Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 907: I remember so much

   Chapter 907 I remember so much

  From beginning to end, she is in the perspective of a bystander in everything.

   Even if there are any consequences, I can't fight her.

   Now that she has been pulled down, once she says something wrong, it is difficult for her to be alone.

   Shen Fanxing looked at Yuan Sichun with a half smile.

   The expression on Yuan Sichun's face has been changing subtly, and finally, under the gaze of everyone, he had to speak again:

"I really didn't pay attention at first, because I never thought that my sister-in-law would be someone who stole things... But what you just said was right, Ziyu did take off all her jewelry after you entered the bathroom... Then I remember that when you came out, Ziyu was drying clothes in the dryer. I was at the outside sink, and you did wash your hands in the sink behind her... Well, that's all I remember. ."

  Yuan Sichun recalled the original situation with a serious expression as he spoke.

   There was no clear statement that Shen Fanxing stole Qian Ziyu's bracelet, but this process still expanded the possibility of Shen Fanxing stealing the bracelet.

   In her words, she pointed out that Shen Fanxing knew exactly when the bracelet was lost.

   also approached the place where the bracelet was placed at that time.

  Everyone could not hold back their already restrained posture because they were afraid of Bo Jingchuan.

   Looking at Shen Fanxing's eyes, the questioning just now turned into more certainty and contempt.

  Qian Ziyu is more confident when he hears it!

   "Hurry up and return my bracelet to me!"

  Shen Fanxing looked at her coldly, "I said I didn't take it."


  Qian Ziyu didn't expect Shen Fanxing's mouth to be so hard, pointed at Shen Fanxing and said:

   "Sister Chun has said it for this purpose. Even a fool can tell that she is just saying that you stole my bracelet, and you still refuse to admit it!"

   "Oh? It turns out that what Miss Yuan just said was actually clearly saying that I stole the bracelet?" Shen Fanxing looked at Yuan Sichun with a sarcastic smile.

   Yuan Sichun's chest was blocked, and he scolded Qian Ziyu hundreds of times in his heart for an idiot!

  Looking at Lou Ruoyi's icy gaze turned towards her, faintly, she couldn't tell what she was thinking at the moment, but it still made Yuan Sichun nervous.

   What's more, there is brother Bo in front...

When    looked up at him, he didn't look at her.

   But just now, she could clearly feel the icy gaze that flashed by.

   "I...I just told the truth, I didn't say that my sister-in-law stole it..."

  Qian Ziyu glanced at Yuan Sichun, "Sister Chun, what kind of face are you giving her at this time? If you see it, you will see it. If you don't say it, she will not be grateful to you."

   "..." Yuan Sichun gritted his teeth!

  Qian Ziyu, this **** idiot!

  Shen Fanxing stood there, just sneering, the irony on his face could not be more obvious.

   "So that's the case, it seems that I'm still stupid. But what should I do? I really didn't take your bracelet. So, is Miss Yuan's so-called 'seeing me stealing the bracelet' deliberately framed me?"


   "I heard that Miss Yuan and the two young masters of the Bo family were childhood sweethearts, and I admired the young master in my heart, but now my fiancée is someone else, so I guess I'm not reconciled..."

   "Everyone in the circle thought that Miss Yuan Family would be the future eldest young mistress."

   "It's hard to say. Drive this woman out. Isn't she still the one with the best chance?"


   Feeling the questioning gazes cast on her by some people around, Yuan Sichun frowned tightly, thinking for a while, but she pulled Qian Ziyu to her side.

   "Tzuyu, otherwise this matter is over, it's just a bracelet anyway, just buy another one."

  Qian Ziyu's eyes widened, "How can it be possible? I only had one bracelet when I bought it. I like it very much. How can I make her cheaper? No way! I must find the bracelet today!"

  Shen Fanxing watched their conversation, pondering something, the last pair of star eyes flashed slightly, and the hands hanging on both sides were slightly folded.

   Then the expression on his face changed slightly.

   She turned around, looked at Bo Jingchuan with a gloomy face next to her, paused, and walked over to him.

   Bo Jingchuan's eyes closely followed her, and before she approached, he raised his arms, for fear that she would fall, he hugged her from a distance and put her in his arms.

  's cautious and caring look made everyone's heart rippling.

   It turns out that this seemingly cold and ruthless man is actually so gentle.

   It's just that all his tenderness and pampering were given to only one person.

   "How long will it take?" Bo Jingchuan's flat voice was full of grievances.

  Shen Fanxing smiled apologetically, knowing that he was angry because she didn't let him take care of this matter and her persistence.

   She was moved by the respect he gave her.

   But this kind of thing does not need him to help her solve it.

   Most of the people present today are female relatives who coveted the Bo family.

   What she wants to do is not a woman who needs to be protected.

   but a woman who is qualified to stand by his side.

   She looked up at the man's handsome face, supported the clothes on his chest with her hands, tiptoed slightly, and helped him adjust his tie.

   Bo Jingchuan subconsciously bent down slightly.


   A low suspicious voice made Shen Fanxing glance at him, then the corners of his lips curled slightly, and his gaze turned to his side face.

   Bo Jingchuan's back was bent a little more, and pressed against Shen Fanxing's cheek.

   "There is a person in our room, please call me down."

  Shen Fanxing whispered, then backed away halfway, put his hands on his chest, and smiled at him.

  Bo Jingchuan stood up slowly, stared at her with dark eyes for a while, and finally Cen Bo's lips curled slightly, took her hand on his chest, put it on his lips and kissed gently.


   Shen Fanxing grabbed his clothes again.

   "Arrange someone else to go."

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, "What?"

   "The room, alone, it's not good." Shen Fanxing said calmly.

   Thin Jingchuan hooked his lips.

   The intimacy of the two made Yuan Sichun a joke in the eyes of everyone at this moment.

   Now that Young Master Bo loves this woman so much, what is the use of her trying to frame Shen Fanxing?

   It seemed that she was a stalker.

   Yuan Sichun watched Bo Jingchuan's unabashed doting on Shen Fanxing, and the gazes projected by the people around her, which made the resentment in the bottom of her eyes a little thicker.

   She tightly held Qian Ziyu's arm beside her and continued:

   "Ziyu, you shouldn't be making trouble here! Even if this matter has to have an outcome today, there will always be people who will be embarrassed! And you don't have any real evidence to prove that your sister-in-law stole something..."

  Shen Fanxing watched Bo Jingchuan leave, and the smile on his face gradually cooled.

   After Yuan Sichun's words with a guiding purpose, Qian Ziyu really said loudly:

   "I don't care if she's embarrassed or not. Since she stole something, she deserves to be unable to raise her head in front of people! No evidence? Since she refuses to admit it, then body search!"

   (end of this chapter)

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