Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1762: self-contained

   Chapter 1762

   Everyone did not recover from the shock, and at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

   "Excuse me, is this Mr. Li Moli's house?"

   Everyone turned their heads when they heard the sound.

  The door was not closed, the woman at the door put her hand on the door panel, and her moving eyes finally settled here.

   Maybe seeing so many people all at once, she was also slightly stunned.

  Mo Xiaona.

   The moment he saw Mo Xiaona, Xu Qingzhi felt a sudden chill in his heart.

   Unprecedented cold.

   Even if she just got married, Li Mo had ignored her from the very beginning and let her fend for herself, Xu Qingzhi's heart was not as cold as it is now.

   It shouldn't be, but she, Mo Xiaona, shouldn't appear in this situation, let alone at her and Li Mo's house.

   Li Mo frowned and looked at Mo Xiaona. Although her face and voice were still bad, it was obviously more restrained than before.

"How did you come?"

   In this situation, Mo Xiaona is in a dilemma. After hesitating for a while, he could only walk in.

   "I saw the news that you were sick and hospitalized last night on the Internet. Originally, you arrived at the hospital today, but...the hospital said that you have gone through the discharge procedures and went I came to see, I was a little worried about your situation..."

  If Xu Qing knew that she could be humble in front of Li Mo, then in front of Mo Xiaona, she would never allow herself to be the cowardly one.

  Because of dignity, because of unwillingness.

   She can allow herself to lose, but she does not allow herself to be embarrassed in front of the opponent.

   All the expressions were taken back just now, Xu Qingzhi looked at Mo Xiaona indifferently.

  So, how did she know the location of her and Li Mo's wedding room?

   But here, besides Li Mo, who else will tell her?

  Xu Qingzhi closed his eyes gently, convincing himself that it should not be, why did Li Mo tell Mo Xiaona here? In any case, it was impossible for him to talk about the specific home address.

   Chu Yi, who had been by the side, suddenly sneered at this moment.

  The irony was full, Xu Qingzhi's lightly closed eyes trembled slightly.

   The anger towards Li Mo just now, the feelings for Li Mo all along, everything, at this moment, suddenly became desolate.

   What is she insisting on?

  Mo Xiaona has long been deeply ingrained in Li Mo's heart. She used to persuade herself to give it a try, persevere, work hard, and be a little better to Li Mo. She sincerely gives and loves, and she will eventually get a response, even a little bit.

   She thought that these two days, the situation was developing in an ideal direction.

  Li Mo can live with her under the same roof, and the two of them can be like ordinary couples, in a world of only two people, and they can get along with each other intimately.

   They are allowed, at least not excluded.

   Ordinary couples, real couples, couples...

   However, Li Mo used this word just now for her and Chu Yi.

   As her husband, he could so easily say any unspeakable words that could happen between her and other men, how could she not care.

   What does he take her for?


  If it wasn't her but Mo Xiaona, she thought, he would never say such a thing.

   Persistence is all her wishful thinking.

   She could never replace Mo Xiaona, let alone remove Mo Xiaona from his heart.

She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and turned her eyes to look at Li Mo. Those eyes were empty, as if there was nothing left, no sadness, no happiness, no anger... But they seemed to have everything. , there are too many emotions that cannot be described in words.

   She opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but her hand was held again. She paused and looked at Chu Yi beside her.

   "You need to calm down now and come with me."

   She looked at Chu Yi suspiciously, but Chu Yi was already dragging her body around you and walking out the door.

   Li Mo's eyebrows sank again, and he wanted to reach out and hold Xu Qingzhi, but Chu Yi stopped him.

   "Wait until you've sorted out your affairs, and then talk to me about the clear knowledge. What I said just now, I hope you are best impressed..."

   If you hurt her, if she regrets it, he must be the first to take her away.

  Li Mo paused, but how could he allow Chu Yi to take Xu Qingzhi away from him like this.

   "You can go if you want, just get out of here!"

   At this time, the old lady who had been by the side suddenly said, "Mr. Chu, take Qingzhi away first, we have some things to solve here."

