Chapter 1716

   Jingchuan's voice fell, and the entire conference room fell silent for a while.

   The reporters who had been standing quietly in front of the stand couldn't help but shifted the camera to them.

They are professional reporters from the economic radio station. For such a large international economic conference, this is a cooperation between the official and the TV station. It will be broadcast on the radio at that time. It is news for the general public. Tough and glorious.

   From well-known radio stations all over the world, magazine reporters are now all brought together to simply provide the most comprehensive conference for those in the industry.

For ordinary people, the    international summit is only seen as a lively event, an unprecedented lively event.

  Look at what the rich look like, what kind of life they live, or how rich they are.

   In the eyes of some economists and even entrepreneurs, all of these will become the basis for their success, and it is even possible to drive the development of the world.

  Why the annual international summit is so important, these are of course.

   What exists in this is something that can affect the whole world.

   In this major scene that attracted worldwide attention, Bo Jingchuan's words were more shocking than any experience.

  If you don't want to be bound by others, then be the most powerful one.

   Just how strong a person's desire is, it can be seen from Bo Jingchuan's body.

  What weakness, what burden, as long as he wants to do, if he can't stop others from influencing him, then he will allow himself to reach a high enough level that others have no position or qualification to control him.

  People can only walk once in this world, but Bo Jingchuan, a young man, has already reached the peak of his life.

   He is the man at the top of the food chain.

   And all this, now it seems, is just to get a woman without any scruples.

  Everyone turned their attention to the woman in his arms, no matter male or female, there was envy in their eyes.

   If Bo Jingchuan is a man standing at the top, then she is undoubtedly the biggest winner in life.

none of them.

   And Shen Fanxing's heart at the moment, but there are not so many twists and turns, only know that the heart is full of moving and deep feelings.

   In her whole life, how could she be able to meet such a man.

  The bad life experience in the past made her and Ben never think that she would one day have any intersection with such a man, or even come together.

  The past was so bad that she was now moved too deeply.

   Mr. Bo was also shocked by what Bo Jingchuan said.

   Yes, these are the things he once warned him, and has always emphasized to him since he was a child.

   has never let him down before, until this woman appeared, he thought that he had forgotten everything he had taught him before because of this woman.

   But now it seems that he is still too naive.

   He is still obedient, but he has completely jumped out of his control.

   Even already at a height he couldn't touch at all.

   And the person who made him reach such a height was not him, but this woman who appeared halfway.

   is so ridiculous.

   He was determined to make Bo his grandson the most satisfied, and now it is only a woman who has made him.

   He didn't know how he should feel about the truth of this matter now, but the clearest feeling was probably unwillingness and anger.

   For a long time, he nodded with a sneer, "So you are still hindering me. I guess I will use Bo's attempt to control you, so the Ming group exists."

"If it weren't for your desire to control too much, then the existence of the Ming Group would be beneficial to the Bo family. Before that, the Ming Group could be named Bo, and the Bo family's entire family was Bo. Now, it is only named Bo. , I am Bo Jingchuan's thin."

   Mr. Bo's eyes shrank suddenly, and his icy gaze passed over Shen Fanxing's body.

   "In the end, it's all for women."

   Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, "No matter what the reason is, on this occasion today, you have no position to judge me."

  Yes, no position.

   Today is an international summit, a place where only the strong can speak.

  He Bo's clan can look down on and criticize anyone in this case, but he is alone and can't do anything to him Bo Jingchuan.

   Mr. Bo's body shook violently, but was supported by Bo Yuelin next to him.

   "Jingchuan, you're too much, he's your grandfather! After all, it's not because of his cultivation that you can achieve what you are now?!"

   "I really should thank him for that, but today, it's another matter. When he tried his best to make me lose face, he probably didn't think that the man who relied on women to eat soft food was also cultivated by him."

Bo Yuelin's face was a little ugly, "Jingchuan, what you did is really too much, even if he did something wrong, he can't be treated like this by you... Have you ever thought about how much negativity your actions will bring to the old man today? influence?"

   "Thanks for your care, Achuan has also suffered a lot of rumors and attacks because of his behavior in the past few days. Even not long ago, in the eyes of everyone, he was a little white face who couldn't stand on the stage."

