Chapter 1727

   Mr. Bo sat there with an expressionless face, and after hearing the old lady's words, his face couldn't help changing.

   This picture of her can't stand his attitude at all, and her persistence to divorce him no matter what, it seems that he is a very bad person.

   The judge's reconciliation also failed to proceed smoothly. Looking at the indictment handed over by the old lady in his hand, he really has no excuse to favor the old man.

The old lady's lawyer directly expressed the old lady's wishes, and filed for divorce because of the disagreement and the accumulation of negative emotions over the years. , During the period, he pointed out the many shortcomings of the old man and filled the grounds for divorce.

   After the lawyer finished expressing directly and hoped that the old man would agree to the divorce, everyone looked at the old man.

   "Mr. Bo Kaifeng, do you have anything to say about the regulations just listed?"

  Bo Kaifeng said lightly: "No."

   There is no problem with the reasons for suing him, all of which are real, even if he denies it, he cannot deny it.

   "Then, with regard to the divorce proposed by your wife, Ms. Wei Li, do you have any reason for not being able to leave?"

  Bo Kaifeng said lightly again: "No."

  Shen Fanxing raised his eyebrows, did this development go too smoothly?

   She thought that if the old man could survive to this day, there should be an absolute reason not to divorce.

  I didn’t expect it to be so smooth.

   "So, are you two sure to divorce today?"

   Mr. Bo closed his eyes forcefully, took a deep breath, and nodded, "Leave."

  The old lady Bo sat opposite, and when she heard the old man's words, her eyes flickered slightly.

   After a few seconds, he slowly revealed a smile.

   She didn't speak anymore, this result was enough.

  Shen Fanxing, who was sitting below, raised his eyebrows. From the beginning to the end, it was the grandmother who made the statement. The old man didn't explain anything from the beginning to the end. The whole process only took about ten minutes, but he agreed so happily.

  Since there is no objection, why did the old man bring the matter to the court?

   As for his self-respecting and extremely face-saving temperament, she can't quite guess the situation now.

  Bo Jingchuan watched her leaning back on the chair, staring at the old man with a thoughtful look, and couldn't help but hook his lips.

  This woman really can't rest for a moment.

  Other women are eager to find a man with good conditions to marry, and they just want to eat, drink and have fun all their lives, and be a comfortable wealthy wife.

   She is good, he is a super rich man by her side, not to mention that she still has two little ancestors in her stomach. He urges her every day to just want to eat, drink and have fun, but she is not obedient.

  What kind of virtue did you accumulate in your last life to find such a different woman.

  The puzzled Shen Fanxing noticed Bo Jingchuan's gaze, turned his head to look at him, raised his eyebrows, gave him a smile, and then focused his attention on the old man again, continuing to solve her doubts.

   Bo Jingchuan had some taste in his heart, this woman is really curious about everything.

   is too easily distracted, and the attention he gets is really limited.

   Just when his face gradually darkened, the old man said again, "I agree to get married, but I have a request..."

  The old lady Bo looked at him indifferently, "Tell me about it."

   "I hope... I can visit you from time to time... My two great-grandchildren..."

   Hearing this, most of the people below looked at Shen Fanxing.

  The two great-grandchildren should be the two children in her womb.

   But no matter how excessive the old man is, he still has the right to see the two great-grandchildren.

   There is no need to ask it as a request.

   However, when Shen Fanxing heard the words, she laughed softly.

   Sure enough, he was still the old man who wanted to save face.

   refused to obey her and bowed his head, but he was making a fuss about the old lady, and it was a blessing that he could do it if he wanted.

   How could the old lady not hear what he meant, she turned her eyes and glanced at Shen Fanxing.

  Shen Fanxing smiled helplessly, in front of so many people, how could she refuse?

   Even if she really doesn’t want to agree, she doesn’t want to be accused by others, and maybe she will have some legal constraints. This is a court, and she has no right to knowingly commit a crime and deprive others of their responsibilities and obligations.

