Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1798: do not know

   Chapter 1798 I don't understand

  Li Mo paused and gave a thumbs up, "My wife is so smart!"

Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows and smiled smugly, stroking his chubby belly, "I just saw how my son behaved! I hope he won't inherit your emotional intelligence and bully my daughter-in-law away. ."

   "It's really that time, let alone retaliation for you, I guess our son won't be able to keep it."

   Xu Qingzhi said, and suddenly shivered.

"I don't know if that man Bo Jingchuan will spoil his daughter... Of course he will! I can't imagine how much he spoils his daughter. If our son bullies his daughter, I really don't know what he will do. What a maddening thing to do..."

  Li Mo frowned, he didn't know what to pursue now.

   Should I talk about her saying that his EQ is low, or should I talk about Bo Jingchuan's madness...

   He had no chance to speak at all, so Xu Qingzhi took a breath.

   "Forget it, it's their own business. If the son really hurts Little Moon, he deserves to be repaired! Do you think so?"

  The conversation turned, and his eyes were on Li Mo.

  Li Mo's scalp went numb, "...why do I feel like there is something in these words?"

  Xu Qingzhi smiled, "No, are you thinking too much? Just say what I said?"

   That smile, no matter how you look at it, it feels gloomy.

  Li Mogan laughed twice, "What my wife says is right..."

  Xu Qingzhi was very satisfied, "Well."

  Li Mo: "..." �

  Shen Fanxing's twins were struggling. At the age of eight months, Bo Jingchuan hired the best doctor from abroad, and together with Tang Jian, took turns on call twenty-four hours a day.

   In fact, Shen Fanxing's situation is not that bad compared to other pregnant women with twins.

   But, where did Bo Jingchuan pay attention to other pregnant women before?

   He was with Shen Fanxing when he had a check-up, but they were all special appointments. Occasionally, I saw a few pregnant women, all of whom were singletons. Compared to Fanxing's belly, Fanxing was obviously more tired.

   This limited contrast made Bo Jingchuan even more cautious.

   It is true that after eight months, walking is really hard.

  Shen Fanxing obediently accepted the arrangement.

   At such a time, she really doesn't need to force anything.

   Now almost everyone around me is worried, for fear that something will happen to her, in order to reassure them, I also make myself feel better.

   Fortunately, there are people who come to accompany her to relieve her boredom every day, but she is not bored at all.

   Even Qi Mohan, who sometimes comes every three or five times, sometimes disappears for a long time at once, and sometimes comes over almost every day.

  Bo Jingchuan used every trick to prevent him, except for the occasional hit, Qi Mohan officially began to fight head-on with Bo Jingchuan.

  Bo Jingchuan was at home, so he spent some time dealing with Qi Mohan.

   Shen Fanxing was worried at first, but after seeing that the two of them didn't seem to come up with anything too big or not to end, she was relieved that they were directly fighting their wits and courage.

   In fact, Bo Jingchuan and Qi Mohan could see her nervousness. The two were in trouble, but it didn't make Shen Fanxing really worried.

   But recently, Bo Jingchuan seems to have found a good solution. �

  Sangyu brought Wanwan to accompany Shen Fanxing, and when she entered Wanwan, she trotted all the way to hug Shen Fanxing's leg.

   "Sister-in-law...Sister-in-law, how are my nephews and nephews?"

   Seeing that she will be a mother in two months, Shen Fanxing will look at Wanwan again, and her mood will be different.

   The whole person is so tender and doting that he almost treats Wan Wan as his own daughter.

   "They are all fine, thank you for your concern lately,"

   Wanwan's round eyes stared at her belly for a long time, and finally reached out and put her fleshy, white and tender little hand on it and caressed it gently.

   Then he sighed in surprise, "They are Wanwan's nephews and nephews, it is right for Wanwan to care about them, sister-in-law, I will definitely protect my nephews and nephews in the future."

  Shen Fanxing smiled, "Okay, then it will be too late, they might be naughty?"

   shook his head late, "No trouble, they are still young, naughty is forgivable, and we will try hard not to let them be naughty..."

   The childish voice is glutinous, obviously he is still a little baby, but he has to force himself to say some very "mature" words, he looks so cute and cute.

   Thinking that the children were spoiled by such a cute little aunt when they were born, Shen Fanxing felt even more tender in her heart.

