Chapter 1795

   No wonder he said he had eaten it, no wonder he had so many burns on his hands.

   She clearly wanted to be hard-hearted, so she gave her own past an account more or less to make her heart a little more balanced.

  But, Li Mo is like this now...

   Now she can't tell whether it's because what he did is too easy for people to erase his past, or whether she is too soft-hearted, as long as it's Li Mo, she can forgive him unconditionally?


   She was reluctant,

   She was distressed.

  She has been like this all her life.

   No matter what Li Mo would do to her in the future, she brought it on herself.

   who made her love him.

   She was a total loser from the start.

   My eyes have been swept over the few eggs that were bitten off, these are just eggs, those noodles, rice porridge, sandwiches...

   How many times has he tried?

   Is she really "revenge" him?

  Why does it feel like she is taking revenge on herself?

   turned around and washed the dishes, wiped them aside, and went to the dining room to pick up the coat on the chair and put it on.

  Li Mo hurried downstairs while buttoning his coat.

   "You stay in the house for a while, I'll turn on the air conditioner in the car first, then I'll honk your horn before you come out!"

  Xu Qingzhi did not speak, and Li Mo walked towards the villa door without stopping too much.

  Xu Qingzhi looked at his back and had the urge to catch up and hug him and compromise with him.

   She wanted to tell him she didn't care anymore, didn't care about anything.

   Let her take a look at his injury and tell him not to force himself to do this kind of thing again in the future.

The    impulse accumulated in my heart more and more, and finally it rolled like a snowball, and finally it really rushed up.

   When Li Mo just opened the door, his body was suddenly hugged tightly from behind.

   He paused, there was a cold wind blowing in outside, Li Mo hurriedly closed the door and turned to look at her.

"What's up?"

  Xu Qingzhi bit his lip and looked up at him, his eyes trembling slightly.

   "Li Mo, I admit it, really... I've been the one who lost so much from the beginning, so I don't care about anything..."

"No matter what you will do in the future, whether it's sadness, sadness, disappointment, or even some irreversible things, I will admit it... If there is a day, I can only count myself as deserved... I admit, Because that's my life..."

"So Li Mo, don't force yourself to do things you don't like, don't let yourself hurt, don't have anything... I don't want to see anything wrong with you, I love you, no matter what the ending is, as long as you still You...I don't want to see you indulge me like this..."

   Her eyes were red, and she said calmly but also excited.


   She is so useless, Li Mo just two things tonight and this morning have made her completely give up her original intention, and all the bottom of her life has been shaken out.

   She was destined to have no status in front of him for the rest of her life.

  Loving someone is destined to be humbled to the dust.

   Say it and you will lose completely.

  Li Mo didn't expect her to suddenly change her attitude and say these words to her after last night.

   "Li Mo, you won! You won, but who made me love you..."

  Li Mo suddenly hugged her, turned around and pushed her against the door.

   He pressed her forehead tightly, his voice low.

   "You won! You won, I love you, I never thought that I would give up all my dignity for a woman and never tire of it!"

   "I don't force myself, you don't know how precious every smiling face and every satisfied expression you are facing me now."

   "I like to see you happy. When I see you finish the meal I made, God knows how happy and proud I am."

"Xu Qingzhi, you didn't lose, it was me who lost... I feel guilty for you, but I can still feel happiness and satisfaction in the process of trying to make up for you. I think I must have loved you more than you. I'm more..."

   "I won't make you sad again, even if something irreversible happens, you are my life, no one will not cherish their own life, no, it's because of fear..."

   "So you don't have to worry if you believe me, Qingzhi. Losing you means losing my life... It's strange, how can I love you so much... Can you tell me the answer?"

  Xu Qingzhi's expression was full of moving, she shook her head, tears in her eyes.

   "I don't know, I don't know, just like I don't know why I love you so much..."

   Li Mo smiled softly, the stern face in the past had the same moving expression and gentleness as hers.

   "Then what?"

   Xu Qingzhi just shook his head.

  Li Mo said softly, "Then we can only spend our whole life looking for this answer, right?"

   Xu Qingzhi wanted to cry, but laughed again.

   "You really are thinking about killing me all the time!"

   At a time like this, he actually wanted to make a promise with him for the rest of his life.

