Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1741: you are shameless

   Chapter 1741 You are shameless

  Li Mo sneered, the chill on his body was even worse, "Yan Ze, if it was another man's, you would marry them too, wouldn't you?"

   After choking her breath, Xu Qingzhi felt dizzy for a moment. She leaned against the door frame of the car next to her, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

   I don’t know if it’s heartache or anger.

   "...Li Mo, you are shameless!"

  Other men's?

  Other men's? !

  Does he know how lucky she was when she found out it was him the next day?

   She couldn't imagine how she would face all that if it was someone else!

   She really didn't dare to think about it, she couldn't even think about it.

   Today, he can say it so easily.

  Other men's, who else might be?

   No, he doesn't know, how could he possibly know, he doesn't know anything.

  Li Mo watched her sway to the car door, his eyes shrank suddenly, he reached out and grabbed her arm,

"What's wrong with you?"

  Xu Qingzhi raised his hand to stop him from touching, and roared, "Don't touch me!"

  Li Mo paused, Xu Qingzhi looked up at him, his eyes full of desolation and sadness.

   "...don't touch me...don't touch me..."

   As she spoke, there was helplessness and begging in her refusal.

   Sensing that some reporters noticed this place, Xu Qingzhi was so confused that he couldn't think of anything at all, her eyes were full of distractions, she looked left and right, got up from the car door, lowered her head and hurriedly rummaged through her handbag.

  Li Mo saw that she was in a really bad mood, so he reached out and grabbed Xu Qingzhi's arm!

   "Xu Qingzhi!"

  Xu Qingzhi finally found the car keys from the bag, raised his hand and grabbed Li Mo's hand that was holding her wrist.

  Li Mo clearly felt the cold touch when the hand touched the back of his hand, and even more trembling and unformed force broke his hand apart a little bit.

  His strength was not small, but she still insisted on clinging to it. On her wrist, she could clearly see a circle of marks that turned white and then quickly turned red, and he suddenly let go of his strength.

  Xu Qingzhi suddenly pulled his hand back, turned around and was about to go around the car, planning to drive away by himself.

   That look of despair and panic made Li Mo's face sank suddenly, grabbed her hand from behind again, and snatched the key from her hand.

   Controlled the car, pulled the door, hugged Xu Qingzhi, forcibly shoved her into the co-pilot's seat, and then closed the door with force.

   Chu Yi, who heard the movement, stopped in place, frowning at the unusual scene that happened in front of him.

  Li Mo quickly walked to the driver's seat, opened the car door and sat on it, then turned to his side and fastened the seat belt to Xu Qingzhi, who seemed to be struggling.

   Then, the car suddenly left.

  Xu Qingzhi knew that struggling would be superfluous. In the end, he could only sit quietly in the co-pilot's seat, with his hands on his stomach, still trembling slightly.

  Xu Qingzhi, don't care, don't be angry, don't be sad... All you have now is the baby in your womb, no one is as important as the child.

   He will accompany you in the future, will have a very smooth life, and will marry Little Moon...

  There are so many things to do in his life, you must...don't hurt him.

   She used too many reasons to convince herself.

  Children, she just wants her children.

  Others, nothing matters...

   Gradually, her mood gradually calmed down.

   Looking at the pedestrians and vehicles passing by the window, a heart gradually became silent.

  Li Mo was clearly aware of the change in her mood, and the hand clenching the steering wheel gradually loosened a little.

   Relaxed, he realized later that he was also nervous just now.

   But in the end, he drove the car to the hospital.

  Xu Qingzhi glanced at the large characters outside the hospital, and finally said calmly, "Is it okay? You were showing your affection in front of the media a second ago, and now come to the hospital, aren't you afraid of being overthinked by them?"

  Li Mo sullenly said, "Get off the bus."

   Xu Qingzhi didn't move.

  Li Mo got out of the car, went around to the co-pilot's position, opened the door, and directly hugged Xu Qingzhi down.

  Long legs kicked the car door, turned around and carried her into the hospital.

   Xu Qingzhi's eyes flickered, the breath on his body and his intimate contact were all she yearned for.

but now……

   Give a slap and a sweet date?

   But this date, for her, is not very sweet anymore.

   "You let me down, I can go by myself."

Everyone around    looked at them with envy on their faces.

   Li Mo seemed to have never heard of it.

