Chapter 1714

   Mr. Bo didn't think too much, just nodded with a smile.

   "That's nature."

  The others were silent, and it was a lie to say that they didn’t care about such a situation.

   They want to have a good relationship with the Bo family, but they want to have a good relationship with the "Ming" group.

   They know that the Bo family has always been brooding about the existence of the "Ming" group. As long as the two do not cooperate and leave them too far, they are naturally happy to see it.

   And with the idea of ​​not being guilty at both ends, he wants to deal smoothly between the two of them.

   The strongest in the whole world is the greatest, and also advocates that the relationship goes all over the world.

   Making relationships is crucial not only in officialdom but also in shopping malls.

   However, the imagination is very satisfactory, but now I never imagined that the Bo Consortium would take the initiative to show goodwill to the "Ming" group today.


  Everyone had a lot of thoughts, and they all turned their attention to Bo Jingchuan, and their eyes were clear.

   As we all know, the old man of the Bo family just held a press conference and it sounds like he has cut ties with him, but looking at the reaction of the old man today, it is obvious that he is still unwilling to let go of this grandson completely.

Then, as his grandson, Bo Jingchuan's actions to openly offend Mr. Wen should have an impact on the conversation between the two families in the future. It's just that Mr. Wen, who doesn't refuse to talk about it now, has grace. As for sincerity, I don't know. .

  Things that everyone wanted to understand, there was no reason why Bo Yuelin couldn't see through them.

   He thought for a while, then took two steps forward and said to Bo Jingchuan:

"Jingchuan, you also know that some of the things your grandfather did in the past were caused by too high expectations for you. In any case, your surname is Bo. Since the Bo family and the 'Ming' group may reach a friendly cooperation in the future For what you have just done to Mr. Wen, I believe that as long as you apologize to Mr. Wen, Mr. Wen will not fail to give the Bo family this face..."

   Everyone nodded when they heard the words, that's the reason.

  Since the two want to reach a cooperation, the Bo family should lower their stature and apologize to the CEO of the 'Ming' group.

   Bo Jingchuan frowned and glanced coldly at Wen Xuchen, who was watching the show.

   Shen Fanxing laughed at Bo Yuelin's words.

   "Has the Bo family become so humble in order to successfully reach a cooperation with the 'Ming' group? Afraid that the cooperation cannot be negotiated, so that the person who was kicked out will apologize to the other party?"

  Brows wrinkled when Bo Yuelin heard this, "In the end, the reason why Jingchuan offended Mr. Wen is because of you, Miss Shen."

  Shen Fanxing raised his eyebrows, "Really? But I don't think it's necessary to apologize."


   "If you really still regard yourself as Bo's family, Bo Jingchuan, let this Qian be obedient today!"

   Mr. Bo spoke coldly at this time, looking straight at Bo Jingchuan.

   "If you are still dissatisfied with my previous behavior, I admit that you were also emotionally dominated at the time. If you want to apologize, it's not that I can't give you an apology. But today, apologize to Mr. Wen, you must do it!"

   Indeed, he did not want to lose this grandson.

  Some behaviors in the past did have an anger factor in them, but after calming down, I did feel too impulsive.

   Now there is an opportunity.

   can let Bo Jingchuan know what it's like to bow down to the powerful, and also find a reason to apologize for what he has done before.

  The grandson is still his grandson.

   Of course he couldn't give up his grandson because of a woman.

Bo Jingxing rolled his eyes beside him, "Grandpa, the Bo family wants to join the 'Ming' group entirely out of your will, my brother has nothing to do with the Bo family's consortium now, and you asked him to put down his body for the Bo family's sake. The other party apologized? Since he is still regarded as a grandson, then you have never thought about it, your decision is actually no different from the Bo family begging for mercy from the 'Ming' group? How cowardly the Bo family is now, in order to be with the 'Ming' group If you reach a cooperation, you can do this kind of price reduction thing?"

Mr. Bo glared at him angrily, "Shut up if you don't understand anything! I told him to let go of his body? Does he still have a body? Don't look at how ridiculous he is here now! I'm willing to admit him It's still Bo's family, it's giving him a great face, and you still have to fight against me if you don't know how to be grateful?"

   Bo Jingxing was so mad that the old man didn't bother to pay attention to him.

   "That woman has a child with Mr. Wen, and you are still obsessed with it. Wearing such a high green hat makes you feel pretty, doesn't it?!"

