Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1733: bite hard

   Chapter 1733 Biting hard

   "Then you have been with him since then? So you also lived a life of drinking blood on the blade?"

  Shen Fanxing was silent for a while, "It doesn't seem to be. At first, I just wanted to protect myself and learn something, and later... to make my life better."

  To live a better life, you must pay.

  No one can live a carefree life.

  Xu Qingzhi nodded, "Anyway, the past is over, I hope you will always be happy. Don't let me worry about it."

  Shen Fanxing turned to look at her, "I should say this."

  Xu Qing paused, turned to look at the place where construction was taking place in the distance, and sighed.

"Said a thousand words and ten thousand, Fanxing, the child will be everything to me. I will be a mother in the future, a role that needs the ability to protect my child, not to be protected. Just like what you just said, for the better The premise of all this is to protect yourself well. You can do it, and so can I."

   Her tone became more and more relaxed, and she took Shen Fanxing's arm, "You don't have to worry about me, what's more, I have such a strong backing as you."

  Shen Fanxing smiled, "You just know."

  Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows, "Of course, I will hold your thigh tightly for the rest of my life."

   When the two returned the same way, Xu Qingzhi said goodbye to Shen Fanxing.

"In the future, you must focus on raising the baby, and don't care about other things. If you have something to do, I will also worry about it. It can be considered for me and the baby in my womb, and raise the baby with peace of mind, okay? ?"

   Xu Qingzhi was really afraid of Shen Fanxing's restlessness.

   She never has time to rest.

  Shen Fanxing nodded helplessly, "I know, I know, I will never do it again."

"That's good, it's been four months. Your twins will have a big belly and won't be jumping for a long time. I can't just run away. Your family is going to be annoying me recently, and I really can't be there either. Staying here longer, booked a flight for tomorrow morning... See you after we have our baby."

  Shen Fanxing squeezed her hand and did not hold back.

  Some people on the Internet have begun to suspect Xu Qingzhi and Li Mo's marriage. If they stay here, it will not be good for their reputation.


  On the Internet, discussions about Xu Qingzhi and Li Mo are in full swing.

  Li Mo's indifference towards Xu Qingzhi inevitably made some people gloat at the misfortune and watch the show.

   "Isn't this what it deserves? It's all about getting pregnant, and marrying her is enough to give her face. What else do you want?"

"But after all, the two of them still have children. For this kind of thing, without Young Master Li, they can't get pregnant! What kind of mentality do you have? This kind of thing is clearly the fault of the two of you, so why should you only blame the woman? "

   "Cut, who doesn't know that Young Master Li has another woman in his heart, and what happened to the family because of her? If it wasn't for her deliberately seduced by Xu Qingzhi, how could Young Master Li have a relationship with her?"

   "Also, Master Li and the so-called Mrs. Li are classmates."

   "Tsk tsk tsk...the love triangle in school...but this Mrs. Li has the means and the scheming, and the two of them are in love with each other. Not only has she become Mrs. Li, she has a child, it's really amazing..."

   "Passengers from Pingcheng to Rongcheng, please note that your flight RA1992 is now registered..."

   The airport boarding notification sounded, Xu Qingzhi put away his phone, picked up the bag beside him, and walked towards the boarding gate with a blank expression.

   She is very calm.

   must also remain calm.

   These remarks are not the first time she has come into contact with them.

  What I saw, what I heard, and even the contempt and fear in her eyes from others...

   She is all too familiar.

   Familiar to numbness.

   It takes more than two hours to fly from Pingcheng to Rongcheng.

After    found a seat and sat down, she took out her mobile phone again, glanced at the empty messages and call records, pulled her lips and turned off the phone.

  The flight attendant stayed by her side until the plane gradually stabilized after takeoff, and then turned to leave.

  The environment of the stateroom is comfortable enough.

   She leaned back on the chair and looked through the window at the white and thick clouds outside.

   looked calm, but his thoughts seemed to have drifted away.

   When you go back, you should clean the room first, wash the sheets and quilts, and water the flowers at home. You should go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients first, and you must eat better.

  The nutrition is balanced, and the son will be born healthy and healthy.