  Shen Fanxing said suddenly, she was the most unacceptable, someone used the sentence "It's yours after all..." as any excuse that could be forgiven.

   Bo Yuelin frowned at her, "Do you think this is right for an elder?"

Shen Fanxing shook his head, "I know that I am also responsible for letting Achuan be misunderstood. But no one can deny that the old man's prejudice and paranoia are the result of the development of the matter. People are mutual, Respect is not something that others have to give, but the accumulation of words and deeds. You let me respect the old, but please also love the young. To put it bluntly..."

  Shen Fanxing paused, raised his eyebrows and looked at Bo Yuelin:

"It's our first time as human beings, why do I have to flatter you unconditionally? Don't use the elders to be right and we are all wrong to accuse us unconditionally, and don't use the elders to be good people and disobey you. We are all ignorant or even conscientious bad people. Sometimes, it's not that young people are ignorant, but the bad people are getting old..."

Mr. Bo squinted and looked at her dangerously, "No matter how bad I am, the fact that he is Bo Jingchuan's grandfather is a fact that he can't change in his life. Since you want to be with him, you feel very uncomfortable if you don't get my approval. A sense of accomplishment?"

Shen Fanxing raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I have been a bad person in my life, and I have done bad things, and I have never felt that I am a good person, so why do I care if anyone recognizes me or not? Actually, what I said is not right. As long as one person recognizes me, it is enough. Others are of no importance to me."

   There is no need to think about who this person is.

   Mr. Bo pursed his lips, finally snorted coldly, and finally turned around and left the conference room with a cane.

  This year's international summit started with a lot of situations. Since the old man left, the symposium didn't last long, and it broke up.

   On the Internet where hundreds of millions of people gather, the scene of the symposium has not yet spread to the Internet.

   Everything that happens only when outside the ballroom.

   "What the hell? The child in Mr. Shen's belly is not Bo Jingchuan's? What a big green hat!"

   "It's true that I lost my wife and lost my army. For the sake of women, I was willing to give up such a large enterprise as Bo's, but now I have ended up like this."

"I knew for a long time that the person in charge of the Ming Group would show up at the international summit today, and Shen Fanxing was going to take him there. This is obviously a plan to shame him on the spot, right? What kind of deep hatred is this, to use such a vicious trick? Hurt people?"

   "Damn, why does he have such an attitude towards the person in charge of the Ming Group, who does he think he is?"

"When I look at the whole thing, the reason is that Mr. Bo peeled some fruit for Mr. Shen at the coronation ceremony. Is it necessary to hurt people like this? Mr. Shen is now pregnant. As a husband, it's okay for him to take good care of her. Right? Don't you expect your husband to beat and kick you or treat you coldly when you're pregnant?"

"Yeah, I also think that some people on the Internet have a tendency to be abused. These days, if you treat your own woman a little better, you will become a little white face? These three views are absolutely compelling! You deserve to meet all the invincible scumbags in the universe in your life. !"

"The child in Mr. Shen's belly is not his, right?! He wears the green hat so brightly, and he still feels good about himself?! Looking at the way he looked just now, don't you think it's funny that Mr. Wen is taking advantage of Shen Fanxing? Everyone has children!"

"That is, wearing a green hat, and being so attentive to women who are pregnant with other people's children, a man can't stand it, doesn't he look like this, doesn't it further prove that he is looking at the identity of Princess Shen? Otherwise, what kind of dignity? ?"

   "No matter what, it's their own business. Do you need to make irresponsible remarks here? Have you handled your own affairs? Are you still thinking about taking care of others?"

   "Cut... to even wash the floor for Xiaobaimian, shouldn't the whole family be Xiaobaimian or ji girls who sell themselves for life!"

   "Hahaha, the so-called Tao is different, the ducks and girls are one family! Just wash, let me see how many ducks and girls there are here!"

   "You...personal attacks are shameless!"

   "Yo! Duck and JI girl actually call others shameless, hehe, it's so funny!"

   "I've been made fun of myself, and I'm still qualified to call others shameless? I don't know who is more shameless!"