   "Li Mo." Xu Qingzhi said lightly again, "For me, nothing is more important than the child in my stomach. I am really uncomfortable, so I will see a doctor. You let me go, I will go by myself."

   Her voice was extremely flat, and it was a world away from the man who had lost control of his emotions in front of the restaurant just now.

   looked down at her in his arms, his expression and voice were exactly the same.

  His silence made Xu Qingzhi suddenly look at him, and the indifference of those eyes made him feel a little uneasy for some reason.

   "Li Mo."

   She said again, but Li Mo did not refuse this time, but bent over and put her down.

   Xu Qingzhi stood still, took out his mobile phone from his bag, walked aside, and made a call.

   "Hey, Chu Yi..."

  Li Mo stood aside, his eyes following her.

   After hearing her words, his dark eyes suddenly sank.

   The hands in the trench coat clenched into fists almost instantly.

   Xu Qingzhi didn't even look at him.

   "Sorry, I just left without saying hello. I'll send you the location, but I have to trouble you to go back by yourself."

  Chu Yi is now sitting in the car arranged by his assistant, raising his eyebrows, "Well, I'll leave you alone. The important thing is you, are you okay? I see that the atmosphere just now doesn't seem right."

   "It's okay, you don't have to worry..."

   A shadow pressed down beside him, Xu Qingzhi paused for a moment, his breath was enough to make her identify who he was.

   "You have a good rest, I'll hang up first."

   She continued speaking in a flat voice, then hung up the phone.

   raised her head, she looked at the man with a bad face above her head with a calm expression.

"What's up?"

   Li Mo's brows froze, and she wanted to say something, but she was speechless by the pale indifference on her face.

   Seeing that he didn't speak, Xu Qingzhi narrowed his eyes and put his eyes on the phone again. While flipping through the address book, he turned and walked to the side, away from Li Mo.

  Li Mo looked at her with deep eyebrows.

   There were so many moments, he wanted to take away the phone in her hand and smash it!

   When he was dead?

   Yet he restrained himself.

   was just at the door of the restaurant, and her appearance really surprised him.

   She is now, after all, a pregnant woman.

   He was also trying to convince himself not to care about Xu Qingzhi, but just looked at her gloomily.


  Li Mo's eyes tightened, and Xu Qingzhi's phone was connected.

   "Is that Director Tang? I'm Xu Qingzhi..."

   The man behind him frowned, who was he?

   "That's right, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable recently, just... I feel dizzy by chance... I'm very worried, I'm in the hospital now, is it convenient for you... OK... Thank you."

   hung up the phone, and she walked towards the inside of the hospital.

   completely ignored Li Mo.

  Li Mo was extremely unhappy, but still followed behind her.

  Xu Qingzhi found the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, found the office of the Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology with ease, and knocked on the door.

   When the door was answered, she pushed open the door and walked in. She turned around to close the door, but saw Li Mo standing at the door, looking at her coldly.

   She paused, and finally closed the door.

  Li Mo stretched out his long legs and directly blocked the door.

  Xu Qingzhi frowned and looked at him, "What are you doing?"

   "What are you going to do?"

   "What's wrong?" A man's voice suddenly sounded in the office, and Li Mo's face became even more ugly.

   pushed Xu Qingzhi aside through the crack of the door, and then opened the door.

   The tall figure stood at the door of the office and glanced coldly at the people inside.

  Man, about thirty years old, wearing a pair of glasses.

   doesn't look like a good thing.

   The man sitting behind the desk saw Li Mo, raised his eyebrows calmly, turned to Xu Qingzhi and said with a chuckle, "It's strange."

  Xu Qingzhi slightly twitched his lips, "Sorry for disturbing you."

  Tang Fan smiled, "It doesn't matter, I just wasn't busy."

  Xu Qingzhi smiled, walked to the reception chair opposite him and sat down, his expression gradually became serious.

   "Director Tang, I feel dizzy twice in the past two days. What's the problem? Will it affect the baby?"

  Tang Fan holds Xu Qingzhi's birth inspection record sheet.

   Long before she came, he took a general look.

   "Have you eaten anything illegal?"

  Xu Qingzhi shook his head, "It shouldn't be. Although I ate at a restaurant outside today, the first time it happened was at home."

   "Boom." There was a sound of the door closing behind him.

  Tang Fan glanced at the man opposite, "Give me your hand."

   Xu Qingzhi stretched out his hand.

  Tang Fan took her pulse.

