Chapter 1748

   reached out and touched Little Moon's head, "Little guy, are you trying to express something?"

   Little Moon snorted twice and bit the bag again.

   "I don't know why he did it?"

  Xu Qing knew that he didn't understand, but he had a faint guess in his heart that last night he should...because he didn't think there was a good way to go down.

   is obviously angry with her, if it doesn't matter, it doesn't seem like his style.

   This reason is somewhat of the character of that man, and it is also a reason she can accept.


   She pursed her lips and smiled, stood up and went upstairs.

   He was not in the bedroom, nor in the next room.

   She went to the study and found him there.

   knocked on the door, and Li Mo looked up from the computer screen.

   Xu Qingzhi grabbed the door frame and said with a smile, "Have breakfast."

  Li Mo stood up, walked to her side, looked at her smiling face, frowned slightly, "What are you smiling at?"

  Xu Qingzhi shook his head, "Nothing."

   "Laughing like this with nothing, crazy?"

   Xu Qingzhi's smile deepened, "Are you sure you want me to tell?"

  Li Mo frowned, "Speak!"

   "Moon dragged me to the sofa just now and saw a bag..."

  Li Mo's face changed immediately.

   turned around and walked outside, "...then what?"

  Xu Qingzhi followed, wanting to see his expression, "And then I found that there are newly bought toiletries inside, did you prepare them?"

   "Is there? ... Probably, I forgot!"

   "How could it be possible to forget?!" Xu Qingzhi said behind him, "You are so smart, how could you possibly forget? You are already prepared, and you have to make me go to the supermarket in the middle of the night..."

   Xu Qingzhi complained, this is tossing her!

   However, before she could finish her words, Li Mo suddenly turned around and stared at her gloomily.

   "You threw all my stuff away, shouldn't you prepare it for me again? After all, I didn't care about you using my towel for the dog, it's already a lot!"

"But it's fine if you use it, why do you have to buy it for you? You can use what you have prepared first, and when it's finished, I'll make it up for you? How to do?"

  Li Mo glared at her fiercely, "...I'm happy!"

  Xu Qingzhi looked up at his speechless and stubborn appearance, and couldn't help laughing softly.


  Li Mo frowned, "Who do you call childish?"

  Xu Qingzhi leaned against the wall and smiled brightly, "No, I didn't say it, it was me... I said myself!"

  Li Mo looked at the smiling face she blatantly mocked him, his face became even more ugly!

   She approached her slowly, reaching out and poking Xu Qingzhi's stomach.

   "Think about whose species this is?"

   Xu Qingzhi paused, a little surprised by Li Mo's actions.

   then laughed again, "What logic is this?"

  Li Mo saw that the smile on her face was too conspicuous, so he put his big palm directly on her face and rubbed it.

   After he finished speaking, the big palm was withdrawn from his face, Xu Qingzhi recovered, and the Li Moren had already left.

   After thinking about his words carefully, she laughed again with a "poof".

   There was a faint crimson on his face.

  Xu Qingzhi covered his mouth with a smile and followed behind him.

   Going downstairs, Li Mo saw that the little golden retriever was still fighting with the bag on the sofa, his face became colder, and he strode forward and slammed the dog aside.

   Something that is more than enough to succeed.

   Is it still colluding with his stuff?


  The little golden retriever screamed twice, jumping and screaming at Li Mo, who turned around and walked into the restaurant.

  The table was filled with breakfast.

  Rice porridge, side dishes, buns, sandwiches, and pasta…

  Li Mo: "..."

   Looking at Xu Qingzhi who came in, he frowned and said, "Is this breakfast or lunch?"

  Xu Qingzhi sat down, "Breakfast, aren't you hungry? Eat more."

  Li Mo: Do ​​you think this is feeding pigs?

   He is hungry again, can he eat so much?

  Xu Qingzhi brought him a bowl of porridge and put it in front of him.

   "You made these all by yourself?"

  Xu Qingzhi picked up a bun, took a bite, and nodded.

   "The steamed buns are what I have nothing to do the day before yesterday. The rice porridge is the rice I soaked in the afternoon yesterday and pressed in the pressure cooker at night. The noodles and eggs. The sandwiches, I just made them."

  Li Mo frowned, "The bun was the day before yesterday?"

   "Don't worry, I keep it in the refrigerator... Just warm it up in the morning, it will definitely not go bad."

  Li Mo's face was ugly, he sat down, reached out to pick up the bun, and took a bite.

   doesn't really seem to have any other flavors.