  Sang Yu took off his coat, walked in with a smile, and heard the conversation between Wan Wan and Shen Fanxing, with a look of doting and helplessness.

   "Wan Wan, be careful not to run into big sister-in-law."

   "I knew it lately, I was careful." Wanwan said, turning her head to look at Shen Fanxing's stomach again, "Sister-in-law, are they sleeping or playing now? Are they naughty?"

  Shen Fanxing smiled and shook his head: "They are very good now, probably sleeping..."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

  Xiao Wanwan is a little disappointed, she must be eager to play with them.

   After that, she climbed onto the sofa next to her by herself, staring at Shen Fanxing's stomach with her calves dangling.

   "Then I'll just wait for them to wake up and play with them."

  Sang Yu smiled helplessly, and said to Shen Fanxing: "Since I let her see the fetal movement last time, now I'm thinking about running to you every day."

   "Let her come, I'm bored at home too, I'm very good late, I like her very much."

   "After all, it's still small. If you don't notice it, it will be troublesome."

  Shen Fanxing smiled lightly and changed the subject, "Did Jing Xing bring you here?"

   The smile on Sang Yu's face narrowed slightly, "...No, he's not free now."

   looks too obvious.

  's swaying calf stopped in the evening, "Well, Xingxing is not free now, he now goes to see beautiful sister every day..."

   Shen Fanxing frowned, and seeing Sang Yu's even more unsightly face, she put her eyes on Wanwan.

   "Did you know that pretty sister that night?"

   shook his head late, "I don't know, I only know that every beautiful sister is different."

  Shen Fanxing raised his eyebrows, "Different?"

   "Well, I've seen them before, and Xingxing took me to meet them yesterday afternoon... um..."

   Lately speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, looking at Sang Yu and Shen Fanxing with big eyes, annoyed that he missed his mouth.

  Sangyu really noticed something, and asked with a serious face: "Yesterday afternoon? Where did you go?"

   shook his head every night.

  Sang Yu didn't speak, but she was obviously angry when she saw Wan Wan's face.

After hesitating for a while, he took his hand, lowered his head and looked like he had done something wrong, "I don't know where it is, but I know there are many beautiful sisters in it, okay, let's sit in the room, and several of them are standing there. In front of us, don't talk to me, and wear very little..."

  Shen Fanxing's head suddenly became a little messy, what the **** is this Bo Jingxing doing?

  Sangyu's face was not good.

  Shen Fanxing looked at Sang Yu with some concern.

  Although she is now Bo Jingxing's sister-in-law, she really can't find a reason to say good things to him.

   Wanwan is small, but this description makes it easy for people to know where he is.

   Now that I have a home, I am still so restless... I really need to clean up.

   What's more, he took Wanwan to go with him, he... Is there a hole in his brain?

   Take Wan Wan to that kind of place to find a woman?

   "Late night, what about later?"

   Shen Fanxing asked, she concluded that with Wanwan, Bo Jingxing would definitely not come here.

   Sure enough, he said late: "Later, I left the phone numbers of those beautiful sisters and took me to eat ice cream. Xingxing said, don't let me tell Xiaoyu. Xingxing is going to be angry."

   Shen Fanxing breathed a sigh of relief.

  Sang Yu's face also looked better, and he warned Wan Wan again.

   "You're not allowed to go to that kind of place in the future, do you hear it? No one can take you there."

   nodded again and again, "No way."

  Sang Yu smiled, reached out and stroked Wanwan's head, "Be good."

  Shen Fanxing looked at Sang Yu, "Are you just angry about this?"


  Sang Yu wondered for a moment, and then reacted, "Wanwan is still young, it's a bit too much for him to take her to that kind of place."

   "So you're just angry that Jing Xing took Wan Wan to that kind of place, not that he himself went to that kind of place to find women?"

  Sang Yu paused for a while, smiling a little flatly, "...Where to go is his freedom, it's not good for me to control too much,"

   "You are his wife." Shen Fanxing's serious statement reminded him of this.

  Sang Yu stared at Shen Fanxing for a while, and suddenly let out a sigh of relief, "Sister-in-law, you actually know that my marriage with Jing Xing is not normal in the eyes of others."

  Shen Fanxing: "..."

   "You know, so does my eldest brother. You are all so smart. From the beginning, I felt I couldn't hide from you. Thanks for your cooperation these days. It's better to say it now..."