  The office was quiet for a while, Tang Fan put his hand on Xu Qingzhi's pulse, but looked at Li Mo, who walked to Xu Qingzhi's side, with a calm face and a silent smile, with a faint smile on the corners of his lips.

   Obviously wearing a white coat, he should have a gentle appearance, but there is a kind of condescending arrogance all over his body, which makes Li Mo's face even more ugly.

  A man is the director of obstetrics and gynecology?

   Isn't he really a pervert looking for such a major to take advantage of women?

   Watching his fingers on Xu Qingzhi's wrist move slightly, his eyebrows were almost wrinkled.

  Tang Fan watched his expression change, raised his eyebrows, and raised his hands.

   "Did you not control your emotions?"

  Xu Qingzhi's face froze for a moment, and he lowered his jaw slightly, but did not speak.

"Emotions are very important to pregnant women. At the beginning, I specially warned you that poor emotional control will not only affect you, but also a very harmful thing to the child itself. If you don't want to lose him, or give birth to Where there is a problem, or even a personality defect in the future, you'd better control your emotions."

  Xu Qingzhi clasped his hands together nervously, "...Then now...will I have any effect on the baby?"

  Tang Fan leaned back on the chair, picked up Xu Qingzhi's birth checklist and looked at it, then heaved a long sigh.

   This sigh made Li Mo narrow his eyes and stare at him dangerously.

   His hands in his pockets clasped together quietly.

   "A postnatal check-up the day after tomorrow?"

   Xu Qingzhi nodded.

   "Let's make it to tomorrow morning in advance, remember to come on an empty stomach. The specifics will only be known after the examination results."

  Xu Qingzhi's expression is not very good, the baby's health cannot be answered immediately, tomorrow...

   How could she sleep tonight?

   Tang Fan looked at her expression, and the anger on his face subsided a little.

"Don't worry, there shouldn't be a big problem. As long as he is still safe in your stomach, everything can be done. You should be glad that your emotional control ability is still good, otherwise, if you put it on others, I am afraid that the child will not be on the spot. now..."

  Xu Qingzhi turned pale with fright, and covered his lower abdomen nervously.

   Li Mo's face also changed suddenly, he stepped forward and pulled Xu Qingzhi into his arms.

   looked at Tang Fan darkly and gloomily, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not I brought this hospital?"

Tang Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, "Mr. Li, seeing you today feels quite fresh. Tomorrow will be Mrs. Li's third obstetric check-up, so you gave me this fresh feeling, don't you think it's also very fresh? Pre-pregnancy is such an important time for pregnant women, I have never seen your shadow, but she is in good condition. Why did she give me a surprise visit just after the pre-pregnancy, when it was the most stable time in the middle of the pregnancy? This time Did you meet someone?"

   I don't know if it was because he was taught by a big man to lose face, or because he couldn't refute what the man said. I saw Li Mo's face getting darker and darker, but he didn't say a word.

  Tang Fan was not affected at all, but continued:

   "Don't talk about taking over this hospital, just your attitude as a husband, if you put it on another woman... Oh, I'm afraid your husband will be taken over long ago!"

"I can't control the seeds left in my lower body, but I blame women for all my faults? If you think that marrying you, Li Shao is overtaking you, don't promise to marry others, or I will be a witness for you now, It’s fine if you’re married or divorced, if you don’t cherish it, someone is rushing to hold Miss Xu in his arms, and as for the child…it’s not bad to be a father for nothing!”

  Li Mo's mouth twitched fiercely, and even if he was gloomy, there was not much change in his facial expression.

   But this time, the expression on his face was almost hideous.

   Even though Xu Qingzhi tried her best not to care at first, but now, she still grabbed the clothes on Li Mo's chest nervously.

   "Li Mo, don't make trouble here."

The tone of    heard in Li Mo's ears now, but she was worried that he would threaten this doctor.

   A doctor, how understanding of her should he say this to him today with such indignation?

   The hostile energy on his body has not dissipated, Xu Qingzhi bit his lip, but suddenly let go of him, turned his head and said to Tang Fan:

   "Sorry, Director Tang, I'm a little tired now. I'll be leaving today. I'll be there on time tomorrow. I'll ask you when that time comes."

   After saying that, she left without looking back.

  Li Mo turned his head to watch her leave, the blue veins on his forehead jumped again, until she opened the door to go out, he gritted his teeth for a long time, and then strode out with a blue face!

  【 you still have a monthly pass? 】

   (end of this chapter)

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