   Take a day off at home today and go to work tomorrow.

  Chu Yi's endorsement and the recent popularity of Fanxing, the company's product sales span has grown tremendously.

   The possibility of other things and cooperation is also increasing. Various departments of the company should have a lot of things to report and deal with these days.

   A person's life, she can still lead an orderly life.

   At least she won't wrong herself materially, never.

   took a deep breath, she pulled the blanket, covered herself, put her hand on her stomach, silently looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and gradually closed her eyes.

   The announcement in the cabin that the plane was about to land sounded. She opened her eyes, looked around, sighed, and sat up straight.

  The plane landed smoothly, she took a taxi to the supermarket by herself, and then went home.

  According to the plan on the plane, prepare the ingredients first, stew the soup, boil the porridge, change the quilt cover, and clean the room.

   I took a look at the kitchen where soup and porridge were being boiled alone.

  Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

   After she was done, she cooked two more dishes for herself, drank a bowl of porridge, and then went to the kitchen to bring out the soup that had just been stewed.

   This is what the nutritionist in the kitchen taught her at Bo’s house. There are also many kinds of vegetables and soups, which she has memorized, which are good for pregnant women and babies.

  Although the taste is not as good as the chef's, it is still edible.

   After drinking the soup, she took out the quilt from the washing machine and hung it up. Looking at the spotless room, she sighed, feeling pretty good.

   There was some sweat on her body. She went upstairs to change the house clothes on her body. She went upstairs to the bedroom, opened the wardrobe, and when she was picking up the clothes, her eyes inadvertently saw the other half of the wardrobe.

   There she deliberately left a lot of space, however, there were only two simple sets of clothes for men.

   I felt a pain in my heart unexpectedly. When I got married, I imagined too many pictures of him and Li Mo living together.

   They can eat three meals a day together, except for occasional busyness.

   There are her and his toothbrushes and toothbrushes in the bathroom, her and his bathrobes in the bathroom, and her and his clothes in the closet.

   The slippers are for two, the dishes are for two, the drinking glasses are for two, and everything is only for the two of them.

   It is true now, but it seems too ironic now.

   She pursed her lips, opened the other door of the cabinet, took out the clothes and gowns she had piled up there, and hung them in the free space.

In the end, she didn't even change her clothes. She approached the bathroom, put away another bathrobe, and another toothbrush and toothbrush. She ran downstairs again, taking the slippers from the entrance, the dishes from the kitchen, and the drinking water. The cups are all thrown away.

   After doing all this, she stood in the middle of the living room, her chest heaving up and down, panting, her eyes flushed.

   The sadness and grievance in her heart filled her body at the moment, her throat moved, and she stubbornly swallowed the sourness that came up.

   However, tears still fell from his eyes.

   A tear shattered the stubbornness she had piled up.

   There was a thin choking sound in his breathing, his chest was swollen, and the whole person was unspeakably uncomfortable,

   She stretched out her hand to cover her stomach, raised her head and took a deep breath, stubbornly holding back the gushing tears.

   After a long time, she seemed to adjust her mood, took a long breath, walked to the sofa and sat down, and finally leaned on the back of the sofa, raising her arms across her eyes.

   For a time, the whole room seemed to be empty, too quiet.

   Only the dust floating in the air swims silently in the sun for the rest of their lives.

   The phone that she suddenly remembered suddenly broke the silence of the whole room. She suddenly remembered something, sat up straight, picked up the phone from the coffee table, and connected.

   "Qingzhi, did you get home safely?"

   Shen Fanxing's anxious and worried voice came from the microphone.

   "Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, I came back to clean up, wash and wash, and before I knew it, it was this time..."

   Her voice sounded completely out of line with her mood just now, nothing happened, and she was even cheerful.

  Shen Fanxing breathed a sigh of relief, "Just get home, I've been waiting for your call for a long time..."

   "Sorry, I really forgot, by the way. I simmered the soup that the nutritionist gave me today. Although the taste is a little worse, it's still delicious!"

  Shen Fanxing laughed softly, "I'll see what delicious things he will make in the future, and then I will share it with you, and I will let him tell you how to do it."

