Chapter 1718

【Shock! The person in charge of the Ming Group is actually—]

  The network push messages of each website are sent to everyone's mobile phone before and after.

  Click on the message, the content is directly a video.

   is the entrance of the international summit symposium. When he saw Bo Jingchuan slowly sitting at the main seat of the conference table, he introduced himself.

  Everyone blew up!

   "The founder of Ming Group is...Xiaobai...No no no... Mr. Bo?!"

   "OMG, how is this possible? He was a little white face a second ago, but now he is the founder of the Ming Group? Is the world so mysterious? How old is he to be the founder of the world's number one group?"

   "Isn't that what the old man of the Bo family did before..."

   "Yeah, he said that he was nothing after leaving the Bo family, and that he was a little white-faced person who eats women's soft rice. He held a press conference two days ago and publicly kicked him out of the Bo family..."

"I used to dislike President Shen's family background and insisted on Yuan Sichun, and as a result, President Shen turned into a high-ranking princess of the Y country, but Yuan Sichun was a product of little tricks and high-ranking. He kicked his grandson out of the Bo clan and thought that he would give him something. Under pressure, he would always go back and beg him with a shy face, but he was the founder of the first international group, and he didn't take Bo Shi seriously at all... This old man is really..."

   "And before, in various public places, Mr. Shen and Mr. Bo were ridiculed in various ways. They looked like they were aloof and mighty."

   "It's so embarrassing now..."

  The trend on the Internet suddenly changed, and the cynics were still there, but this time they changed their target.

  When the plane was about to land, Shen Fanxing woke up.

Yu Song came over and informed him: "A total of 364 people who have bad comments about this matter on the Internet are from various cities in China, but there are more than 100 people in Pingcheng, because the location is relatively scattered, so far only arrests have been made. A dozen or so, with some of the most vicious people among them."

  Shen Fanxing said with a cold face: "I want to see them right now."

  Yu Song could vaguely guess what Shen Fanxing would do, and hesitated: "Madam, some reporters already know the news of your temporary return to China. Now the airport is..."

   "Go and do it."

  Bo Jingchuan interrupted Yu Song, Yu Song quickly said "yes" and told his subordinates to bring people over.

  It will take some time for the plane to taxi, and it will be 20 minutes after Shen Fanxing and the others get off the plane.

   As soon as he reached the exit, a group of people gathered around.

  The bodyguards arranged by Yu Song protected them in time.

   "Mr. Bo, when did you founded the Ming Group?"

   "What was the original intention of your founding?"

   "The development of the Ming Group is so fast, is there any shortcut? Or is there something else to assist?"

   "Why do you keep concealing the news that you are the founder of the Ming Group?"

   "Mr. Shen, did you know from the beginning that Mr. Bo was the founder of the Ming Group?"

   "Did you stay with Mr. Bo because you knew his true identity..."

  Shen Fanxing suddenly stopped at this time, and the crowd gradually stopped following her, staring at her closely.

   After a long time, Shen Fanxing turned his attention to the reporter who just asked the last question, "What kind of result do you want to be satisfied with?"

   Her face was gloomy, her aura was strong and cold, and she looked at the reporter like a skating blade.

"In the past, he Bo Jingchuan took a fancy to my identity as a princess in advance. Now I have taken a fancy to the identity of the founder of the Heming Group in advance? Which answer can make you more satisfied? Why don't we all have plans for each other, okay? He was interested in the identity of my princess, and I was interested in his identity as the founder of the Ming Group. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

  The reporter was speechless by what Shen Fanxing said.

"The original intention of the company's establishment, why is it developing so fast, and why is it concealed? The company was founded just in case, just like I am now worried about being driven out by Mr. Bo, the development is so fast because of the dark forces behind him. , since there are so many tricks in it, of course you can only hide it. You don't need to guess, I will tell you the results you want to hear the most. Should you be satisfied with this answer?"

