Chapter 1735 Dinner

   Lunch was brought by Xu Qingzhi himself.

  Although the company has a cafeteria and has always had high requirements for food safety, she still feels that the food she makes is the most secure.

  Forget it before, now she is pregnant with a child, no one can take care of herself, she can only take care of herself better in every detail.

   She doesn't allow herself any slack when it comes to her children.

  There is a microwave in the drinking room. After heating up the food, when I returned to the office, the phone rang suddenly after I ate two mouthfuls.

   Seeing the caller ID, she paused, lowered her head and took a mouthful of rice into her mouth.


   "Zhizhi, are you back?" was Grandma Li's voice.

   "Well, I came back yesterday."

   "Then you are in the company now?"

   "Well, I've been busy with some things recently, do you have anything to do, grandma?"

Grandma Li sighed, "You child, take time to go home when you come back, I haven't come back much since I moved out, and I'm still running around while pregnant, so do you... come back tonight, I'll let the kitchen Made delicious food."

   Xu Qingzhi's action of picking up vegetables paused.

"Zhizhi, you must come back. You are pregnant now, don't let yourself get too tired, everything must put the child in your womb first. I say this not only because the child is the blood of the Li family, but also as a Mother, you are a mother now, you know how precious and important your child is to you, right?"

  Xu Qingzhi gradually put down the chopsticks in his hand and said slowly, "...I know."

   "Don't wrong yourself too much, you have to tell grandma anything, and grandma will call the shots for you."

   Xu Qingzhi hooked his lips, "Thank you grandma, I will go back tonight."


  The old lady happily said two good words in a row and hung up the phone. The smile on her face suddenly fell, and she made another call with a sullen face.

   As soon as the phone was connected, the old lady's angry voice rang, "Come back for dinner at night!"

   A low and indifferent voice came from the microphone, "Look at the time."

   "I'm going to die tomorrow! Look at your time, can you arrange to see me one last time!"

   The old lady's words came out, and she threw the phone with a "bang".

  Li's mother Qiao Zhilan passed by and was terrified.

   "Mom, what are you doing, it's so good, what's going on tomorrow..."

   "It's not that your precious son is angry with me! I have to make an appointment with him in advance to let him come back for dinner, right?"

  Qiao Zhilan pursed her lips and was speechless. This Li Mo is really worrying, mentioning him is definitely not a good thing!

   had an enemy!

   "I'll see if she'll come back tonight. If she doesn't come back, I'll show him tomorrow. Remember to say that I was mad at his unfilial grandson!"

  The old lady said angrily, turned around with a cane and rushed into the kitchen angrily, and she heard the old lady's voice from a distance.

   "Make the dish that the unfilial grandson likes! The stinky boy will be mad at me if he doesn't know anything else, remember to put some **** in his dish!"

  Qiao Zhilan: "..."

   Of course, the servants can't put dog **** in the food. They have been used to the duplicity of the old lady for so many years.

   While angry, he ordered the young master to cook his favorite dishes and add something else. That would be too deliberate.

   She also knew that they couldn't be so obedient.

   They are really obedient, and their jobs may not be kept.


   Xu Qingzhi contacted Chu Yi in the afternoon. When she returned to Pingcheng this time, she went to visit Mr. Chu.

  As I get older, there is no possibility for my legs to recover, but the old man is in a good mood and seems to be fine.

   I mentioned to him about the endorsement of new products in the middle, and now it is equivalent to a notification.

  Chu Yi pushed a lot of work because of Mr. Chu's affairs, and there is nothing to do at the moment.

   The old man at home also thought he was annoying, so Xu Qingzhi just invited him, so he happily agreed.

   "It's okay, I want to stay there for a while, the hotel is too troublesome, you find me a house, I'll go there right away."

   Xu Qing knew what he wanted, "It's just right, the owner of the apartment next door is going to live with his son abroad for a few months, and the house happens to be vacant. I'll ask you."


   hung up the phone, and Xu Qingzhi got off work early.

  She has to go home at seven o'clock for dinner, and now she has to go home to feed Moon.

   After that, he drove directly to Li's house.

  The elderly generally like quiet places. The house is built on the outskirts, a little distance from the city center.

  So when Xu Qingzhi and Li Mo got married, they didn't force them to live at home, but bought them a wedding room outside. It was also because it was inconvenient for them to go to work and young people were not used to such remote places.

