Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1767: no conflict

   Chapter 1767 No conflict

  Li Mo hurriedly turned his head straight and pretended not to look at her.

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, lowered his head again and continued fiddling with the phone.

   It was Chu Yi who was chatting with him. When he saw Li Mo being taken away by an ambulance at the villa, he specifically asked about the situation.

   When she knew that Li Mo suddenly fell down the stairs in order to save him, Chu Yi sent her a belly laughing emoji.

  Xu Qingzhi——[What are you laughing at? ]

  Chu Yi——[Or Li Mo is an idiot. Sure enough, an idiot can only think of such a stupid and naive way. ]

  Xu Qingzhi——[…I don’t know what you are talking about. ]

  Chu Yi——[If you don’t know, forget it. He's stupid, and it has nothing to do with me. But what are you going to do now? ]

   Xu Qingzhi——[What should I do? ]

  Chu Yi——[Did he not lie to you? After all, I rolled down the stairs to save you. ]

   Xu Qingzhi was silent for a while, and then he slowly typed out a sentence—[This has nothing to do with our divorce. ]

  Chu Yi stared at the replies on the screen for a long time, then chuckled.

   "This is really over..."

   This woman said that she could bear it, but once she figured it out and made a decision, she really couldn’t be pulled back by any means.

  Chu Yi——[You really decided? ]

   After waiting for a long time, he got a reply message, only one word - [Hmm. ]

   Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, and instead of replying to her, he directly called Shen Fanxing.

  Shen Fanxing is at home every day, the weather is cold and boring, so Bo Jingchuan is at home with her every day...

   Specifically, she was working with Bo Jingchuan.

   Sitting on the sofa and watching a movie on the projector with earphones on, when he heard the phone ring, he pressed the earphone answer button directly.


   "I'm sorry, Miss, I got into trouble."

   Shen Fanxing frowned, hey hey he sat up straight, "What happened?"

  Chu Yi touched his nose, "...Acting is a bit too much, Xu Qingzhi is going to divorce Li Mo."

   "Divorce?" Shen Fanxing's brows furrowed even tighter, "What about Qingzhi, how is she now?"

   Heaven and earth are big, but there is no clear knowledge.

   "She's nothing, just Li Mo..." Chu Yi gloated, "It seems to be more serious."

  Shen Fanxing raised his eyebrows, "How do you say?"

   "Well... First, I couldn't get used to Xu Qingzhi's invitation to me to eat and added ingredients to my dishes. As a result, he was admitted to the hospital with acute gastritis. He was discharged from the hospital this morning, and now he fell down the stairs to protect Xu Qingzhi..."

  Chu also explained what happened in a little more detail, Shen Fanxing listened quietly, and after a long period of silence, he nodded.

   "Since it's a wise decision, then it's the same. She was able to endure this decision until now, which is enough to prove that she has thought clearly enough."

   "It seems that Li Mo is also very good at it, but he really killed Qingzhi's feelings to this point..."

  Chu Yi pulled out a faint smile, "So just let it go, right?"

"What else can I do?" Shen Fanxing was playing with the headphone cable, "I don't think you did anything wrong, either, he can recognize his feelings. Obviously, Li Mo is indeed stupid enough to…”

  Shen Fanxing's face was a little cold, he turned his head to look at the man who had put down his pen and looked at her, and pulled his lips slightly.

   "Let's do this for now. Since you are in Rongcheng, take good care of Qingzhi for me. She is pregnant now, and her mood will inevitably be affected by this kind of thing. Please help me pay more attention to her..."

  Chu Yi covered his forehead, "You're endless, aren't you?"

  Shen Fanxing frowned, "After all, you caused this disaster, it's good that I didn't make you responsible..."

   "Damn it!" Chu Yi cursed in a low voice, "You are obviously blackmailing me! Who asked me to be a conciliator for them?!"

  Shen Fanxing blinked, "Who is it?"

  Chu Yi: "...When did you become so shameless, dead witch?!"

  Shen Fanxing turned on the speakerphone and looked up at the man who had already walked towards here.

   "Achuan, listen, he bullied me!"

   "Don't be angry, I'll teach him a lesson for you." Bo Jingchuan sounded in a low, slow voice, bent over and rubbed her hair, and rubbed her face affectionately.

  Chu Yi gritted his teeth on the phone, and hung up the phone with a "lean".

   "A pair of witches and witches!"

   Throwing the phone aside, he was suddenly fed a handful of dog food, Chu Yi gritted his teeth, "Damn, it's amazing to fall in love!"


   "Xu Qingzhi, I'm thirsty."