  Although Chu Yi said those words about Qingzhi, she should be a little worried.

   However, if Li Mo can't handle Mo Xiaona's affairs, she would rather, Qing Zhi will have a result with Chu Yi.

   After all, no woman can stand the man she loves entangled with another woman.

  If you can't figure it out, then let go and make compromises. That's what a fool would do.

  Li Mo's eyes were fixed on Xu Qingzhi, his voice was cold, "Xu Qingzhi."

   Just a name is a strong warning.

   Anyone can hear it, if she really chooses to go with Chu Yi, there will be consequences that no one can expect.

   But right now, she really doesn't have that mood. As the hostess of this house, she is wholeheartedly looking for this uninvited guest.

   She doesn't have that big heart yet.

   She didn't speak, but silently broke free from Chu Yi's hand, and said lightly: "I'm a little uncomfortable, go out and breathe."

   said, she turned her head and walked out. When she passed by Mo Xiaona, Mo Xiaona looked at her worriedly, "Qingzhi, did something happen?"

  Xu Qingzhi pulled his lips towards her with a somewhat ugly expression, " can do it yourself."

   Maybe this sentence will become another meaning in the future... Maybe.

   Her understatement made Li Mo's heart sink inexplicably.

   Thin lips opened and closed, just as he was about to say something, Xu Qingzhi had already walked to the door, picked up the down jacket, and walked out.

   even closed the door.

   That back, inexplicably gives the illusion that it will never come back.

  Li Mo's heart tightened, and just as he was about to raise his foot to catch up, Mo Xiaona suddenly said, "Li Mo...Are you okay?"

   Li Mo's foot that he just took stopped, and his eyes on the door shifted to Mo Xiaona.

The expression on   's face did not improve, "It's okay, how did you find this place?"

  Chu Yi sneered in a low voice, "I still have something to do, I'll go first."

   Li Mo's eyes suddenly turned towards him, but Chu Yi smiled at him, "You should be very busy now, and you shouldn't be able to take care of too many people."

   It depends on who is more important.

   How ironic is this, the old lady and Qiao Zhilan heard it clearly.

   Negotiating between the two women, did he think he had a clone technique, or did he have three heads and six arms?

   can only... give one away, give up one, and get one, is the final result.

  Chu also left without stopping.

  Mo Xiaona stood there with a confused expression, but when she realized that there were only a few of them left in the living room, she instantly felt embarrassed.

   glanced at the old lady standing behind Li Mo, her eyes clearly dodged, and her body shrank back a little.

   looks visibly frightened.

   The old lady was angry, she took two steps forward with a cane, her face was cold, and her whole body was full of anger and cold aura.

   "Miss Mo, it's been a long time!"

  Mo Xiaona bit her lip, "Long time no see..."

   "I thought we would never meet again in this life."

  Mo Xiaona looked a little embarrassed, "I didn't expect to meet you here..."

   The old lady snorted coldly, "Miss Mo, you need to be humble, what should be done or not, where should be come or not, you should have a judgment in your heart! Do you know where this place is?"

   "I..." Mo Xiaona took a quick look at Li Mo, "I just heard that Li Mo was suddenly admitted to the hospital last night and was a little worried about him, so I came to see..."

   "Ms. Mo." This time, it was not the old lady who spoke, but Qiao Zhilan who was still gentle.

"This is the marriage room of my son and daughter-in-law. Although I don't know how you came here, anyone can come here, but you are the only one who can't. Because you are Li Mo's former girlfriend. , and Li Mo is now a man with a family. Your appearance will break a good family at any time and hurt other innocent people. Even if you have nothing now, what kind of mentality do you make his current wife use? To face you? And...Miss Mo, you have no position right now, you have no right to worry about Li Mo, even if he dies, you will never be invited to attend his funeral!"

   Qiao Zhilan's words can be said to be the most serious in so many years, and she even said some words that used to exclude the old lady.

  Mo Xiaona's face was flushed. What she wanted to deny and defend was blocked by Qiao Zhilan's words.

   couldn't stand this kind of grievance, her eyes couldn't help turning red, "...Is it because we have been in contact before, so we should also deny our classmate relationship and friend relationship?"