   "Okay!" Xu Qingzhi said happily, "You said that we all ate the same food when we were pregnant. How compatible is my son with my daughter-in-law, do you think?"

   "How can it fit the same as eating?" Shen Fanxing was helpless, she was looking for a daughter-in-law for her son, and she could find something to do with everything.

   "Of course, they are so in sync in the womb, and when they are born, it's easy for the two of them to meet each other's eyes. At least they have the same taste."

  Shen Fanxing smiled, "Maybe."


   took a deep breath, Xu Qingzhi took the lead and said: "I just had dinner, I plan to go out for a walk, let's not talk."

  Shen Fanxing nodded, "Okay, don't go too far, pay attention to safety."


   hung up the phone, Xu Qingzhi held the phone, leaned back on the sofa, and breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fanxing's worried temperament, if she were to hear her other emotions, she didn't know what she would do.

   But...she really shouldn't put herself in this room right now.

   After a while, she stood up, put her phone on the coffee table, and went upstairs again.

   When she went downstairs again, she had already changed her clothes, and the loose cotton clothes protected her very well.

   took the phone and keys, and finally went out.

   I drove to a nearby shopping mall by myself.

   I bought two sets of radiation-proof maternity clothes, and then I wandered into the mother and baby store involuntarily.

   These things were enough to make her somewhat impetuous heart gradually calm down.

  Cribs, strollers, baby clothes, small cartoon teeth, small bathtubs, small towels, toiletries, everything, everything.

   She wanted to buy almost everything she saw, and she actually bought quite a few things.

   The manager of the mother and baby shop saw her like this and suggested that she leave her address and send it to her in a while, Xu Qingzhi readily agreed.

I went to the rest area downstairs and ordered a cup of hot water. There is a small indoor playground next to it. The children are playing happily in it. Most of the parents are watching them while resting in the rest area, with smiles on their faces. Although it is very light, she knows that seeing the happy smiling faces of the children, their hearts must be doubly happy.

  Xu Qingzhi was a little greedy here for a while, and his thoughts were pulled back because a little girl next to him suddenly ran into his mother's arms and burst into tears for no reason.

   "What's the matter, baby?" the young mother asked her with a distressed expression.

   "Little bunny...Little bunny it's dead..."

   Xu Qingzhi was surprised and turned his head to look at a corner, where there was a small pet home.

   She raised her eyebrows and walked over curiously.

  Many children have already filled the water around the door, and their eyes are looking inside curiously.

  The veterinarian wearing a blue coat silently put the snow-white rabbit into a small box, apparently wanting to get rid of it.

   The rabbit didn't move from the beginning to the end, its long ears drooped lifelessly, and it was already dead.

   She pursed her lips, looked at the little furry heads under her eyes, and blinked slightly.

   Finally, she walked in, and the waiter inside immediately greeted her with apology.

   "Miss, do you need anything?"

  Xu Qingzhi paused and said, "...I hope to have a pet that can accompany my baby, a non-aggressive animal that can play with him gently, do you have any recommendations?"

  The clerk looked at her belly, smiled, and said:

"In this case, the dog is the most suitable, not only can accompany, but also be gentle and attentive, and even sometimes when you can't take care of them, they can help you take care of... Whether it is for children or adults, they are all The most gentle and loyal partner."

  Xu Qingzhi was a little moved and nodded, "Can you show me?"

"of course can."

  Xu Qingzhi finally chose a golden retriever puppy, bought some dog food and consulted the clerk, and then walked away with a bunch of things.

   As for the dead rabbit, what can be done?

   When I got home, I made a small nest for the puppy on the balcony. After thinking about it, I dragged the brand new cotton that Li Mo had prepared for Li Mo from the garbage bag and threw it in front of the puppy.

   Maybe it's warm, maybe it's just for fun, Little Golden Retriever doesn't have much discomfort with the new owner, so he picked up his slippers and took two bites in his mouth.

  Xu Qingzhi stood beside him, watching his actions, he couldn't help laughing softly.

   "Yes! Bite hard, not enough to have another pair."

   (end of this chapter)

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