   Arrived at Li's house. At half past six, Mrs. Li grabbed her hand and sat down on the sofa.

   "Hey, you're back, are you okay?"

  Xu Qingzhi smiled and nodded, "I'm fine."

   The old lady shook her head, "It's been four months, and I haven't gotten any fatter, so I'll eat more at the dinner table later. There's still that work, so can't I put it aside for a while?"

   "The company has recently released new products. Even if I'm not very busy, the company can't live without me. You can rest assured that my colleagues take good care of me and won't make me too tired."

   The old lady sighed helplessly, "If you're too busy, ask Li Mo to help you..."

   The smile on Xu Qingzhi's face stiffened imperceptibly, "...he's also very busy with work, not to mention our fields are different, he may not be able to help me."

   Not long after her voice fell, the sound of a car engine came from the door.

   Xu Qingzhi didn't think much about it at first, but when she saw the tall and tall figure of the man appearing at the door, she was still stunned.

  The days are short in winter, and it is already dark outside. The man in a black suit is standing under the light as bright as day. The bright color difference makes him feel too strong.

   His face seemed to never have an expression, at least Xu Qingzhi had a hard time seeing any other expression other than indifference on his face.

   She could see the dark eyes in his eyes fell on her after he entered the room, but it was only for a moment, and it quickly made her feel that everything was her wishful thinking.

When the old lady saw him, her face turned cold, "I'm finally back? Could you give me a copy of your itinerary, when I'm really ill one day, I'll have to wait until you have time to come back before I breathe? "

  Li Mo frowned, and when he came over, he was still carrying the cold air brought in from the outside.

   "Tell me, how do you want me to apologize?"

   The old lady glared angrily, "If I let you work less for a while, I'm still a sinner? Are you busy at work? How busy are you at work? Can you still have time to run abroad?!"

   Xu Qingzhi's heart froze suddenly, and the hand held by the old lady also twitched subconsciously.

   The old lady clearly felt her actions, but Xu Qingzhi smiled lightly and turned to pick up the water glass on the coffee table, and took a sip.

  Li Mo was calm, not even moving his brows and eyes.

   Even the old lady had invisibly exposed her finding someone to monitor him, but he was indifferent.

   "I'm on a business trip."

   The old lady snorted coldly, with obvious sarcasm, seeing through but not telling.

  Xu Qingzhi was drinking water quietly, his face was indifferent.

   "How many errands do you have to go in person, and how many times did you go? Li Mo, don't forget that you are married now... Where exactly do you place Qingzhi?"

   Xu Qingzhi knew that the old lady was eager to put her place in Li Mo's heart, but now, she felt that she had never felt more ashamed than now.

   All the words emphasized that the most important position in Li Mo's heart was another woman. And her pregnant wife...

Isn't    the funniest one?

  Li Mo then put his eyes on Xu Qingzhi's face again.

   "It's just marriage, I can't even go on a business trip?"

   "Zhizhi is pregnant now."

   "Then will you be satisfied if I have to tether her to me 24 hours a day?"

  The old lady was so annoyed that Li Mo choked her with every word, "...You unfilial grandson..."

   "Grandma." Xu Qingzhi, who was silent beside him, suddenly spoke lightly. She put down the water glass, her palms were already hot and numb.

   "We each have our own jobs. I'm also the person in charge of the company. I really don't have time when I'm busy. I understand Li Mo's work. We are both young and we should be busy with some things."

   She said lightly, helping Li Mo and herself.

   If it goes on, she can't guarantee that Li Mo will put all the blame on her in the end.

  For example, when the old lady suddenly scolded him, she came back today and complained to the old lady.

  The old lady stopped talking and glared at Li Mo fiercely.

   But Li Mo squinted at Xu Qingzhi, " seem to be quite generous at this moment."

   Xu Qingzhi pulled his lips and slowly stood up from the sofa, she knew that he would miss her like this.


   After she finished speaking indifferently, she turned to look at the servant who had just stood next to her, "Is it time for dinner?"

  The servant nodded again and again.

  The old lady also stood up from the sofa, "Let's have dinner then."

   Xu Qingzhi stepped forward and took the old lady's arm.

   She was not wearing a coat, a long grey knitted sweater, which was slightly slim because she had to wear a coat.

