Chapter 1729

  The old lady glanced at them suspiciously, "What happened to the two of you brothers? Are you still unfamiliar with each other?"

  Bo Yuelin returned to his senses, and pulled his lips stiffly, "Why is mother here?"

   "You don't look at me, so I'm not allowed to look at you?"

  Bo Yuelin pursed his lips, "Mother is joking."

   The old lady sighed secretly, her son is sometimes too rigid and it is not suitable for jokes.

   "I finally got divorced. I'm here to have a celebration meal with you."

  Bo Yuelin paused, looked up at the expressionless Bo Sichen, and then looked at the old lady's emotions from beginning to end, it seemed that her old man didn't know those things.

   After reacting, he breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly, "I'll tell the kitchen to prepare."

   "No, I'll cook today and make some dishes that you used to like."

   Bo Yuelin was surprised, he never thought that the old lady would say such a thing.


   "Don't worry, the taste will not be too heavy! You are still old everywhere, and the taste is the most obvious."

  Bo Yuelin paused, "But your body..."

   "It's alright, I have my measure."

   Lairong smiled and nodded at him, then pushed the old lady into the door.

   He stood there, raised his eyes to look at Bo Sichen, his lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.

   Bo Sichen just put his arms around Lou Ruoyi, glanced at him lightly, and passed him into the door.

   He froze outside for a while before turning around and entering the house.

  My wife is used to living in HK. After staying here for a few days, she went back. He has been busy with things in the company, so he has always lived alone.

  The villa is very big, but the decoration is very simple. Most of the time, he is in a thin house, and sometimes he even stays in the company directly, so the family is rarely popular.

  The old lady looked around, feeling a little distressed.

   Lou Ruoyi was also a little surprised to see such a living environment.

  Although Bo Yuelin has something to hold in his heart, it is not difficult for him to find his thoughts.

  Since he wanted to fight for the Bo clan, it was a little surprising that his life was so simple.

"What are you thinking about? Why are you all from the Bo family, and life is so simple?" The old lady was a little dissatisfied with his current living condition. , The first half of your life is for yourself, and the second half of your life is for the children. The children are so good now, and your life should be complete. It's almost done, and you should let go of those things in your heart. "

   The old lady was outspoken, but her words were still somewhat subtle.

   After all, he was a man, and it was too serious. She was still afraid of hurting his self-esteem.

  Bo Yuelin nodded lightly, "Mother said that as long as the children are well, I should be satisfied."

   "It's good to know, it's not too late to know now."

  The atmosphere in the living room was silent for a while for no reason. Not only the old lady, but Lou Ruoyi also noticed this unusual atmosphere.

   "What's the matter? I just said I got it, but I still look sad now? Is there anything wrong with you?"

  Bo Yuelin shook his head, "No."

  The old lady was a little unhappy, "I guess you don't want to tell me. I'll go to the kitchen, you two brothers, let's talk."

  Bo Yuelin pursed his lips, "Mother pay attention to your body."

   Lou Ruoyi was puzzled, but she went into the kitchen with the old lady to help.

  Bo Sichen sat directly on the sofa. There was a tea tray on the coffee table. Bo Yuelin sat on the chair next to him and brewed the tea according to the procedure. The purple sand cup was pushed in front of Bo Sichen.

   Bo Sichen looked indifferent, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

   "Sorry about everything."

   For a long time, Bo Yuelin said.

   Bo Sichen didn't speak, the atmosphere in the living room condensed to the extreme.

   In just a few minutes, Bo Sichen drank the tea in the cup, put down the cup, and stood up.

   "Let's go out for a walk."

   Bo Yuelin put down the teacup, stood up slowly, and followed Bo Sichen silently.

  The two went out and kept walking along the Chaoshou Corridor. There was a garden design in that direction, and there were several small buildings next to it.

   "Have you dealt with all the things that should be dealt with?" Bo Sichen asked.

   "Nothing to deal with, I don't want to make things too big."

Bo Sichen said again: "No, what did the mother think about? Your wife, son, how are you going to tell them? It disappeared without a sound, do you think this is a good solution? Or do you think, Now that you're in, they don't care what you do, do they?"

"Naturally not." Bo Yuelin was silent for a few seconds before he said: "Tell them I'm going on a business trip to expand the market for Bo's family. It should be no problem to go for a few years. Then... when the mother is a hundred years old, I will Tell Awen..."