The old lady pursed her lips, retracted her gaze, and sneered, "You still want to use me to plot against me. As expected of you. As for making such a request? Do you think other people want to care about you as well? That's why you think it's a very credible thing to drive people out."

   "But you're really amazing. Asking this question in court, if I refuse, should the court sentence me on the spot for a few years?"

   Mr. Bo pursed his lips and seemed indifferent to the old lady's deliberate slander, "So you agree."

   The old lady sneered, noncommittal.

   But the old man nodded and said again:

  "After all, I've been a couple for decades, and I can't do something like letting you go out of the house. In terms of compensation, I won't treat you badly."

  The old lady gave him a cold look, "I don't need it."

  The old man gave her a deep look, and then glanced at the lawyer beside him.

The lawyer stood up, held the document in his hand, and said, "Old lady, as compensation for divorce, except for the old house in HK and the thin house in Heisei, all the remaining properties in the old man's name will belong to you. The savings should be divided equally, and the 30% equity of the Bo Consortium will be given to you by the old man unconditionally."

As soon as these words came out, not only the old lady Bo, but also everyone below was greatly shocked. Although the Bo family's consortium has a bad reputation now, the thin and dead camel is definitely bigger than the horse. Otherwise, the situation of the Bo family's consortium was not long ago. Lianlian, didn't you still participate in the international economic summit, and still sit firmly in the second place in the world?

  30% of the shares, that is definitely an astronomical figure.

   She only kept two sets of real estate for herself, and the two people continued to share it equally. Even the entire Bo family consortium was given to her almost entirely.

  The couple who have been married for decades, in the end, they are two people who have torn their faces in front of outsiders in court, and there will be such a turnaround.

  Shen Fanxing was also surprised, and his heart was full of doubts.

   Didn't the old man give all the shares in his hand to the second uncle?

   So where did his 30% of his shares come from?

   Thinking of this, she looked up and looked around, but found that Bo Yuelin was not there.

   frowned slightly. After a few seconds, she suddenly turned to look at Bo Jingchuan and asked in a low voice, "What have you been doing these days?"

   I just asked him at the door, but he got past him with a rhetorical question.

  Bo Jingchuan looked at her sideways, and she continued to ask: "Where is the second uncle? How did the 30% of the shares in the hands of the old man come from?"

   Did the old man take the shares held by him and Jing Xing, or did he take back the shares held by the second uncle?

   "What question do you want me to answer you?"

  Shen Fanxing glanced at him and simply said, "The first one."

  Bo Jingchuan pursed his lips, glanced at the old man above, and said lightly: "Not long ago, I found the cause of the accident on the plane that my parents were on, and we solved the matter together."

  Shen Fanxing paused, " second uncle?"

   She asked carefully, after all, Bo Yuelin is Bo Jingchuan's uncle, she said, if not, it would be really embarrassing.

The expression on Bo Jingchuan's face gradually sank, "He has a connection with Ye Jingyun, he should have known your identity a long time ago, so he matched Yuan Sichun and me beside his grandfather. Although Yuan Sichun has Ye Jingyun, the righteous daughter of the Queen of Y country, The backer, but compared to this real royal princess, he is nothing to be afraid of, not to mention that he and Ye Jingyun are also allies. For him, it is not harmful to him that you will not be recognized by the royal family. On the contrary, you will get Ye Jingyun brought him the convenience. But if you are recognized by the royal family, then Yuan Sichun and I will definitely be targeted and suppressed by the royal family, which is not a bad thing for him."

   "He wants the best of both worlds, just to get the Bo Consortium."

   Bo Jingchuan said in a low voice, but his eyes were on the old man in front of him, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing, even his tone was light.

   Shen Fanxing didn't speak, she couldn't guess Bo Yuelin's thoughts, but he actually knew his true identity, which surprised her.

"He does a lot of things for Ye Jingyun by his side. The things you have encountered are also the product of his cooperation with Ye Jingyun. The big and small movements are constant, the Internet invites the navy to attack, and there are even those who were reprimanded by you not long ago. reporter……"

  Shen Fanxing listened quietly, her face getting darker and darker, and after a while, she suddenly sneered.