   In the quiet ward, Li Mo's voice was abrupt.

  Xu Qingzhi put down her phone and stood up to pour water for Li Mo. She looked at the glass prepared in the hospital and pursed her lips.

   "Wait, I'll go downstairs and buy you a cup."

"Need not……"

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at him lightly, "...let's wait."

   After all, it was a cup outside, or even in the hospital, so she was still worried about other problems.

   And she didn't want to stay in the same space with Li Mo for the time being, especially since this ward was the same room as last night.

  How beautiful the experience was in the beginning, how sad she is now.

  Li Mo looked at Xu Qingzhi's indifferent face and didn't speak again.

  There is a supermarket on the first floor of the hospital. She took the elevator down, got into the supermarket and bought two thermos cups and some fruit.

   Naturally, she eats it.

  Go out of the supermarket to the hospital lobby and wait for you to meet Tang Fan who is chatting with the nurse at the front desk.

   greeted, "Director Tang."

   Tang Fan saw her and intuitively felt that something was wrong with her, "Oh, I heard that your husband was in the hospital again, and he was mostly injured and had a concussion."

   He laughed, "You guys really know how to toss."

  Xu Qingzhi pulled his lips, "It's a bit."

  Tang Fan saw that she was not very interested, so he glanced at her hand, then took the bag in her hand and handed it to the little nurse at the front desk, "Go and help wash these fruits."


  Xu Qingzhi smiled, "Thank you."

   "It seems that this time he really needs to stay in the hospital for a few days. If you need help, tell me directly, and I will help you arrange it."


  Xu Qingzhi smiled again, some people didn't like her enthusiasm for others and couldn't return it 100%, but she really wasn't in the mood to make extra smiley faces now.

  Tang Fan stared at her for a while, and just opened his mouth to say something, when there was a commotion at the door, and the ambulance stopped at the door.

   His face changed, he said "I'm sorry" to Xu Qingzhi and ran towards the door.

   Where is the suave look he just faced to the little nurse at the front desk?

   Just in time, the nurse came out and handed the washed fruit to Xu Qingzhi.

  Xu Qingzhi ate a pear in the rest area, and the water filled it was sweet enough.

   The snow began to fall in pieces outside, and it was getting bigger and bigger. Many people were lying on the transparent glass watching, and it was not difficult to see the excitement in the chaos.

  Xu Qingzhi was also a little surprised, looking out the window through the glass, after eating a pear, there was already a thin layer of snow on the ground outside.

   She stood up and walked silently to the elevator.

When    returned to the office, Li Mo had already sat up from the bed, and when he saw her, his face was particularly ugly.

"where did you go!"

  Xu Qing knew that he did go out a bit late, and said in a low voice, "Sorry."

   Walking into the ward, she poured him some water and put it aside, "It's snowing outside, the first snow this year."

   happened to be the day when her heart froze.

  Li Mo looked out the window and went back to the hospital bed.

"What catches your eyes."

   Xu Qingzhi did not speak.

   continued to pour himself a glass of water.

   After that, the way two people get along is quiet.

  Li Mo's drip was gone, Xu Qingzhi helped to call the doctor to change the medicine.

  Li Mo was thirsty, so Xu Qingzhi poured him water.

   Hungry, Xu Qingzhi called the Li family to ask the servants to deliver porridge and soup.

  Li Mo wanted to go to the toilet, so she asked a nurse to help.

  Everything was arranged in an orderly manner, and no fault could be picked up, but Li Mo's face became more and more ugly.

  When he finally couldn't stand the dead silence in this room, he was about to break out, but in a blink of an eye, Xu Qingzhi fell asleep leaning against the sofa.

When    was about to burst out, he choked back instantly.

   lifted the quilt and got out of bed and walked to her side, bent over and gently picked her up and placed her on the right side of the bed, covering her with the quilt.

   After that, he still maintained that position, watching her sleeping soundly up close, and stroking the slightly messy strands of hair on her face to the side.

   The skin is fair and delicate, and the body is pampered and pampered.

   The knock on the door suddenly sounded, Li Mo frowned suddenly, strode to the door, opened the door, and saw that it was his assistant.

   "Mr. Li..."

  Li Mo gave him a cold look, and the assistant quickly closed his mouth and looked back at the person on the hospital bed. Seeing that she didn't respond, he went out and closed the door.

"What's up?"

The assistant    said quickly, "Miss Mo had a car accident."

  Li Mo frowned, "Car accident?"

   "She collided with someone by herself with a car... It's Miss Mo's full responsibility."

  Li Mo was silent for a while, "How is she now?"

   "Also in this hospital, I was arranged in the downstairs ward."