  Sang Yu smiled, and his tone seemed to be really relaxed.

Shen Fanxing stared at her for a long time, then suddenly said, "I can more or less see that your marriage with Jing Xing may be mixed with other things, but the reason why we don't mention it is not to accompany you in acting, but to accompany you in acting. I think you can come together.

  I have been waiting for you to come together naturally, even if it is fake, it can become real in the end. Since the result is what we thought at the beginning, there is no need to dismantle it. "

  Sang Yu really admires the woman in front of her. She has long known that she is really really smart, but she always has her own understanding of some things and can conquer everyone.

  Since the result is what we thought at first...

   But, no.

   "Who knows what will happen in the future, I didn't expect to say this in person today, but it's been so long, it's a lot better to say it..."

  Shen Fanxing smiled and glanced at Wanwan who was on the side.

   "Since you decided to confess today, then also answer my doubts about Wanwan."

  Sang Yu's expression instantly froze on his face.

   looked at Wan Wan subconsciously, she blinked her big eyes and looked at the two of them ignorantly, she just heard her own name, but she didn't know what they were talking about.

  Sangyu did not speak.

   Obviously she is not ready to confess her identity.

Seeing this, Shen Fanxing just smiled lightly, "You and Jing Xing are getting along pretty well now, aren't you? Although he used to be in magazine news a lot and his nickname was out, no one knew how true or false it was. In fact, after so many years, there has only been an accident like Wanwan, how much moisture is in this news, I believe you should have a bottom line in your heart."

   "It doesn't matter if the news is true or not, we are now..."

  Sangyu paused for a long time, looking a little tangled, "...Our current relationship...Whoever is serious...whoever is serious loses. And...I can't take that step forward..."

   Shen Fanxing frowned, no matter how exquisite she is, she has never been good at dealing with feelings.

   I have met Su Heng and Bo Jingchuan in my life.

   Meeting Bo Jingchuan was the luckiest thing in her life.

   He is straightforward and frank, there is nothing that can make her worry, and there are not so many twists and turns.

   Qingzhi and Li Mo, that's because she understands Qingzhi's feelings for Li Mo. After all, she has been in school for a while, and she still knows a little bit about Li Mo.

   In fact, she is almost an emotional idiot.

   Therefore, she didn't understand the matter between Bo Jingxing and Sang Yu, and she didn't know what they were thinking, and why the relationship between the two had come to this point.

   Whoever is serious will lose?

   Can't go a step further?

do not know.

   She only knows that the two of them get along well, Bo Jingxing doesn't necessarily dislike Sang Yu, and Sang Yu doesn't have no feelings for Bo Jingxing, not to mention that there is still a night between the two...

   "I don't understand, what kind of gap exists between the two of you. Obviously, in another way, you are an ordinary couple."

  Sang Yu smiled helplessly, "I don't understand either."

   "That Jing Xing went to that kind of place to find a woman, you have no idea at all?"

  Sang Yu reached out and stroked her skirt, "It's easy to think too much, so it's better not to think about it."

  Shen Fanxing really doesn't understand.

   "You never thought about trying to maintain your marriage for the night?"

  Sang Yu paused, "Maintaining the status quo is maintaining our marriage."

  Shen Fanxing: "..."

  The room was quiet for a moment, there was the sound of a car engine downstairs, and it didn't take long to hear Bo Jingxing's voice downstairs.

   "Brother! Brother! I brought everyone here! Come down and have a look!"

  Shen Fanxing: "..."

  Sangyu: "..."

  Wan Wan immediately jumped off the sofa, "It's Xing Xing!"

   Said and ran downstairs, Shen Fanxing also got off the bed.

   "Go downstairs and have a look."

  Sangyu nodded.

   As soon as he went out, Bo Jingchuan's figure just disappeared at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, and the speed was very fast.

   When they went downstairs and saw more than a dozen beauties of different styles standing in unison at the door, their minds instantly shut down.

   Bo Jingxing's face was already painted, and at this moment, he was pitifully covering his face in protest.

   "You asked me to find someone, and I have to be beaten for doing business. Isn't it too much?"

  Shen Fanxing's face turned black immediately, and turned to look at Bo Jingchuan.

  【Happy New Year~~】

   (end of this chapter)

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