  Li Mo hugged her tightly, "Well, it is my biggest purpose to hold you tightly by my side for the rest of my life."

   Xu Qingzhi smiled, but reached out and took his hand that was around her waist.

   The red star burns that are really distributed on the top are more distressed when I see them at close range at the moment.

   "Don't go out for now, I'll give you some medicine first..."

  Li Mo glanced down, put his fingers into his cuffs, and finally hooked out the platinum bracelet.

   Xu Qing looked at him puzzled.

   He smiled, "I was afraid of getting dirty when I was just cooking."

  Xu Qingzhi paused, " could it be stained, just splash some oil, wipe it off and it will come down..."

"That's not OK."

   Xu Qingzhi was really touched by him, but he still grabbed his hand and tugged gently, "Okay, hurry up and get the medicine..."

  Li Mo didn't move, "It doesn't hurt."

  Xu Qingzhi immediately frowned, with a serious expression, "That's not...well..."

   She wanted to express her dissatisfaction, but she suddenly sealed her lips.

   "In this way, you can completely heal..."

   He stopped in a gap, a low hoarse voice rang in her ears, and the warm breath sprayed on her cheeks, showing his tenderness and intimacy.

   She just had time to blink before being suppressed by the attack that followed.

   This time, Li Mo obviously didn't think about letting her go just for a taste.

   His hands slowly climbed up on his shoulders, his back was against the door panel, his head was raised and he tried his best to respond to him.

   There are only two people in the huge villa, but the low-pitched voices and the voices of two people embracing each other became clearer and clearer in this quiet and empty space, the temperature was rising, and the atmosphere was warm and charming.

   For a long time, Li Mo withdrew for a few minutes, stared at her closely, and finally picked her up.

   "That Moon may have to wait a while."

   Xu Qingzhi's cheeks flushed.

  Li Mo put her on the sofa and leaned over to look at her, "I've waited for so many days anyway, it's not bad to wait a long time, right?"

   Xu Qingzhi: "..." What can she say?

  Li Mo stared at her for a while, then suddenly said: "Qingzhi, why are you so good? You are good are so beautiful..."

   Xu Qingzhi may know how he feels now.

   Because sometimes she feels the same way.

   "I'm always preparing to be my best self, ready to give myself to you at any moment..."

   Li Mo paused, and suddenly his body pressed down a bit.

  's face suddenly turned red, biting his lip ashamed to look at him.

  Li Mo's nose rubbed against her cheek, and her voice sounded almost hoarse.

   "Just listening to you like this, I wonder what you should do?…"

   "Although I really don't want to shirk responsibility, but only you can do it..."

  Xu Qingzhi grabbed his shoulder nervously, turned his blushing face to one side, and dared not look at him.

   "I knew you were mine, why did I have to make it difficult for me to hide in those years?"

   His voice was very low, almost murmuring to himself, but the distance between the two was too close, and Xu Qing knew that his ears were fine.

  Curiosity outweighed shyness, she turned her head and asked him suspiciously, "What did you just say??"

Although the question    was asked, she couldn't help feeling ashamed.

  Li Mo's face became slightly unnatural, "Nothing..."

   Xu Qingzhi was unrelenting, but we should be ashamed, everyone should be ashamed together.

   "You have a girlfriend, but do you still feel wronged?"

  Li Mo's face turned red as expected!

   "Xu Qingzhi, are you trying to laugh at me on purpose?"

  Xu Qingzhi shook his head, "Why should I laugh at you?"

  Li Mo gritted his teeth, "I have to take back what I just said..."

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes trembled, and before he could react, he blocked all his thoughts.


   A doorbell interrupted.

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes that were dissatisfied with the water mist suddenly blinked, and Li Mo suddenly groaned, his face gloomy.

   He propped himself up, but did not leave the sofa.

  Xu Qingzhi saw that he was a little unwilling, and pushed him away with a blushing face, "There are guests..."

  Li Mo's face is really not good.

   But the doorbell rang again, Xu Qingzhi could only sit up from the sofa, tidy up his clothes in a hurry, finally got up, and blushed into the bathroom on the first floor.

  She came out of the bathroom after cleaning up, Li Mo was putting on clothes with a stinky face.

The    action could clearly see his ruthless strength due to his emotions at this time.