  Shen Fanxing answered all the questions the reporter had just asked about her and Bo Jingchuan. The reporters stood there, staring at each other, and they were all speechless.

"Also, as for the disclosure of the founder of Ming Group this time, you, including everyone, don't need to be cynical on social platforms. You don't need to judge what kind of person the old man is. Am I vicious? Is it a princess? Whether it is Xiaobailian or the founder of Ming Group, you don't have to worry about it. To be honest, even if he is really Xiaobailian, he will not be able to eat a grain of rice from your family.

  I'm curious, why is that gnashing of teeth on your body, you have to sneer at anyone you catch? For anyone to see... it's as if a few people you satirized dug your family's ancestral grave together. Actually, do you know where your own family's ancestral grave is? If you know, have you ever thought about letting your words and deeds add some light to your ancestors? "



  The entire airport exit was crowded with people, but at the moment it was all Shen Fanxing's clear voice.

   A few words simply left them speechless.

   All the words were said by her, what else could they say.

The live broadcast of    was posted on the Internet, and most of those who were still mocking how the old man lost the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds were hilarious and embarrassing, and most of them dared not speak again.

   Everyone looked at Shen Fanxing in the video, even if she didn't say anything, they waited quietly.

   It seems that this woman really has such a magic power, which always makes people unconsciously pay attention to her.

   After being silent for a long time, Shen Fanxing, who had been silent, suddenly turned his attention to the exit of the airport. When she saw Yu Song walking in with a few people, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and the people took a few steps forward.

  Yu Song stood in front of her, "Madam, these people are the people on the Internet..."

  Shen Fanxing looked at several young men and women in front of him, and even disabled people in wheelchairs, or people with other disabilities, four or five.

   She turned to look at the healthy people next to her, and sneered, "Look at the people who are 'like-minded' standing with you? They are physically disabled, how about you, are you mentally disabled?"

The reporters around    gathered around and frantically took pictures of her.

  The people who were satirized by Shen Fanxing were both scared and angry, "You speak carefully, why do you say that we are mentally disabled?"

Next to    there was a disabled person who also said, "What do you mean by that? Are you discriminating against us disabled people?"

Shen Fanxing just sneered and stared at the healthy people, "You can't stand it if you say you are mentally disabled? At least I'm better than you, and I won't hide behind the screen and use the keyboard as a killing knife. If you can't stand it, you can find it. I'll settle the account, I'll stand here, and you can come if you have the ability."

   As soon as she finished speaking, several bodyguards surrounded her, staring sharply and gloomily at the few people opposite.

   A few of them were obviously afraid to step forward.

   "Of course you are incompetent, you can't provoke anyone by living in the light, so you only dare to hide in the dark like a tortoise with a shrunken head."

   As she said, her eyes slowly swept across the disabled people, and finally she focused on the woman in the wheelchair.

   "You are wrong, I do not discriminate against disabled people."

   Several people were frightened by the inexplicable cold aura on her body, and they all looked at her defensively, but the next second, the woman in the wheelchair was suddenly pulled from the wheelchair by Shen Fanxing.

   After a few crisp slaps, the woman was thrown to the ground by Shen Fanxing with a thud.

   The legs were all shriveled from the knees down, and there was no possibility of standing up at all.

   Everyone was stunned by Shen Fanxing's actions, and they all took a few steps back.

   Shen Fanxing looked at the woman on the ground coldly, her expression was cold, and her voice was biting cold.

   "As human beings, of course I treat them equally. So don't use me as an excuse for bullying you as a disabled person! Who can say that I discriminate against disabled people?

   As soon as she finished speaking, the normal person beside her who was frightened and dumbfounded was suddenly slapped on the face.

   Everyone looked at Shen Fanxing in disbelief, thinking that this woman was really crazy today.

   Angrily yelled at the reporter as soon as he got off the plane, and now, in public, he slapped a few people openly.

   even hit a disabled person.

   This kind of thing is too easy to criticize.

