Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1757: What more rights do you want?

   Chapter 1757 What other rights do you want?

  Li Mo suddenly stood up and grabbed her wrist across the table.

   "You really need to clean up!"

  Xu Qingzhi blinked, "What do you want to do?"

   "Let you have a long memory!"

   said, he went around the table and lifted her from her position.

  Xu Qingzhi clasped the dining table tightly, "Don't mess around... ah!"

  Li Mo had already embraced Xu Qingzhi in his arms, and strode out of the restaurant.

   The steady pace is like a patient.

   When Xu Qingzhi was placed on the bed in the bedroom and Li Mo bent down and pressed down, she hurriedly stepped back.

"you can not……"

   "You don't count!"

  Li Mo reached out and pulled her clothes.

   "Will I skip the overnight meal next time?!"

   "What I've eaten before is counted together this time!"

   "You rascal, unreasonable! These are all excuses for you to play hooligans to me!"

  Li Mo snorted, "Well, you're right."


   Xu Qingzhi's eyes widened at his scoundrel.

   Li Mo pressed her legs and looked at her condescendingly, "What am I? Who made you disobedient?"

  Xu Qingzhi stared at him for a long time, the anger on his face gradually subsided, and gradually became calm again.

   "Li Mo, are you actually worried about me?"

  Li Mo frowned, "Narsse again?"

   Xu Qingzhi continued: "You are still jealous!"

   "You don't understand human language?" Li Mo's face was a little ugly, and strictly speaking, it meant a little bit of anger.

Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows slightly, "You added ingredients to my fried dishes last night, and only added ingredients to Chu Yi's dishes! Chu Yi exchanged with me, you are afraid that I will eat those unpalatable dishes. , so I scrambled to stop all the dishes..."

  Li Mo's face was a little tense.

   "You were angry just now because I ate the overnight meal and the food you prepared yesterday. I was afraid that I would eat bad health, right?"


  Li Mo was silent for a long time before speaking with a gloomy face.

   "Which eye did you see that I added ingredients? I said last night that I wanted to eat those dishes... Who cares if you will be eaten?"

  Xu Qingzhi smiled even more clearly, "I still don't admit it? Then I'll ask Chu Yi, why he insisted on changing dishes with me that night..."

   Xu Qingzhi raised his arms to get up, but Li Mo's face changed, and he pressed her shoulders to keep her from moving.

   "Xu Qingzhi, you just promised me today that I would stay away from him!"

   "Isn't there something to confirm?"

   "My stomach hurts when I see him! If you want me to die, go!"

  Xu Qingzhi didn't move, and looked up at him, "Why does my stomach hurt when I see him?"

   "Isn't it pleasing to the eye?"

   "Why isn't it pleasing to the eye?" Xu Qingzhi pressed closer.

"you are annoying?"

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, "Is it because he is more handsome than you?"

  Li Mo's eyes narrowed, "You think he's more handsome than me?!"

  Xu Qingzhi nodded, "After all, he is an international actor, and he is completely recognized as a lover in the eyes of the public, and his appearance will definitely stand the test."

  Li Mo gritted his teeth, "So you think so too?"

   "I'm also a normal woman, isn't it normal to like handsome guys?"

   "Xu Qingzhi, your vision is really bad!"

  Xu Qingzhi laughed and took a deep breath, "Yeah, my eyesight is just bad..."

  Li Mo was inexplicably unhappy.

   Now the atmosphere has become a bit weird. The anger just now was told by Xu Qingzhi that he could no longer go with the flow, but Xu Qingzhi also took the opportunity to push him away and sat up from the bed.

  Li Mo was also sitting on the bed, his face was particularly ugly.

   "Li Mo..."

  Xu Qingzhi leaned on the head of the bed and suddenly said lightly:

   "Why did you suddenly choose Mo Xiaona as your girlfriend at school?"

   She still brought up the topic of Mo Xiaona.

   After only two days of getting along, she found that what she had been confused about was happiness, but this happiness was not real happiness.