   Wen Xuchen, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw that things had developed like this.

   What magical development is this?

  Shen Fanxing has his child?


   He glanced at the woman in Bo Jingchuan's arms, and his face was not ordinary.

   But I have to say that her dress tonight is really bright and moving.

   But having kids with her or something...

   "Believe it or not I dug your eyes out?"

   Bo Jingchuan's voice sounded icy, and his expression was particularly cold.

   Everyone was still surprised by Bo Jingchuan's attitude, but Wen Xuchen withdrew his gaze, clenched his fist into a fist and coughed awkwardly.

   "Cough cough..."

   Bo Yuelin frowned slightly, as if something was wrong.

  Although Jingchuan looks like a human being, and his arrogant and conceited temperament can also guess that he will not easily bow his head to apologize to Wen Xuchen tonight.

   But Jingchuan's attitude is acceptable to him, but Wen Xuchen's current behavior is really not like the reaction of a person in a high position.

   Being treated with such disrespect, he didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, let alone the so-called anger.

   This was a bit unexpected.

  Wen Xuchen's slender fingers gently scratched his eyebrows, "Of course he doesn't need to apologize to me, I can't bear it."

   speaks the truth.

  My immediate boss, even if he is really wrong, that's right, he wants to apologize, he still wants to live comfortably for a few more years, and he's staring at him... How far should his vacation be?

   However, hearing this in the ears of everyone, they all thought he was really angry this time.

   Mr. Bo frowned tightly, glanced at Bo Jingchuan coldly, then turned his head and smiled at Wen Xuchen; "I'm so sorry, my grandson has always had a reckless temperament, and the offense..."

Wen Xuchen stretched out his hand to stop the old man's words, "Bo Dong, I think there must be some misunderstanding. Miss Shen and I... are not the relationship you imagined, and as for the child in her belly, it is not mine... Bo There is really no need for you to apologize to me, sir..."



   Mr. Bo was stuck in his chest in one breath, and he almost took his breath away.

   "What did you say? The child in that woman's belly is not yours?"

  Wen Xuchen nodded, "Of course not, Miss Shen is unattainable, I haven't had the honor to win her heart."

The people around    and the reporter were not calm.

   "The child is not yours? Then what did she just say that you have your child?"

   "She also said that you are her backer! Isn't that so?"

   This situation really gave Wen Xuchen a headache.

   Preconceivedness is really something that cannot be easily reversed.

  Things are already so obvious, why doesn't everyone put the root of the matter on Bo Jingchuan?

   He shook his head and looked up at Bo Jingchuan with a very helpless expression.

   "It seems that your role as a little white face is more successful than any other role, but you are still so deeply rooted in the role of a little white face. Should I admire you, or should I admire the powerful Mrs. Bo by your side?"

   Bo Jingchuan said with a sullen face, "I admire her."

   Bo Jingxing, Yin Ruijue twitched the corners of his mouth.

  Damn, angry at women like this.

   No matter who is right or wrong, the wife is always right.

  Whether it is merit or demerit, the wife will always be the hero.

  Whether good or bad, the good must belong to the wife.

   Show your love all the time, everywhere.


  Wen Xuchen also laughed angrily at Bo Jingchuan's answer, glanced at Shen Fanxing, and said, "Miss Shen is indeed extraordinary."

   Shen Fanxing twitched his lips.

  The atmosphere of the conversation between Wen Xuchen and Bo Jingchuan finally made everyone realize that something was wrong.

   Completely masked.

  What's going on? It seems that this Wen is really not angry, and he and Bo Jingchuan seem to know each other.

   The child in Shen Fanxing's womb is not his?

   But didn't he say he was the person in charge of the "Ming" group before?

What exactly is going on?

   On the side, Mori looked at his watch at the moment, and his face gradually became solemn.

   "Okay, it's almost time. Now please take a seat at the next venue and start the symposium of this year's international summit. This is our annual theme."

The most important part of the    international summit is the symposium, where all the outstanding international entrepreneurs present sit together to make a summary, analyze the past merits and demerits and the outlook of the future prospects of each enterprise.

   And some business methods and scopes, they all need to be approved by the World Economic Council.

   If there are frivolous profit-seeking behaviors and sensitive means, the economic conference will not be easily passed, but it can proceed through consultation and consensus among representatives of various countries.

The scale of    is very large, so international summits usually last a few days.