   "Don't keep things to eat for too long."

  Xu Qingzhi's chewing movement gradually slowed down, "It's actually fine."

  Li Mo didn't say anything and took a mouthful of rice porridge.

   There are three types of multigrain rice, but the entrance is very sweet and soft.

  It tastes much better than the usual rice porridge.

   looked up at Xu Qingzhi, Li Mo said lightly, "When did you learn to do this?"

  I used to know that she was a daughter of gold with no fingers, she was arrogant and arrogant, she would never have the opportunity to do these things.

   There is even a special cooking class in the school. Every time she comes out of class, she looks more embarrassed than if she runs twenty laps on the playground.

   Now, she can make steamed buns, make porridge, and even have a table full of breakfast...

  Xu Qingzhi twitched his lips, as if he had taken a sip of porridge inadvertently, "...I went to a cooking class in the past, but after that I was fine, so I just explored at home alone..."

   Actually, she signed up for the cooking class when she decided to marry Li Mo.

  I plan to sharpen my gun on the spot, how much I can learn.

  After all... At first, what she thought of was a normal family. She cooked food and waited for Li Mo to come home to eat together.

   She has to learn, and loves to do it.

When    went to study, she probably put more thought into it than the college entrance examination that year, and only hoped that Li Mo would not be disappointed by that time, or even get his appreciation.

   In the end, he didn't expect that Li Mo gave her too much time, and it was only today that he gave her room to play.

  It is not easy to have today.

   After all, the original intention of learning to cook at the beginning has changed a long time ago, and it has become to fill your stomach by yourself.

   Now he suddenly asked, and she didn't seem to be too sad.

  A skill in hand is always good.

   As far as cooking is concerned, it can not only fill the stomach, but also pass the time.

  Li Momei's heart moved, but he didn't speak.

   There was something strange in his heart, and he couldn't tell what it felt like.

   He vaguely guessed something, those things in his heart, like guilt, and like other things, were mixed together and stuck there in a mess.

  Li Mo's silence, Xu Qingzhi just smiled faintly, raised his hand and opened his mouth to bite the bun, but the bun in his hand was suddenly snatched away.


  Xu Qingzhi raised his head and looked at Li Mo along the steamed bun.

   But seeing Li Mo holding the bun she just took a bite of, he opened his mouth and bit down.

  Xu Qingzhi looked at him, a little dazed, "You...that's what I bit..."

  Li Mo glanced at her, "Did you eat **** in your mouth?"

  Xu Qing's heart just stirred up a little bit of anger, and he was instantly blown away by his words.

  This man with no taste...

  The love in college is really a no-brainer!

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel cold in her heart.

  Maybe...he treats Mo Xiaona completely differently from her.

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips and deliberately pressed Mo Xiaona down.

   She doesn't need to force other people to be between them when she can't be alone.

   "Don't you think my saliva is on the buns?"

  Li Mo's action of eating the buns paused, and he lifted his eyes to look at Xu Qingzhi.

   His eyes were deep.

  Xu Qingzhi blushed a little for no reason, "Aren't you a bit of a clean freak?"

   She didn't forget that when he was in school, he was so cold that everyone looked like the plague.

   It's hard to even get close to him, let alone let him eat someone else's food.

  The way he looks, I am afraid that there is a real famine. He would rather starve to death than eat someone else's food.

   Now it's...

  Xu Qingzhi pursed his lips, and suddenly... he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Li Momei's heart moved, and she squeezed the bun in her hand.

   His eyes were fixed on Xu Qingzhi, and his voice was inexplicably low.

   "There are some, but it depends on whether the buns are delicious...the taste is bigger than...saliva."

   Li Mo's words were a little unclear, so she didn't go into the details, but stared at Li Mo with sparkling eyes and said with a smile:

   "So you're complimenting my steamed buns, aren't you?"

  Li Mo raised his eyebrows, looked down at the bun in his hand, took another bite, and said nothing.

  Xu Qingzhi happily wanted to get Li Mo's affirmation in person, so he couldn't help but reach out and hold his wrist, shaking it.

   "Isn't that right? Did you mean that just now, were you complimenting me on the deliciousness of my buns?"

  Li Mo was helplessly shaken by her, "It's delicious!"

   The smile on Xu Qingzhi's face became brighter and brighter, "I also think I did a pretty good job!"

  Li Mo snorted lightly, glanced at the soft white hand on her wrist, and said lightly:

   "...Wang Po sells melons."