   "One hundred years later..." Bo Sichen murmured.

   Approaching the park, the road is surrounded by neatly arranged pines and cypresses.

   Even in the cold winter, it is still lush.

Bo Yuelin nodded, "From now on, your father and mother will trouble you to take care of you, you and your sister-in-law should also make a decision... I hope you and Jingchuan will help me hide this matter, Bei Xiao is now the key every year. At this moment, I don't want to let my father ruin the life he has worked so hard for..."

  Bo Sichen stopped slowly, turned around, and looked at him with a cold expression.

   "You still know that what you do will harm your own son?"

   Bo Yuelin pursed his lips and said nothing.

   Immediately afterwards, he was suddenly punched heavily in the face, his whole body was twisted, he stumbled a few steps, and finally fell to the ground.

   He looked up at Bo Sichen. It was the first time in his life that he saw his brother, who was always moody and angry, get so angry.

  The anger is so obvious that it is almost impossible to describe it as furious.

   The cold air emanating from his body was absolutely unimaginable in lethality.

"I am sorry……"

   Bo Sichen strode up in front of him, grabbed his collar, lifted him from the ground, and punched him in the stomach again.

   "Tell me, you might as well tell me, what have you done from the beginning to the end? ... Then think about it again, do you deserve a response when you say sorry?!"

   The punch on the stomach made Bo Yuelin's aching facial features wrinkle together, and a bloodshot flowed from the corner of his mouth.

   His eye sockets were red and his expression was extremely painful.

"I am sorry……"


He was punched again in the stomach, "What do you want and what are your dissatisfaction with me, you can tell me, if you want a company, I can't give it to you, if you want to prove yourself, I can give it to you. Opportunity! As for you secretly doing so many things that can't be on the table? It took a lot of trouble to get on the line with the Y royal family, you really have the ability! Just for the sake of the company, you care about the lives of others, and even show no mercy to me..."

   "Bo Yuelin! Who am I from you? Huh? You have the same blood as me, don't you know? What the **** are you thinking about? For that little stake, you can do such a crazy thing?"

   "Have you ever thought about the consequences of this incident? How did you let your father and mother live? You asked me to take care of them, what qualifications do you have to say these words?!"

  Bo Yuelin closed his eyes deeply, "I have nothing to say except these three words. Brother, I'm sorry..."

   Bo Yuelin was beaten to the ground again.

"It's just for your parents' sake, and Bei Xiao... to let him take responsibility for your scumbag father and ruin the life he worked so hard for, it's simply not worth it, for his own selfishness, You almost ruined your son's life, Bo Yuelin, you really deserve to die!"

   Bo Sichen said angrily and coldly, standing there sorting his clothes.

  Bo Yuelin wiped the blood from his mouth, covered his stomach and slowly got up from the ground.

   Neither of them spoke anymore, Bo Sichen packed his clothes and left first.

  Bo Yuelin stood where he was, after getting used to it for a while, he followed behind him with some staggering steps.

   When he returned to the living room, Lou Ruoyi was standing in the living room. When he saw Bo Sichen, he greeted him with a bit of dissatisfaction: "Where have you been, you can't find the time to prepare snacks for you..."

Before the words were finished, Lou Ruoyi's eyes caught sight of Bo Yuelin who came in behind. Although Bo Sichen later hit him in the stomach, the fist hit him in the face at first. Up.

   Now, half of Bo Yuelin's face is obviously blue and swollen, obviously.

   She looked at Bo Sichen and asked him what happened.

   At present, there is no one else in this family except Bo Sichen who dares to beat Bo Yuelin.

   However, Bo Sichen embraced her and walked directly inside.

   His face was tense, and his expression was obviously bad.

  Bo Yuelin instructed the servant to take out the ice cubes, then went back to the bedroom alone, sat beside the bed, and silently applied his face.

   His eyes were fixed somewhere, without blinking, in a completely empty state, he had no idea what he was thinking.

   He waited until the servant knocked on the door to announce the meal, then he stood up, opened the door and went downstairs.

   Although the swelling on the face has disappeared, it has not completely disappeared.

   The blue areas are still clearly visible.

  The old lady immediately noticed the injury on his face, turned her head and glanced at Bo Sichen, but said nothing.

