Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1760: Entering the room

   Chapter 1760 Entering the room

  If the other party wasn't his grandma, if he really didn't protect Xu Qingzhi at the beginning, he didn't know what he would do in the end.

  Being able to endure until now, he already felt that it was already his limit.

   His ugly face can be seen by several people, he is really angry.

  Although Qiao Zhilan is still very worried about her son's health, she doesn't want to continue to affect her son's mood at this time.

   After all, it didn't help his physical recovery.

  The old lady didn't speak, she gently pulled on the old lady's arm and whispered, "Mom, let's go first."

  The old lady curled her lips, "I thought I really wanted to stay here!"

She turned around and walked to the door, she turned around to look at Xu Qingzhi, and reminded: "Zhizhi, don't forget to introduce me to the handsome actor who is the best actor. I'll check all aspects for you first. !"

   The blue veins on Li Mo's forehead suddenly stretched out.

   His face was gloomy and terrifying.

  Xu Qingzhi was extremely helpless, and really didn't dare to look directly at Li Mo's face.

   "Mom, stop making trouble!"

   Qiao Zhilan shook the old lady's arm and whispered angrily.

   "What's going on, I'm serious."

   Although the old lady said so, she still walked out of the room.

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at Li Mo quickly, "Then...I'll send my grandma and mother."

   After saying that, he walked out quickly.

   The old lady and Qiao Zhilan did not stay here any longer, and Qiao Zhilan worriedly said before going out that she would arrange a servant for them.

   was rejected by Xu Qingzhi.

   She is used to living alone, and now that Li Mo has just returned, she can take care of him by herself.

   This feeling is fresh, but it is also what she has always hoped for.

   Except for Li Mo's illness.

   Qiao Zhilan didn't insist any longer and went out with the old lady.

   Just after the few people went out, they saw the figure in the yard that the old lady had repeated several times was walking towards it.

   Xu Qingzhi almost fainted.

   This fellow, do you want to come by such a coincidence?

"How did you come?"

  Xu Qingzhi looked at Chu Yi, who was dressed casually, and asked.

   "I read the news that your husband was hospitalized for an acute illness last night and was discharged this morning. I have a little responsibility for him to be sick. Come and visit! How's it going? Is he okay?"

  Xu Qingzhi pulled out a fake and embarrassed smile, "It's okay..."

  Chu Yi smiled, looked at the old lady and Qiao Zhilan beside him, and nodded politely towards them.

  The old lady stared at Chu Yi with gleaming eyes, and when his eyes looked over, she was even more elated with a smile.

"Oh, oh..." She stepped forward, rubbed her hand in her pocket for a while, then stepped forward and grabbed Chu Yi's hand, rubbing it in her own, staring at Chu Yi's face without blinking blink.

  Chu Yi watched the old lady's movements, and the corners of his lips twitched: "..."

   "You know the rumored boyfriend, right? Or a super famous international actor, right?"

  Chu Yi glanced at the embarrassed and bewildered Xu Qingzhi beside him, but in the end he still grinned, "I'm Chu Yi...but the rumored boyfriend..."

   He paused, he didn't explain the rumored boyfriend, and instead asked, "May I ask who you are..."

   "I am Qingzhi's grandmother, and Li Mo is my grandson! This is my daughter-in-law, Li Mo's mother, and Qingzhi's mother-in-law..."

  Xu Qingzhi closed his eyes slightly, this old lady, she really can't do anything about her.

   didn't know what she would do at all, there was no predictability at all.

   This introduction is really detailed.

   As long as you are not stupid, you can figure out who they are at the first time.

  Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face became stronger, "It turned out to be grandma and auntie, hello, I'm Chu Yi, nice to meet you."

  The old lady nodded again and again, stretched out her hand and squeezed Chu Yi's arm, sighing infinitely.

   "Oh, he looks really handsome and has a strong body. He is worthy of being the rumored boyfriend of my little knowledge."

   Qiao Zhilan: "...Mom!"

   Xu Qingzhi: "…"

  Chu Yi: "..." What kind of fairy old lady is this.

   Putting it on the average person, wouldn't he tear up his "gossip boyfriend" as soon as they met?

  Why is she so happy?

