a while, then opened and closed her mouth, "That..."

   "You're laughing so hard! You only had this one when you bought it, and now you say it's yours? You have so many crooked excuses!"

  Qian Ziyu's words suddenly sounded sharply with a sneer, "What excuses do you have, say them all. Let me see how many excuses you have prepared tonight?!"

   Shen Fanxing sneered, but looked towards Yuan Sichun.

   "What I said is the truth. If you don't believe me, ask Miss Yuan next to you."

   has been gloating on the side, Yuan Sichun, who has nothing to do with watching the play, was suddenly named, and the sneer on his lips suddenly became the focus of everyone.

   The expression on her face froze, and she frowned at Shen Fanxing.

  The people around have been confused by Shen Fanxing for a long time, and their curiosity can almost suffocate them to death.

   From the very beginning, the eldest Miss Yuan family gave them an attitude that she was on Qian Ziyu's side, and now she was pulled out by Miss Shen as an "ally", what exactly is going on? !

   Surrounded by everyone's curious eyes, Yuan Sichun was also dumbfounded!

  What does this have to do with her? !

  Qian Ziyu also looked at her with the same puzzled expression on her face.

   "Sister Chun, what's going on?"

   How did she know?

   She looked at Shen Fanxing defensively, "Sister-in-law, I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know, you still have such a bracelet."

She paused, glanced at Qian Ziyu and Lou Ruoyi, and twitched her lips, "When I bought the bracelet, I only knew that the only bracelet was bought by Ziyu, I don't know where you bought the exact same bracelet later. One. If it’s really yours, then congratulations, I finally bought the one I like, and I have no regrets.”

   "When did she buy it? The inner wall of my table is clearly marked with The-Queen's trademark. Where did she get it?!"

  Qian Ziyu spread out her palm, intending to let everyone see the trademark she said.

  Yuan Sichun glanced meaningfully and smiled awkwardly, "Then I don't even know."

   "Don't know? How could it be?" Shen Fanxing smiled lightly and pointed at the bracelet in Qian Ziyu's hand, "Didn't you give me that bracelet?"




   All the people present are now in a state of bewilderment, literally.

What's the meaning?

   Miss Yuan gave this bracelet?

Yuan Sichun's somewhat dazed face suddenly sank, "Sister-in-law...what are you talking about? When did I give you a bracelet? I know you are in an embarrassing situation right now, but this matter has nothing to do with me, even if I want to give it to you. If you excuse yourself, you have to be realistic..."

  Shen Fanxing always smiled faintly, and his expression looked particularly ironic.

"I naturally seek truth from facts. Miss Yuan, you are really immoral. You are the best proof that I didn't steal Qian Ziyu's bracelet, but now you insist on not testifying for me. Isn't this bracelet you just gave it in the bathroom? Mine? You said that you haven't given me this gift as a sister-in-law since you came back. You know I like this bracelet very much, so you forced it to me. "

   "I didn't..." When did she say these words.

"Hahaha... You are talking nonsense! I was in the bathroom at the time, and the two of you didn't talk much at all, and what you said about the Shen family, the Su family has nothing to do with what you just said, Shen Fanxing, you have nothing to do with it. Just lying."

   Everyone still couldn't react, and they turned their attention to Shen Fanxing.

   "What nonsense? Miss Yuan, you are going to be the head of the Yuan family in the future. This memory really needs to be improved."

  Yuan Sichun choked on her chest, her beautiful eyes staring at Shen Fanxing's indifferent, yet more confident face. The indifference and coldness contained a powerful aura that made her instinctively disgusted and repelled.

   She hates her dazzling and powerful appearance, and hates to admit her excellence!

   She now hates her arrogant attitude and questions her ability to be the head of the house.

   The situation was deadlocked, Shen Fanxing lifted her eyes to look at Yuan Sichun, and hooked her lips coldly.

   She slowly put down her arms hugging her chest, rested her hands on the pillar behind her for a while, then straightened up and slowly walked towards Qian Ziyu and Yuan Sichun.

   Step by step, he walked lightly and slowly, but Yuan Sichun's heart was inexplicably filled with an unnamed timidity and a deeper defense.

  Shen Fanxing walked to Qian Ziyu and stood still, and when Qian Ziyu didn't know what to do, he easily took the bracelet into his hand.

   "What are you doing?! Give it back to me!" Qian Ziyu shouted angrily, reaching out to grab the bracelet in Shen Fanxing's hand.

   In the end, Shen Fanxing held her up to avoid her. She lowered her eyes and looked at Qian Ziyu, who was shorter than herself, with coldness in her eyes.

   "It's mine. Your bracelet may be on someone else's now."

   "'re going too far! This is my bracelet! Why are you so shameless! You were caught on the spot! You still have to argue! I'm going to find someone from the police station to arrest you!"

  Shen Fanxing nodded, "Okay...but you don't need to tell me, I have already notified them."

   (end of this chapter)

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