She and Li Mo have always been separated by a layer of estrangement. It's like two people who meet by chance on a journey and spend a good time together. They can do anything happily, but the date of Angelica is fixed. They parted ways again, and they became strangers again from the ends of the earth.

   And she doesn't know when the two of them will return.

   She hopes forever, but the decision is not with her.

   It's better to ask clearly, even if it is really a short-lived kiss, then she can be considered prepared.

   At the very least, she shouldn't feel sad, because she has survived the tougher and tougher days, and there shouldn't be any tougher days.

   What's more, she has it now.

   Maybe the obsession of the year can now easily face another result.

   Instead of hanging in your heart, it's better to... say it.

  Mo Xiaona's name made Li Mo's brow furrowed, "Why did you mention her suddenly?"

   "That is, I suddenly remembered her, and I have always been puzzled. Now I have a rare opportunity, so I asked."

   "What else can a man and a woman associate with?"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes seemed to be stung. At that time, it was nothing more than the beginning of love and love for each other, that's why they dated.

   She suddenly didn't want to ask any more questions. Sure enough, the answer was a bit cruel to her.

   "...Me and Mo Xiaona seem to be completely opposite in every way..."

As she said that, she smiled lightly, "You also know my appearance association, you look good, you have always been my target of strategy! In the end, what do you like is the type that runs counter to me? To be honest, you originally I have been saddened to choose Mo Xiaona for a long time..."

  Li Mo narrowed his eyes and stared at her closely.

  Xu Qingzhi turned his head to the direction of the window, "I thought we would never meet again in this life, but now we are married as husband and wife..."

   These words seemed to remind him of something this year, and the expression on his face suddenly became colder.

   "I didn't expect it either!"

There was silence in the room for a long time, but Xu Qingzhi was the first to speak, "I chose to marry you, I did have my own selfish intentions, I had thoughts about you back then, and I thought about you for so long, the arrival of the child, I think it was arranged by God for me. a chance to…”

   "Li Mo, can you live with me? Like thousands of couples in this world..."

   Xu Qingzhi paused for a long time before saying this.

  How much courage and effort it took to say this sentence, no one should know.

   She only knew that her heart was shrinking at the moment, her fingertips were cold, and even her breathing was trembling.

  Yes, like thousands of people in this world…

  Everyone will have a past, and everyone will always have a beginning of love in their youth. Some people know this is connected with love in their teens, and couples in college are everywhere.

   She can't care about it, Li Mo has to be like a jade for her, after all, who knows what will happen in the future?

   It is impossible for anyone in the past to stagnate their own life for an uncertain person.

   So it is impossible for Li Mo to not fall in love with her current wife, who she never imagined, and have a past.

   She can accept it, it's just his youth, his love affair, not himself.

  Perhaps, without them, there would not be what they are now.

  Everything is a matter of one thought.

  Li Mo's eyebrows moved, his dark eyes were like a bottomless pool, and he couldn't see any emotion.

   "So you don't think we are now?"

  Xu Qingzhi blinked lightly, "Really?" She paused, "It seems that these two days are indeed...but I don't know how long this sudden change will last..."

   She turned her head and looked directly at Li Mo, her eyes light and solemn.

"Li Mo, I'm very confused now, I feel that all the decisions are out of my hands, I don't know what you're thinking, when and when you will suddenly leave, and what should I do? I don't know... Li Mo... I really can't understand you..."

   When she spoke, her eyes flickered slightly, and there was a sense of daze and loss.

  Li Mo stared at her for a long time, then suddenly curled his lips and sneered.


  Xu Qingzhi felt tight, she knew, he probably remembered again that the two of them got married because of her persistence and decision.

   His marriage was decided by her.

   I couldn't bear to listen to it, and I didn't even dare to.

   She narrowed her eyes suddenly, and just when she was about to give up, Li Mo suddenly opened her mouth.

   "What more decision do you want?"

  Xu Qingzhi suddenly stopped, her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by someone's hand, and she couldn't breathe.

   What more decision does she want?

   Her decision rights were exhausted from the very beginning of this marriage.

   What else can she decide?

there is none left.