   Her grievances, but Qiao Zhilan, who has always been gentle and kind, seemed to have never heard of her. She nodded, looking indifferent and cold-hearted and heartless.

   "Yes, since we've been in a relationship, we can't be classmates and can't be friends. In your opinion, who can break up or be friends in reality?"

   Mo Xiaona glanced at Li Mo, but Qiao Zhilan said again:

"Maybe you will tell me that there is such a probability. However, I can tell you 100% that those who can still be friends after breaking up are either afraid that they will tear their face and affect their own interests, or they are still against each other. There are also intentions, or...

   is that any of them did not really give their feelings! Because I didn't pay any real feelings, I would be familiar with the relationship with friends and accept it with the flow. Otherwise, there would be absolutely no choice to be friends after breaking up. This is not a multiple-choice question at all. It is because of other factors that this false result is caused. "

   After Qiao Zhilan finished speaking, she glanced at Mo Xiaona lightly, and then slowly said, "Miss Mo, tell me, which one do you belong to?"

  Mo Xiaona's face turned pale.

  What is Li Mo's status now?

  The only son and grandson of the Tangtang Li family, and the helm of the Li Group.

   How many women are chasing him?

   If she says she has no intentions towards him, speaking out will only make them feel that she is hypocritical.

  Because she is not Xu Qingzhi, not the eldest lady of any wealthy family, so she can only try to Li Mo, to try his worth, to try the Li family behind him, she is high on him and has no qualifications to talk about feelings.

   As for not being emotionally invested, she can be sure of herself, but... what Qiao Zhilan just said was obviously a reminder or a mockery of her.

  But why?

  Li Mo was partial to her at the beginning, why did she think... Li Mo didn't show any real affection for her?

   She looked at Li Mo, but saw Li Mo's face looking in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, with a gloomy expression.

   The mind seems to be completely off her, not even in this room.

   Her heart suddenly became cold for no apparent reason, she squeezed the bag on her shoulders, her fingers exerting force unconsciously.

   "Auntie, I can't give you the answer in the options you gave. If you insist on saying that I have intentions, or why I didn't tear my face, it's all based on the fact that Li Mo and I were classmates and even friends..."

Qiao Zhilan stared at her for a few seconds, "That's why I want to advise you, you must know how to behave, pester a married man, enter the room in front of his wife, and play presence in front of his wife. Is the white lotus green tea of ​​the same grade?"

  Mo Xiaona's face instantly turned white.

  Li Mo turned his head at this time, frowned and looked at Mo Xiaona, "I'm fine now, thank you for your concern, I still have some things to deal with now, you can go back first."

He didn't seem to have paid too much attention to what Qiao Zhilan had said to her. After speaking, he strode towards the door with a sullen face. When he passed by her, the wind was blowing even the hair that was scattered on her shoulders. A few strands up.

   She bit her lip, her eyes followed him, and seeing that he didn't even change his shoes or even take off his coat, she opened the door and strode out.

   "I don't deny that Li Mo is a little smart, but his IQ and EQ are seriously out of proportion."

After a long time, Qiao Zhilan said lightly again, "I have always spoiled Li Mo, I can't see him being angry, sad, sad, or even reluctant to have someone say nothing to him, whatever he decides, I will let him unconditionally. Do it, why just let him make trouble with us in the matter between you and him, and I didn't agree to fulfill him according to his will, do you know why?"

   Mo Xiaona pouted her lips sadly, "It's just that I'm not a good family, you just don't like me."

   Qiao Zhilan shook her head, "You are wrong, not because of how bad you are or how inadequate your identity is, but because he is my son and I understand him."

  Mo Xiaona stared straight at Qiao Zhilan, "What do you mean?"

   Qiao Zhilan smiled lightly, "Li Mo doesn't love you."

  【You guys hate Li Moduo so much that you actually made him included in this year's scumbag list! I flirt with such a perfect person, have you forgotten? My heart hurts~~]

   (end of this chapter)

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