   Xu Qingzhi woke up suddenly and had a bad dream.

   The scene is on the stairs at home. Li Mo did not protect her, and she rolled down the stairs weightless under her feet.

   Before she could dream of the result, she woke up with fright.

   woke up and was glad that it was a dream, and wiped the cold sweat on his face.

   In the blink of an eye, she looked at the ward, and she was the only one empty.

   She was shocked, she lifted the quilt and quickly got out of bed, only to realize that she had actually moved from the sofa to the bed.

   Whose masterpiece goes without saying.

   The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

   Opened the door and walked out of the ward, and went directly to Tang Fan to look at the surveillance and find someone.

  Tang Fan took her directly.

   Sure enough, I saw Li Mo being called out of the ward, and the two of them left together.

   When he saw Li Mo and another man knocking on the door of a ward downstairs, Tang Fan asked "Huh?" in doubt.

  Xu Qingzhi looked at him suspiciously, "Do you know anyone in this ward?"

  Tang Fan shook his head, "I'm not familiar with her, but she's a patient I just dealt with..."

deal with?

   Saying this is really going to be beaten.

   The two took the elevator directly to the place where Li Mo just appeared.

  Li Mo's assistant was still standing outside the door of the ward at this time.

   Seeing Xu Qingzhi's appearance, his face was obviously wrong.

   "Too... ma'am."

   "Where's Li Mo?"

The assistant    looked embarrassed.

   Xu Qingzhi was not unaware, and looked at him quietly.

The assistant    was under a lot of pressure and said directly:

   "Ms. Mo was in a car accident and happened to be in the same hospital. President Li heard about it, and she should come and visit..."

   The moment he heard the words "Miss Mo", Xu Qingzhi's eyes flashed.

   "Car accident?"

  The assistant nodded quickly, "Yes, she is driving alone, and she seems to have a problem with her emotions..."

Hearing this, Xu Qingzhi raised his head, pulled his lips and looked at the assistant in front of him sarcastically, "You probably want to say that after she left my house, there will be emotional problems... It's probably my fault that she got into a car accident, right? ?"

The    assistant's expression changed slightly, "My wife is serious."

  Xu Qingzhi sneered and looked at him coldly and sarcastically, "It's a good one...for both love and reason..."

   For what?

   What is the reason?

   She looked towards the door of the ward, suddenly walked up to her, raised her hand and opened the door.

   It looks solid, similar to a small living room.

   The ward was still inside, and the thick carpet underfoot could not hear the sound of footsteps.

   A faint voice came from inside.

   "What exactly should I do to save everything?"

   "Save?" Li Mo's voice sounded, "You want to save now, why did you leave so easily in the first place?"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes trembled, Li Mo's voice was furious, and he seemed to hate Mo Xiaona's betrayal of their feelings.

  Xu Qingzhi's footsteps stayed where he was.

Mo Xiaona cried and said, "I didn't mean it like this? I thought my departure would make your grandma and mother realize my importance... Li Mo, I don't know how much effort it took to make this decision... No I thought... I didn't expect you to suddenly marry Qingzhi in the middle..."

   "If you hadn't left, I might not have heard the news and appeared at the school celebration, much less what happened to Xu Qingzhi..."

  Xu Qingzhi's heart seems to have been scratched countless times, as if even breathing can open the wound, and the pain is unbearable.

   If Mo Xiaona hadn't left, they would never have met.

   "Xu Qingzhi, we shouldn't meet in our lifetime!"

   No wonder Li Mo would say such things at the beginning.


   That’s how it was.

  If there is Mo Xiaona, there will be no her.

  She doesn't even have a spare tire...

   She finally didn't have the courage to break into the two of them's room.

   The rest should be that they resolved the misunderstanding, and then she was willing to withdraw, a happy ending.

   walked out of the ward and closed the door again.

  Tang Fan wondered, "Where's the person?"

   "They're talking about things... By the way, I need to confirm some details with Li Mo's attending doctor. Can you take me to see him?"

  Tang Fan nodded, "Of course."



   In the ward, Li Mo's words continued.

   "You left without a word, which made me full of resentment towards my grandma and mother, to the point that they were forced to give in to me in the end?"

   "Playing me and the entire Li family in the palm of your hand, do you feel a sense of accomplishment?"

   Mo Xiaona burst into tears and shook her head palely.

"NO, I have not……"

   "Actually, I should thank you." After a long silence, Li Mo suddenly said slowly.

  【Good December babies! The last month of this year, at the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass~~ This is probably the last month I ask for a monthly pass~(ˉˉ)°]

   (end of this chapter)

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