Instead, he put the dishes that Bo Yuelin liked to eat and put them on his plate, "Come on, have a taste. It can be made lighter. People, you should eat less salt when you are old, and eat less. very good."

   In the face of her son, the old lady's words involuntarily became a little more nagging.

   After all, they are not too young, and she sincerely hopes that they can all live a long life.

  Bo Yuelin picked up the chopsticks and put it in his mouth to taste.

   "How is it?" the old lady asked expectantly.

  Bo Yuelin nodded, "It's so delicious."

  The old lady then smiled happily.

   "Then eat more."

   The plate in front of him was full for a while.

   After living for so many years, no reason could allow him to vent his emotions at this time.

   But in addition to constantly stuffing these dishes into his mouth, he just swallowed the sourness that came up in his throat.

  Remorse, touching, guilt, reluctance, all the really important things in life that made him realize that, right in front of him, happiness is definitely much more than having a Bo family...

   He lost it, and in the future, he will never have it again.

   "Eat slowly! Si Chen, Ruoyi, you guys also slow down, don't fight with your brother!"

   Lou Ruoyi pouted, "Mom, you are so biased, it's rare that you cook and cook so deliciously, we don't take the opportunity to eat more, thanks?"

   "Eat, eat, eat! You eat! If I don't have enough, I'll do it again!"

   Lou Ruoyi smiled happily, "I'll help you later!"

   Facing such Lou Ruoyi, Bo Yuelin was still surprised.

   He seemed to understand a little bit why his mother had tried so hard to protect her back then.

   If his future daughter-in-law is like her, he will also like it if she makes him happy all day with sweet words.

   I don't complain that my mother pays more attention to her and her elder brother, which is natural.

   I just didn't know that in private, my sister-in-law was actually such a person.

   She who I saw in the past was just an ordinary wealthy wife.

  Dignified manner and unsmiling.


   A table of dishes, Bo Yuelin was still eating till the end.

  The old lady couldn't stand it any longer, "You are a few dozen years old, why don't you know that you are hungry and full, so don't eat when you are full, just like you haven't eaten in several lifetimes."

   Hearing this, Bo Yuelin smiled, "I won't be able to eat it in the future, but this time I'll have enough."

   The old lady frowned, "I'll make it for you if you want to eat it later, why can't you eat it later? I'm not so dying yet!"

   "Mother misunderstood."

Bo Yuelin put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth and continued: "My ability in management is really limited, I have already arranged everything, I will go to Australia in a few days, set up a branch in Australia, and expand the scale of Bo's... Maybe It's going to take a long time."

   The old lady's face sank, and she put the chopsticks on the table.

   "I just said so much for nothing? How old do you need to be to train yourself? Mr. Bo is doing fine now. Do you still want to earn all the money in the world?"

Bo Yuelin pursed his lips, "Mother, I just...want to prove myself, not long ago, the company had many problems in my hands, both big and small, which brought a lot of losses to the company, and the outside evaluation of me was not good...I ...I just don't want me to appear too incompetent when facing Bei Xiao in the future... For him, I can't let myself achieve nothing in my lifetime, otherwise my father would have no face to face him..."

   The old lady's expression was a little moved, "Where is Bei Xiao like that? I don't know what you are thinking about every day in your mind."

   "I hope my mother is healthy and take care of herself."

   A few simple words made the old lady's eyes turn red involuntarily. She looked at Bo Yuelin with tears in her eyes.

   "Do you think it's embarrassing for me to divorce your father now, so you want to stay away from us?"


"Why is that? Bei Xiao has his own life. He is so good. How could he care about so many rumors? No matter how bad your opinion is, he is still the person in charge of the Bo family's consortium. Those people are not qualified to judge you. Are you always embarrassing yourself? You say I still have a few years to live? Can't you just keep me safe?"

   Bo Yuelin's Adam's apple moved, and the eye sockets started to feel sore and hot.

   "Mother, I'm sorry, really..."

   The old lady's tears still fell, "You are not worrying about each of you, you are all enemies, enemies... Can't you not go?"

  Bo Yuelin didn't speak any more, while Bo Sichen on the side opened his mouth and said:

   "Mom, Yue Lin has his own life. What we think is perfect may not be the standard in his heart. We shouldn't interfere too much in his life."

  The old lady didn't speak anymore, but the tears flowed more fiercely.

   (end of this chapter)

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