"This year, I am honored to invite the top leaders of the 'Ming' Group to the scene. Their strong and sharp business methods and unique and accurate judgments on the world economic situation and development situation, so at the beginning of this year's international summit symposium, we will invite The top person in charge of the Ming Group gave a speech to all of us and asked him to help us analyze the future development of the world economy and forecast the situation. I believe that this must be something that all of us here really care about!"

   The "Ming" group can suddenly be killed in just a few short years, there must be something special about him. If you can get the scriptures from the "Ming" group, it is naturally the best.

   Everyone applauded and expressed their expectations, and under the guidance of the emcee, they went to the next door.

  There is a conference room about the size of the banquet hall outside. The conference table is round and surrounded by three layers.

  The seating arrangement of the conference is very clear, that is, it is divided according to the class.

   The higher the ranking, the closer the seat is to the center.

   The old man's face is not good-looking. Although he is sitting in the middle, he is at the bottom of the main position directly in front of the middle.

   In the past few years, that position was naturally the position of his Bo family.

   The second place in the district made his face particularly ugly, but at this time Mori walked directly to his side and led him to the third seat with a smile.

  Including the entrepreneur Mr. Steve, who was the original second seat on the right, was assigned to the third seat.

  Although he was a little dissatisfied, Steve took his wife and sat in the back.

   The old man himself was thinking about having a seizure. Seeing that Steve accepted it calmly, he also suppressed the anger in his heart and bent over to sit in the third seat on the left.

  The location arrangement is very particular, the left side of the main seat is respected on the right side.

The closer the    is, the higher the level.

   However, the second seats on the left and right sides were all vacated.

   I could see that the old man's face was ugly, Bo Yuelin laughed in a low voice.

   "If the current position is unified and retreated, will Miss Shen and Jingchuan be out of position for a while?"

   Hearing this, Mr. Bo's gloomy face got a little better.

   "It's just right, let him deeply appreciate what it's like to be inferior to a human being, and that woman, let's see what she can do in the face of such a situation!"

  Bo Yuelin smiled.

   After everyone was seated, Yin Ruijue, Bo Jingxing and his party entered the venue without haste.

  The seat is naturally the central position.

  Bo Jingchuan, Shen Fanxing and Wen Xuchen are at the end.

  Perhaps aware of the embarrassing situation they were about to face, everyone looked at them with different expressions, with subtle expressions.

   Mr. Bo looked at them coldly.

   Mr. Murray stood in the main seat at this time and smiled: "Okay, I am very glad that you are invited to participate in this international summit. I hereby extend the most sincere welcome and gratitude to all outstanding entrepreneurs..."

   The entire conference room burst into applause.

   However, everyone's eyes were on the three people who were not seated at the moment.

  Bo Jingchuan silently brought Shen Fanxing to the second seat on the left, pulled out the chair and let her sit down.

  The old man's face suddenly darkened, he opened his mouth, but he said directly to Mori:

   "Mr. Murray, is the location wrong?"

   Mori's face froze slightly, and he turned to look at Wen Xuchen on the side.

  Wen Xuchen didn't speak, just smiled lightly and reached out his hand to indicate that it doesn't matter.

  Mr. Mori smiled and said, "In fact, Mr. Wen deliberately asked for the location. I can't refuse it. I hope Dong Bo will forgive me."

   Mr. Bo just frowned tightly, and Mr. Murray hurriedly continued:

   "I won't say much more this year. Now I will invite the top person in charge of the 'Ming' group to speak. If you have any questions, as long as you don't jump out of social and economic issues, you can speak freely!"

   After he finished speaking, he clapped by himself, and everyone in the conference room burst into applause.

   Then everyone's eyes followed Wen Xuchen, and then...

   Then he saw him, silently walked to the second seat on the right, and sat down with a calm expression.

  The warm applause gradually became scattered, and they all looked at the situation in front of them with a puzzled expression.

   And at this moment, apart from Mr. Murray, the only person who was not seated was the only one...

   All eyes were fixed on him, Bo Yuelin seemed to have suddenly thought of something, his face changed suddenly, and his hands were tightly clasped together.

   But the old man Bo snorted coldly, "What a shame..."

   However, before he could finish his words, he heard the sound of gasping for air and looked up, only to see that the main seat had been given up by Morrie, and now Hao Ran is Bo Jingchuan standing there...


   (end of this chapter)

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