"Looking at his appearance, he is mature and stable, and he doesn't have the straight attitude of a respected elder, but he turns out to be a villain who can't use his means on the table. I knew he had intentions for the Bo family, but I didn't expect it to be this way. This time it is indeed I'm clumsy, he thinks too smart."

   Bo Jingchuan didn't speak, but Shen Fanxing felt a chill and anger in his heart.

"So, the accident on the passenger plane was also his work? When the mother left in a rage, the father followed closely. The old man must be dissatisfied with the two of them, so he will take back the shares in his father's hands and hand it over to him, right? For those shares in his father's hands, he even murdered his own brother and sister-in-law?"

   She is not an irrational person, even though she is angry, her voice is still suppressed.

  Since Bo Jingchuan said some things have been resolved, and the shares are now in the hands of the old man, then something must have happened to him now.

   The reason why there is no wind at all now, it should be because Bo Jingchuan deliberately suppressed the matter.

  Although all of Bo Yuelin's actions are eager to be announced to the public, but A Chuan intends to suppress the matter, so there must be his reasons.

   Bo Jingchuan's face was gloomy, but he sensed Shen Fanxing's excitement, so he reached out and held her hand in the palm of his hand.

   "Sorry, things turned out a little too far for you."

   Shen Fanxing's anger gradually subsided because of Bo Jingchuan's sudden apology. She raised her eyes and glanced at the old lady in front of her. She took a deep breath and said lightly:

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know he did so many things. I was just in a hurry. No matter how heinous he was, he was still grandma's son. If grandma knew all the things he did, I can't imagine how much grandma has done. Disappointing, if the body is good or bad, it is really worth the loss."

   For her concession and understanding, Bo Jingchuan felt even more guilty, and even more frank with Shen Fanxing.

   "Big brother has performed very well in the army. The last few years are the most critical time. If the second uncle's matter is exposed... His reputation in the army will plummet, and his uniform cannot be kept."

"No matter what the second uncle is, I still admire the eldest brother's character, and no matter how high his military rank, how great achievements, and how much glory he will bring to the Bo family, he is just an indispensable part of the country. A soldier. In this regard, I have my own selfishness..."

  Shen Fanxing nodded lightly, holding Bo Jingchuan's hand with his fingers together,

"You don't have to blame yourself. I can still distinguish this kind of thing. It's not the fault of others. Big brother really shouldn't bear the consequences for the second uncle. Grandma just said that everyone has everyone's life, and only once. You can't try to intervene, and dominating other people's lives will not make people feel truly happy."

   "Now I just hope that I can spend the rest of my life with my children and you. I don't want to worry about other people's lives."

  Bo Jingchuan squeezed her hand slightly, "Yes."

The old lady Bo was also surprised by Bo Qifeng's arrangement. She stared at him with a frown, and said coldly: "Give me all these? Would you let me manage the company again? Bo's consortium is not your heart. What do you mean by cutting the meat to me, so that I can have pity on you? No, because I always know that poor people must have something to hate, so don't try to betray me."

The old man Bo sighed and slowly stood up from his position, "Don't worry, I have kept half of the property for myself, and it will not be too bleak to make you pity. These things have no meaning to me. Just treat it as a favor for me, it's up to you to decide how to deal with it, and I'm no longer qualified to manage your arrangements."

   He paused, "...I'll leave the divorce procedures to a lawyer, which will definitely satisfy you. I'm tired, so I'll go first."

   After he finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at the judge above. The judge came back to his senses, and according to the procedure, ended the trial that lasted less than twenty minutes.

  The old lady sat on the spot, looking at the back of the old man leaving, her face was still tense, and finally got up indifferently, and Lou Ruoyi who was behind hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

  Shen Fanxing also stood up slowly, the doubts in his heart finally got the answer after the old man announced the divorce compensation.

   (end of this chapter)

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