   She couldn't understand the brain circuit of the old lady in front of her at all, she glanced at Xu Qingzhi again, she was biting her lip at the moment, looking at the old lady's back, struggling to say what to say.

   "Handsome guy, keep up the good work, if one day Xiao Zhizhi kicks my grandson, you have a great chance!"

   Chu Yi's mouth twitched.

  A wonderful piece.

   is really insightful.

   "Mom, stop talking, let's go!"

   Not only Xu Qingzhi, even Qiao Zhilan, who has been with the old lady for more than 20 years, is completely unable to understand this old lady.

   Behaviors can always be unexpectedly different from ordinary people.

   "What's the hurry, it's rare to see each other, I have to have a good chat with people... Come on, handsome actor, let's go into the room and talk..."

   When Xu Qingzhi heard the old lady's words, his heart skipped a beat.

   Let Chu Yi enter the house?

  Li Mo will explode!


  Xu Qingzhi hurriedly went up to stop the old lady, but the old lady had already taken Chu Yi's hand, turned around, and walked past him towards the villa again.

   Xu Qingzhi: "…"

  Grandma, are you going to be mad at Li Mo?

   Qiao Zhilan sighed deeply, feeling extremely helpless.

   shook his head and walked in.

  Xu Qingzhi closed his eyes in despair, what is this called?

  The old lady was in a hurry to find a spare tire for her, and she took the spare tire directly to the door...

   This reminded her inexplicably of those **** little threes who came to the palace to force the upper house, and she was even more bizarre because her mother-in-law led her to the door...

   went in and prepared tea for a few people. As the owner of the house, she sat on the sofa with a few people out of courtesy for a while.

"Brother actor, where are you from? How old are you this year? What is it? When is your birthday, what does your family do, and who is in your family now? How much can you earn a month or a year now? Ah? They must have houses, cars, and savings, right? What are your plans in the future? It's natural to look so handsome, right?"




   It seems that this old lady is really determined to touch him upside down.

  Chu Yi really couldn't resist the old lady's household registration investigation.

   So many questions, it's really nerve-racking.

   Especially the last question!

   "It's all natural."

   How could he have plastic surgery?

The old lady nodded happily, "Oh, that's good, in fact, everyone loves beauty now, it's okay to adjust a little, the main thing is, my old lady's thinking is not as good as your young people, and I'm worried that it will affect the appearance of the next generation. ...but you are pure natural, so I don't worry, Qingzhi is so beautiful, you two..."




   Seeing that the old lady's words became more and more outrageous, Qiao Zhilan and Xu Qingzhi could no longer hold back their words.

The old lady seemed to have remembered something, and she looked like she suddenly realized, "Oh... Zhizhi hasn't kicked that stinky boy yet. But make an appointment first, little brother actor, behave well, try to catch my granddaughter-in-law, don't work hard. No way…"

  Chu Yi glanced at Xu Qingzhi, and after a few seconds, he smiled slightly, "Since you don't object, that would be great! I will try my best to win her..."

   When several people heard the words, their expressions changed.

   Even the old lady's face couldn't hold back, "You... are you serious?"

Chu Yi hooked his lips and nodded, "Of course it's true? Xiao Qingzhi is so good and beautiful, I think if I miss her in my life, I will regret it for the rest of my life! You are Li Mo's grandmother, and you must know him very well. If he I don't know how to cherish Xiao Qingzhi, I have enough reasons to pursue her!"

   These words are particularly sincere and very credible.

   Even Xu Qingzhi was a bit unconvinced.

  The old lady moved, and the expression on her face was a little unnatural.

   "Yeah, Zhizhi is a good girl...but she's pregnant with my grandson's son..."

"I don't care." Chu Yi said, "If you really love someone, why would you care about her past? I will only feel sorry for her more. I have an unhappy marriage. I love my son as my own son... don't worry, old lady, I will never treat your great-grandson badly!"

   said as if he had succeeded in chasing Xu Qingzhi.

  The old lady pursed her lips and looked a little bad.

   Qiao Zhilan glanced at the old lady with a bit of resentment, look, have fun?

  This uneasy little old lady!

   "You are a public figure, you have to pay attention to influence... It is too blatant and will affect your future."