On the Internet, Shen Fanxing and Bo Jingchuan became a hot topic for a while, especially the cynicism towards Bo Jingchuan is not uncommon. Occasionally, there are a few who can't read a few words of justice, but they are besieged by a group of people, and finally disappear in anger, and the others Don't dare to say more, say more is the duck ji girl in their mouths, no one wants to cause a show because of things that have nothing to do with them!

   It's just that they still couldn't see it and didn't scold those keyboard warriors. They went to Shen Fanxing and Bo Jingchuan's Weibo to leave messages of encouragement, celebrating and believing that their relationship would never be broken.

   Even the accounts that were besieged just now are there.

  Other onlookers recognized them and comforted them with their messages.

But there are also a lot of trolls staring at the accounts of Bo Jingchuan and Shen Fanxing. Seeing their remarks, there is another burst of cynicism and excessive remarks such as ducks and JI girls, and they are still unscrupulous under Shen Fanxing and Bo Jingchuan's Weibo. Floor brush presence.

One of the IDs called "Did you show your love today?" was also the account that mentioned Bo Jingchuan's words at the beginning. I couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily to those who were chasing after her under her comments: "You can stop, here is the Is it moral for you to be so unscrupulous and satirize others' private accounts? To slander other people's reputation is also a crime, you know?"

   "Why is your mouth so vicious and your mind so dirty, even though you are separated by a screen, don't be so reckless, and remind yourself to be a person at all times? What is the benefit to you?"

   "Build your happiness on the pain of others, and where do you feel that you are superior to others?"

   "Where are you more noble than others? Hahaha, so you admit that you are only JI?"

  Someone was picky and forcibly added his own rhythm to the words in "Did you show your love today", so that many accounts appeared all of a sudden and ridiculed her comments.

It went on like this for more than half an hour, just when everyone thought that this was called "Did you show your love today?" and would not respond, she suddenly appeared again, but her remarks made all the people watching this matter. A little scared.

"Although there is a screen, you absolutely cannot tolerate you trampling on other people's self-esteem, insulting and personal attacks! Since this society continues to allow you to be so rampant by default, then I will use my life to fight against you now! Believe me, if I make you pay the price with my life, then I will die! Goodbye, you filthy people! Let the world see how disgusting your words and deeds are!"

  Since she left these words, no matter how unsightly words those people used to insult her, they never got a response!

   Just when everyone thought this was called "Did you show your affection today?" and scare people to go to bed, someone posted on Weibo with the title "Did you show affection today?" They cut their wrists and committed suicide at home.

Because I was worried at the beginning, I found the address of the home of this "are you showing love today?" by some special means. I found a comatose person on the bed at home. At this moment, I have been sent to the emergency room and are waiting for the result. The police have stepped in.

   This news came out, and the entire network was paralyzed.

   "It's over! Those keyboard warriors, the end of the trolls is coming!"

   "The violence on the Internet is terrible. I hope this place is a pure land."

   "Some people are really vicious!"

   And some people don't believe it, "Who are you frightening? It's naive to direct and act yourself? Thinking that we don't know it's you if you change your account?"

   "What a painstaking effort to get attention, sorry you rarely move your head full of shi!"

   And Mrs. Bo, who has been following Shen Fanxing and Bo Jingchuan online, was also worried after seeing the news, contacted the police, and rushed to the hospital.

   At this time, it has been almost ninety minutes since the person was sent to the operating room.

   When the door of the operating room opened, Lai Rong hurried forward to ask about the situation, "Doctor, how is the child?"

The doctor    sighed, "She has been rescued, but she has to look at herself later. If she wakes up and enlightens her, there is nothing she can't think of at a young age..."

  The old lady Bo has a sad face, why is this child forced to do such a stupid thing because of Fan Xingjingchuan and the others...

When she thought of seeing the old man's humiliating humiliation to Jingchuan on the Internet, Mrs. Bo sat in a wheelchair and closed her eyes forcefully. Her whole body was enveloped in anger and strong helplessness and disappointment. trembling.

   After a long time, she slowly said, "Lai Rong, give me your phone."

   Lai Rong was a little worried, "Old Madam, let's wait for the old man and the others to come back..."

  The old lady Bo opened her eyes and her tone was extremely calm.

   "Give me your phone, I want to call Jingchuan."

   Happy duck babies.



   (end of this chapter)

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