  Xu Qingzhi proudly retracted his hand and reached out to the plate with the steamed buns.

   "You also said it's delicious, it can stand the test, right?"

   After saying that, he picked up the bun again, but was slapped on the back of his hand.

   She trembled a little, raised her head and looked at Li Mo with a frown.

   The rosy lips curled slightly, and she covered the back of her hand, her tone a little aggrieved.


   "Keep it for me, you, don't eat it any more."

   Xu Qingzhi's eyes flickered, and he took an egg in his hand.

   "Okay, since you like it so much, I'll give it to you."

   There were still two buns on the plate, all of which were eaten by Li Mo in the end.

  Xu Qingzhi had an egg, a sandwich, and a bowl of porridge. He looked at the pasta next to him with a tangled expression.

   I can't let go of my stomach.

  But the weight has been substandard recently...

  Li Mo put down his chopsticks, looked at her uncomfortable appearance, and said lightly:

   "If you eat so much, will your stomach sag and hit the child?"

  Xu Qingzhi's expression changed instantly, and he put down his chopsticks immediately.

  Li Mo twitched his lips, stupid pregnant Xu Qingzhi.

  After breakfast, Xu Qingzhi did not come out of the kitchen after clearing the table.

  Li Mo entered the kitchen and glanced at it, the slender figure was busy in front of the sink.

"what are you doing?"

   His low voice suddenly sounded from his ears, Xu Qingzhi turned his head suddenly, and his cheek collided with Li Mo's face.

   "Boom", and the sound was particularly clear in the kitchen.


  Xu Qingzhi rubbed his forehead vigorously, "...Why did you suddenly stand behind me?!"

   Li Mo's brows knitted together, one hand touched the bridge of her nose that she hit, and the other rested on the edge of the sink, hunched over as if it hurt a lot.

   This posture, just right, encircled Xu Qingzhi in the sink and his arms.

   Seeing Li Mo's seemingly uncomfortable appearance, Xu Qingzhi turned from his arms, stretched out his hand to hold Li Mo's hand covering his nose, raised his head, and asked worriedly:

   "You...Are you all right? Let me there a nosebleed..."

  Li Mo paused slightly, and covered his nose even tighter with his hands.


   Showing such a shameful side in front of this woman?

How can it be?

  Ke raised his eyes and looked at her worried look. His dark eyes narrowed slightly, and he focused his eyes on Xu Qingzhi's face, watching every inch of her expression.

  Xu Qingzhi still resolutely grabbed his wrist and pulled it down.

   For a long time, Li Mo's hand that had been motionless suddenly loosened.

  Xu Qingzhi held his face, looked up and down, left and right, and put his hand on the bridge of his tall nose to touch it, pinched it, and shook it.

   Xu Qingzhi breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that everything was fine.

   "It's okay..."

  Li Mo's body pressed down a bit, and his tall and straight figure unexpectedly approached Xu Qingzhi.

   His breath was so close at hand, Xu Qing knew his body shape for a while, fixed his eyes and looked at the handsome face approaching him in front of him, and his expression couldn't help but be a little nervous.

   "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

   She has a unique scent on her body, which seems to be her body fragrance radiated from the inside out, mixed with the faint fragrance of the toiletries she used in the past.

   can not help but make people feel happy.

   "My question just now, you haven't answered me yet, what are you doing?"

   His voice was low and low, with a hint of hoarseness.

   She saw it just now, and she already had the answer faintly in her heart.

   But he still asked.

  Xu Qingzhi blinked lightly, put his hands back on the countertop, leaned his body back, but his slightly protruding stomach, but because of this action, touched Li Mo's bottom. body.

   Her face immediately turned a little red, "I'll prepare the more time-consuming dishes to do at night..."

   He knew it.

   "For the international actor next door?"

  Xu Qingzhi nodded lightly, "He is my cash cow, I have to take good care of him..."

  Li Mo's face suddenly sank.

  Xu Qingzhi was also stunned, because a hand was suddenly buckled on his waist.

  Li Mo got close to her again, "Xu Qingzhi."

   Xu Qingzhi took a breath and looked at him nervously.


   "I'm very angry now, say it again, who do you want to serve?"

  Xu Qingzhi swallowed a mouthful of saliva. What she just said was, "...Chu...also...uh..."

   [Chapter 2000 Sahuahua~ I have private affairs to be busy recently, and I have always been grateful to everyone. After I am busy, I will give you more compensation in an appropriate amount~]

   (end of this chapter)

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