   She didn't know what to say, because she knew that anything she said next would 100% make their current atmosphere even more tense.

   shook her head gently, she turned sideways to get out of bed and left, but Li Mo suddenly grabbed her ankle.

  Xu Qingzhi bit his lip and turned to look at him.

  Li Mo propped up his arms and suddenly approached her, trapping her on the head of the bed.

   "Are you going to leave when you're done talking? Tell me, what else do you want to decide, what else do you want to decide?"

  Li Mo's voice became colder and colder, and the deep eyes were also frosty at the moment.

   He was clearly angry.

   Xu Qingzhi shook his head.

  Li Mo stole her words, "Xu Qingzhi, don't forget that you were the one who insisted on starting this marriage. I also confirmed with you that all this is your choice, so..."

   He pressed her closer, "Stop thinking about when it will end!"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes flashed suddenly, and he didn't react for a few seconds.


"After all, don't you just want the right to explain that you can withdraw at any time? You are pregnant with my child now, and you are still thinking of running with the ball to make my child call another wild man's father, you are me It's so easy to bully, isn't it?"

   Xu Qingzhi: "...What did you... say?"

  Li Mo glared at her, "Are you deaf or stupid, you can't understand such simple words? You can't even pretend to be crazy with me. Since you marry me, don't think about the day you run away from me!"

  Xu Qingzhi looked at him with his mouth slightly open in surprise, "You just said this?"

   "Just? This matter is so unimportant, you give me a just?"

   " won't divorce me easily?"

  Li Mo's face sank again, "You really still think about this!"

   Xu Qingzhi murmured, "I have to think about it."

  Li Mo snorted coldly, "I don't care about you because of your pregnancy. If you still have such thoughts, see how I treat you!"

  Xu Qingzhi smiled slightly, "...Who can say this kind of thing? It depends on the performance of both parties. If you make me unhappy, I can't accommodate you endlessly."


  Because of Xu Qingzhi's words, Li Mo's face couldn't be more stinky, but at this time, the doorbell of the villa rang suddenly.

  Li Mo's words got stuck in his throat, Xu Qingzhi's eyes moved, then he pushed Li Mo away with a smile and got out of bed.

   "It is estimated that the doctor is here..."

   She said, reached out and took Li Mo's hand, "Go downstairs and drink the porridge first, and then put the drip."

  Li Mo looked at her, that smiling face was really dazzling.

   He was so angry just now, but she smiled happily.

   However, the door bell outside the villa was like a reminder bell, ringing and ringing continuously.

   Li Mo was disturbed by the sound, and let go of Xu Qingzhi with a cold face.

Oh shit!

  Li Mo gritted his teeth, let out a low curse in his heart, turned his head abruptly and walked downstairs.

  Xu Qingzhi slowly sat up from the bed, straightened his clothes with a blushing face, then got up and walked out.

  Li Mo opened the door with a cold face. The family doctor just raised his head and planned to continue ringing the doorbell. Seeing Li Mo with an extremely ugly face, he couldn't help shivering.

   He seriously doubted whether he had come at the wrong time.

   "Mr. Li...I'll give you a drop."

  Li Mo glared at him fiercely, his gaze wishing he could kill people a thousand times.

   Xu Qingzhi walked over from behind and quickly pulled the doctor over.

   "Sorry, I have to trouble you to wait a while, he hasn't had breakfast yet..."

  The doctor hurriedly said with a smile: "No rush, no rush, people with a bad stomach must eat breakfast, breakfast is important, you eat, eat well, I'm not in a hurry."

   Xu Qingzhi stepped forward and put his hand into his palm, "Let's go, finish the porridge first."

   Sensing the softness in the palm of his hand, Li Mo couldn't help but squeeze twice,

  Xu Qingzhi paused for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw, but was suddenly held tightly by Li Mo.

   took the initiative to lead her towards the restaurant.

   Watching them leave, the family doctor looked puzzled behind him.

   They are not as stiff as the rumored two people.

   Besides, Mr. Li doesn't seem to be as serious as the news says?

  【You guys... are you sweet enough? My hands are itchy~]

   (end of this chapter)

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