   In this way, the curvature of her belly bulge is particularly conspicuous.

  Li Mo's eyes seldom followed her and caressed the old lady and turned away. There should be no makeup on her fair profile.

   He has never denied that Xu Qingzhi is beautiful, and his temperament is always the best.

  I have been a rich and powerful family since I was a child, where can I go wrong?

   The original school beauties didn’t come out of thin air.

   When Li Mo took a seat beside her, Xu Qingzhi's eyes flickered slightly.

   His natural and natural behavior made her feel a strange feeling in her heart.

   If it wasn't for their current marital relationship, they wouldn't be so close at all.

  The old lady was sitting in the main seat. Seeing this, she couldn't help but feel better.

   The servants naturally put dishes that catered to Li Mo's taste in front of him, and Xu Qingzhi tried to put them in front of her.

   But things are a little tricky because Xu Qingzhi is now pregnant.

   I was so greedy after seeing everything, and it was the kind that I couldn't bear.

   But the dish in front of Li Mo, no one else touched it except himself.

   Several times, she stretched out her chopsticks towards the dishes, and finally turned the chopsticks abruptly.

  How shrewd Mrs. Li is, how can she still see through her mind?

   So he directly said to the servant waiting next to him:

   "Change the dishes in front of the young master and the young mistress."

   Xu Qingzhi and Li Mo had a meal at the same time, the old lady glared at Li Mo, gritted her teeth and said, "The stinky boy who is not full of strength."

  Li Mo glanced at Xu Qingzhi next to him, Xu Qingzhi's eyes subconsciously glanced at the dishes in front of him, and then turned his eyes again, just into his pitch-black eyes.

   blinked, she stabilized her mind, and said slowly: "I don't actually want to eat your food that much."

  Li Mo paused, then snorted coldly.

  It is better not to say it.

   There are no three hundred taels of silver here.

  The other people at the dinner table also laughed silently, and Xu Qingzhi finally reacted, and his face turned a little red.

   But the maid still came forward and changed the dishes.

  Li Mo didn't say anything.

   The dish he just wanted was right in front of him, but Xu Qingzhi was embarrassed to stretch out his chopsticks again this time.

  The old lady urged: "Zhizhi, eat quickly, eat more if you like."

  Xu Qingzhi looked up at her and smiled awkwardly, nodded, stretched out his chopsticks, took some vegetables and put them in his mouth.

   The taste is indeed a little light.

   Getting used to her heavy taste...

When    looked at the dish that suits his taste that was moved to Li Mo again, he regretted it a little.

   Then she turned her eyes away when she heard the sound of putting down chopsticks in a low voice beside her.

  Looking up, Li Mo suddenly put down his chopsticks, picked up the water glass in his hand with a taut face, and drank the glass of water expressionlessly.

   She was beside him, and she could even clearly see his ears gradually turning red, even on his face and neck.

   She widened her mouth in surprise, and after a few seconds, she couldn't help but let out a low laugh.


  Li Mo does not eat spicy food.

   The taste is light, and there must be a reason for it.

   When I was in school, I never saw him eat spicy food.

   Now she realizes that it's not that she doesn't eat spicy food, it's that she can't eat it at all.

   It's rare to see him so embarrassed.

   Her laughter made Li Mo glance at her coldly.

   Xu Qingzhi put down his chopsticks, stood up, and exchanged the dishes for the two of them.

   "Hey..." The old lady wanted to stop, but Xu Qingzhi sat down on the edge of the table: "I still prefer to eat these."

  The old lady didn't say anything in the end. With her, as long as the granddaughter-in-law likes everything, it is naturally what the granddaughter-in-law wants.

  The servant filled Li Mo with water again, Li Mo just took a sip this time and put down the cup.

"I'm stuffed."

   Xu Qingzhi paused slightly when he was eating, but did not look up.

   Qiao Zhilan said in a low voice, "I finally asked you to come back for a meal. That's how much you eat. It's less than what a cat eats."

The old lady said with a cold face, "Who should I put eye drops on? Let you have a meal, the whole family has to look at your face and eat a meal, right? Give it to me, if I can't finish it, I will cut your neck off and I have to give it to you. Pour in!"


   The old lady's words to teach Li Mo came at the mouth and showed no mercy.

   (end of this chapter)

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