   Xu Qingzhi wanted to open the door first, but was pulled behind by Li Mo.

   "The door is cold, let me open it."

   Finished speaking with a stinky face, and went to the door while buttoning up.

  Like that, Xu Qingzhi was really afraid that Li Mo would give some of the three seven twenty one punches to the people at the first time.

   followed behind him uneasy. The moment she opened the door, before she could see who was coming, she heard a familiar cry.

   Immediately afterwards, a small golden figure rushed at her feet, clawing at her legs, whimpering non-stop.

   It sounds happy mixed with deep grievances.

   "Little Moon?"

   Xu Qingzhi shouted in surprise after confirming that it was Moon.

   Little Moon even shouted "Ouch", feeling a little less grievance and more cheerful.

   Xu Qingzhi laughed happily.

   Sure enough, if you like a person, as long as the other person has an expression and a word, any unhappy thing can pass.

   Seeing how happy Little Moon looked now, her heart suddenly felt a sudden burst of light.

  Yes, happiness is a moment, sadness is also a moment, why doesn't she let herself be silly and simple and pure happiness.

   However, she only cared about seeing Little Moon happy, but ignored the atmosphere at the door that wasn't quite right.

   "What are you doing here?!"

   After a long time, Li Mo spoke with a sullen face, and Xu Qingzhi could completely hear the creaking sound of his teeth.

   Chu Yi, who was standing outside the door, laughed softly, "Xiao Qingzhi didn't go home last night. I came to see her. It happened that Xiao Moon missed her too, so I brought it with me."

  Xu Qingzhi's scalp felt numb for a while, Chu Yizhen... It's not too big of a deal to watch the fun.

   Haven't been beaten enough?

   To stimulate Li Mo?

   She stepped forward and grabbed Li Mo's arm, and said to Chu Yi, "Come in first."

  Chu Yi smiled and raised his foot to enter the door, but Li Mo took a step to block his way in.

  Chu Yi walked to the other side, and Li Mo blocked it again.

  Xu Qingzhi stroked his forehead helplessly, "...Li Mo, after all, Chu Yi is a guest?"

  Li Mo stared at the indifferent Chu Yi for a long time.

   "Li Mo."

   Xu Qingzhi called out again, Li Mo pursed his lips, and reluctantly gave way to Chu Yi.

   But it was the first time he took Xu Qingzhi into his arms.

   I was afraid that Chu Yi would **** Xu Qingzhi away in front of him.

   Chu Yi laughed lightly, put his hands in his pockets, and walked in calmly and naturally.

  Li Mo looked at his back, wishing he could burn hundreds of holes from his back.

  Xu Qingzhi moved him slightly before he retracted his gaze and looked down at her.

   "If it wasn't for your sake, I definitely wouldn't let him in!"

   Xu Qingzhi was dumbfounded.

   The little Moon at the foot of Chu Yi followed him after he entered the door, circling around him non-stop, screaming.

  Li Mo frowned, "I need to clean up!"

   Xu Qingzhi: "What did you say?"

  Li Mo coughed lightly, "I don't think I'm very good to Little Moon, I'm thinking about how to make it better."

   Xu Qingzhi hooked his lips and smiled, "Little Moon, but the name of your son's future wife, you can treat her as your future 'daughter-in-law'."

  Li Mo: "..." Why is his daughter-in-law a dog? !

"Did you hear that?"

  Li Mo: "...I heard it."


  ————Little Moon: [Woooooo, I'm not a puppy. Dad, Lishushu bullies Little Moon. ]

  ————Bo Jingchuan: [Baby don’t cry, Dad helps you clean him up. ]

  ————Li Mo: [What are you doing? ]

  ————Bo Jingchuan: [Those who bully my daughter should die. ]

  ————Li Mo: […] God **** passed away! [Wife! ]

  ———— Xu Qingzhi and Shen Fanxing are nibbling on melon seeds, drinking tea, and eating spicy strips at the moment. [ignoring...]

  ————Li Mo: […Wife, don’t you love me? ]

  ————Bo Jingchuan: [Can she ask her by the way, is there still a shortage of film resources? I can help her find some more. ]

  ———— Xu Qingzhi: [Pfft——]. Damn pervert!

  ————Li Mo: [What movie resources? ]

   (end of this chapter)

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