   It's hard to imagine what social public opinion will look like at that time. She is also a business owner, and she has just rushed to the international summit. Even if she has the backing of the founder of the "Ming" group, Bo Jingchuan, she can't act so recklessly.

   Now the social influence is so great, don't think too much, her actions today will definitely pay the corresponding price.

   However, what she just said seems to make sense...

   The handicapped person who was just beaten and fell to the ground covered his face and was about to accuse Shen Fanxing, but he was so frightened by Shen Fanxing's words and actions that he didn't dare to say a word.

   Of course, she did not discriminate against disabled people. She beats normal people, and she is treated equally as a disabled person.

   However, in fact, she is a disabled person, and she is a disabled person. In the eyes of the public, they are a group of people who are specially cared for by the society. Her behavior today is simply untenable.

   was frightened for a long time before she covered her face and said tremblingly:

   "You actually hit the disabled... You will definitely pay for what you did today..."

   "Now you are emphasizing that you are disabled? Why, aren't disabled people human?"

  Shen Fanxing slowly approached her for a few minutes, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly struggled and rubbed back, looking at her with a look of fear and defensiveness.

   "You... what are you going to do?"

  Shen Fanxing's face was indescribably cold, and the cold and powerful aura all over his body skyrocketed.

   "Do I recognize you? Or does Bo Jingchuan recognize you? We killed your legs, or did we jointly kill your whole family so that you hate us so much? Even the people who helped us say a word?"

   She leaned over slowly, stretched out her hand and grabbed her jaw with force, and the strong and cold breath instantly pressed against her face.

   "What are ducks and ji girls, how much do you hate this society and feel that it is useless to degrade people, so you feel that you are worth living in this world?"

   "Others are ducks and ji girls, do you feel like you are a notch above them, don't you? You improve your own value by stepping down on others every day, and you are the best by killing others, right?"

  Shen Fanxing sneered, and the hand holding her lower jaw used a little more force, and the woman's aching facial features were all tightly wrinkled together.

"Society gives you special treatment, not for raising a group of psychopathic murderers, not wanting you to make much contribution to society, at least don't be a society, don't be a scumbag of the country! You are forcing an innocent person Do you know how much turmoil it caused to the society? I beat you? Of course I beat you, if the child is not rescued, I will let you die for your life!"

   At the end of the sentence, Shen Fanxing's voice suddenly increased, and his cold and stern voice was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's heart one after another.

   Seeing the woman's pale face and trembling lips, she suddenly pushed her aside and stood up slowly.

He glanced at the normal and disabled people around him, "All of you are the same, if she is killed, all of you must be buried with her! Since the Internet laws are so imperfect, I will force them to improve! If that kid dares to gamble with his life, I will risk everything to rectify you! If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

   Everyone was stunned by Shen Fanxing's words and didn't know what to say.

   For her words, no one doubted her authenticity.

   As long as she dares to say it, she must have done it.

   What's more, the aura that washes out from the whole body is simply impossible to make people want to question.

   Moreover, from her mouth, it seems that something happened to the person who threatened to commit suicide on the Internet.

   The influence of cyber violence, so to speak, the reason why Shen Fanxing is so angry, they can be considered to know.

   Combined with the other words she just said, it is true that these people in front of you, the initiators of cyber violence, are indeed not worthy of forgiveness.

   On this matter, these disabled people are more terrifying than normal people.

  Everywhere enjoys the special privileges of society, but they are so cynical, hiding behind the screen all kinds of embarrassing words attacking and insulting others, it is really doubly odious.

  The preferential treatment given to them by the society is not the reason for them to be intimidating.

   Not only does he not know how to be grateful, but he also does this kind of revenge on the society, which is a typical example of revenge for revenge.

The    scene was broadcast live directly on the Internet, everyone from the shock at the beginning to the criticism and accusations against her, to her words...

   In fact, not many people criticized her because she beat others, but it resonated a lot.

   (end of this chapter)

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