  Chu Yi looked solemnly, looked at Xu Qingzhi "affectionately", and smiled: "For her, I can give up everything."

   Xu Qingzhi's eyebrows moved, these words are what women love to hear.

   are the mouths of men, deceitful ghosts.

  The rhetoric comes right after you open your mouth.

   Now she sees it.

it is as expected.

   For her, give up everything...


   She was a little excited!

  The old lady was speechless by what Chu Yi said. This kid, with a face and a mouth, can definitely coax all the women around.

   "You can really speak..." The old lady laughed twice,

   "No, probably because I'm telling the truth."

  The old lady didn't know what expression to put on.

  Chu Yi wondered: "Aren't the words you just said that made me truly pursue clarity?"

   "When...of course it's true! It's about Qingzhi's lifelong happiness, she's good, of course I'm very happy!"

  Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'm relieved, but you can rest assured that the decision of all this rests with Qingzhi, as long as she is willing..."

   "Anyway, she is definitely not happy now." The old lady suddenly grabbed the words, "Qingzhi is still pregnant, and I can see that she loves my grandson very much..."

  Chu Yi took a deep breath, looked at Xu Qingzhi and said affectionately:

   "I know, I respect all her choices. If she still chooses Li Mo in the end, then I...will silently protect her for the rest of my life..."

   If the old lady used to do it on purpose, then now, she is really scared by Chu Yi's feelings and is about to have a heart attack.

   It turns out that the legendary "gossip boyfriend" is really interested in her granddaughter-in-law, and her relationship is so deep.

What    said is really beautiful.

  Xu Qingzhi blushed at Chu Yi's words.

   Not because of heartbreak, but because of embarrassment.

   She was really unprepared for this sudden confession of love.

   is so straightforward that she doesn't know what to say now.

  What silently guard her for a lifetime.

  I can't imagine it.

"That's really wronging you... But don't give up. Although I am partial to my grandson, I really love Qingzhi. If he doesn't know how to cherish and hurt Qingzhi, I can't let Qingzhi continue to be wronged... "

  Chu Yi hooked his lips and said solemnly: "Qingzhi is really lucky to have a grandmother like you, thank you for taking care of her so much..."

  Xu Qingzhi hooked his hair, bit his lip and paused for a long time before saying, "...Chu Yi, don't say anything..."

   "This is a rare opportunity to speak my heart out. I hope you can understand. You can leave. If you regret one day, I will definitely be behind you..."

   Xu Qingzhi: "…"


   Really flirtatious!

  Chu is really enough!

   When did you become an affectionate male second? !

   No wonder others like the second male lead when watching TV dramas and novels!

   Those who don't like it are ghosts!

  The heroines are all fools!

  Although she, I haven't thought about which idol drama heroine she is, but there is such a man who thinks about him...

   Having said that, she still thinks that she has not looked at Chu Yi seriously.

   She pursed her lips and slowly raised her head to look at Chu Yi, her eyes met his deep and affectionate eyes, her heart suddenly froze, and she looked at this face again.


   She, the president of the Typical Appearance Association, felt that she had passed the test 100%.

   Yes... If that day comes, she can consider Chu Yi.

   This face is very good!

   "Xu Qingzhi!"

   And at this time, an angry roar suddenly came down from upstairs.

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes trembled with fright, and he subconsciously shrank his neck. After a few seconds, he reacted, and when he turned his head, he found that Li Mo had walked downstairs aggressively.

   She blinked, got up and looked at him, "How did you... come down?! Just got a needle!"

  Li Mo walked to her side, pulled Xu Qingzhi behind him, and looked down at Chu Yi, who was sitting on the sofa, the muscles on his face were shaking.

   "Seduce a married woman, how shameless are you?!"

  Xu Qingzhi quickly grabbed his arm from behind, "Li Mo..."

   Chu Yi lifted his eyes, but looked straight at Xu Qingzhi, but Li Mo moved his body and completely covered Xu Qingzhi's figure.

   "Look again, believe it or not I gouged your eyes?!"

   Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, and seemed not to care about Li Mo's completely unfriendly words full of attacks.

   It was only after a few seconds that he suddenly sneered, then stood up slowly, his curved body gradually raised up, and finally stood face to face with Li Mo.

   (end of this chapter)

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